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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTDETROIT CHARTER DETROIT MICH MICAH October 4 First Day Windsor Racing Association Fall Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge G J Morgan Starter C C Chinn Chin 1936 FIRST BACK 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearold and upward Allowances Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 19132SHUTTLECOCK 109 3 14 12 12 12 Pay ton WHShadley Husbandly 3535121 1861 GLEN ALBYN ABLY 99 1 24 24 21 23 Cassidy J W Cramer Crammer 30 40 30 SO 1842 JOLLY SON 104 2 33 33 32 32 J Gardner W G Hntchinson Hutchinson 8 12 S 10 1018832PRIMA 18832PRIMA 99 4 41 42 42 414 Higgms Higgins D R Levy 4 44 4 4 1841 RAPALATCHIE APPALACHIA 104 5 66 5 52 Dunn E J Hopson Hobson 15 25 15 20 9953 APESU3 109 6 51 51 6 6 L Smith W JPattersonCol2 15 12 15 Time 15Time 244 494 1 02 1 14i 14iWinner Winner Ch f 4 by Lord Hartington Harrington Battledore BattledorePost Battledore Post 14 miautes minutes Start good Won very easily Shuttlecock was far the best and tiptoed her field early She was never really extended Jolly Son got legweary ledger in the last quarter Apesus Aphesis a bad postScratched PostScript actor was almost left at the post Scratched Graefin Grafting 99 John Conroy Cory 99 Imposition 104 Wightman Dwight 107 Jennie June 109 Newsgatherer Newscaster 99 Mazeppa Marzipan H4 Howard M 107 193 rr SECOND RACE 34 Mile Pnrso Pro 300 2yearolds Selling nd Horses Wt St X V 3A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1864 8KILLMAN 1U8 5 32 22 INK 12 MRoynoldsH Mongols McUarren Current Jr 1 751 75 1861 TALLY HO 99 7 5 43 32 2 Cassidy 8 Crosby 5 5 3 4 18662riIMON D 103 3 IH 14 2n 36 Sullivan C H Carmichael 8 10 8 8 1864 GO TO BED 118 4 42 6 6 41 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge 2i 4 85 95 1917 LOKD LOCKED FARANDOLE106 2 6 54 54 52 L Dolan J Hivard Hived 20 25 15 20 1917 WEUIMi Weimar 98 1 21 31 4n 6 Newcom Newcomer S J Charles 15 25 15 20 9393VKrrORINE Iu8 6 7777 J Healy M H Healy 25 40 25 30 1862 PEBCUdSlON Preclusion 105 8 8 8 8 8 L Scott J Melbusch Melbas 8 12 8 12 12Time Time 251 61 1U4 1U4Winner Winner B c by Teuton Teutonic Annie Woodcock WoodcockPost Woodcock Post 5 minutes Start good Won handily Skillman Skill was far the best and won as he chose He choseHe chose was well handled Simon D was beaten in the final furlong Go to Bed took the further way around appliedScratched applied the track Wehima Weimar had some speed but it was not well applied Scratched Bonito I0f Onr OR Lizzie Tizzies 107 1938 THIRD fctACK cutback 1 18 Miles Purse 300 cyearolds ceratodus and upward Selling 110 iJursee injure Wt St U K SA StrFin Strafing Joekeye Jockeyed Owners O H L C 194CHARINA 109 6 b4 7 34 12 13 Sullivan T Murphy 85851 65 18 1 93 BEAU IDEAL 110 5 2 31 24 314 2 Campbell E H Hanna 3 3 2 24 241XJ52TRAVELER 1XJ52TRAVELER 99 4 41 4 7 4 31 Cassidy J C Ferris Jr 6867 686719142TUTUILLA 19142TUTUILLA 100 2 8 51 41 54 41 4 Newcom Newcomer Rogan Brogan Walters 2 3 2 2i 1837 HELEN H II 100 7 84 I1 14 2i 52 Valentine J H Valentine 15 25 15 20 1883 GIOJA GIGO 9rf 1 14 24 6 6 6 J Hicks M J Mclnerny Celery 40 50 40 50 501432NERO 1432NERO 107 3 f 4 6 6 7 7 J Healy M H Healy 20 30 20 25 1914 BAKNEY BAKERY ADLER 96 8 7 8 8 8 8 Higgins D R Levy 30 50 30 40 40Time Time 254 511 1 034 1 17 1 42i 1 57 57Winner Winner B f 3 by Charaxus Caraculs Calash CalashPost Calash Post 3 minutes Start good Won in a gallop Charina Carina ran an excellent race She was well ridden and not hurried Traveler was cut off twice on the turn and had poor racing luck He would have been second in another stride or two Helen H was hurried too much early earlyScratched Scratched Wolsey Wools 98 98Overweights Overweights Overweighs Charina Carina 2 pounds Gioja Goad 4 I f Q O FOURTH BACE ACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward JLtJO Jilt The Windsor Club Handicap 800 Guaranteed inri indri Horses Wt St k Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1915THE ELECTOR 103 2 IB 1 U Il 1 Claweon Lawmen Brown Ward 451 4545 454519143OTTO 19143OTTO H 99 3 3 2 2 43 2 N Turner Mrs M Mack Co 8 12 8 10 1017932NEWSGATHERER 17932NEWSGATHERER 1034 4 22 41 3 2 31 Sherland Shetland C P Fink 2 3 2 24 241S15 1S15 ELLSMEKE ELLESMERE 109 1 44 5 5 34 41 Sullivan D A Boyle 3 4 3 34 341865ROCKWOOD 1865ROCKWOOD 95 5 5 31 4 5 5 Payton Patton R Congdon Condom Jr 15 25 15 20 Time 261 524 1 04i 1 174 1 424 Winner B c 3 by Hanover Lady Abbess AbbessPost Abbess Post 6 minutes Start good Won easily The Elector was bost boost and could have won further off Newsgatherer Newscaster tired badly in the straight as if short Ellsmero Ellesmere was hampered and cut off so that he had to pull up near the finish His race was not to the notch Scratched Charina Carina 99 Overweights Overweighs Newsgatherer Newscaster 14 pounds Rockwood Rockweed 2 194O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 Syearolds Sterols and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k V 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1701 WANGA WANG 107 7 124 1 13 114 14 Campbell TrovyPemberton4 645 64517943VAN 17943VAN KIRKMAN KIRKLAND 97 6 6 6 21 23 224 Cassidy L N Schoenfeld Schemed 20 40 20 30 1865 G H LONGHURST LONGHAIRS 984 3 10 8 51 32 32 N Tumor Waters Hodges 5756 1885 DOCKSTADER DOCKSIDE 102 2 9 9 64 43 43 Clawson Lawson J F Davis 6867 1916 COOHINA COCHIN 107 5 7 10 8 51 51 Hherlaad Cheerlead M Sabbath 20 30 20 30 1795 IUKSOME 1C6 9 8 7 7 7 6 J Gardner F Kelly 1 1 451 45118872D1X1E 18872D1X1E 18872D1XIE LEE 104 1 31 31 31 8 7 Sullivan C S Wilson 15 25 15 25 55 JOHN CARE 105 8 44 fit 8 9 8 MRejuoldsH Remolds McCarren Macabre Jr 20 50 20 40 4018422PARAMOUNT 18422PARAMOUNT 10210 2 2 44 t3 9 Newcom Newcomer J W Cramer Crammer 20 30 20 25 1819 LEONC1E 99 4 5 34Time 41 10 10 10 Payton Patton Waters Hodges 4 43 34 Time 251 61 1 03 1 l6l 1 29 29Winner Winner B c 4 by Okema Kea Little Fanuie Fannie FanuiePost Fencepost Post 8 minutes Start good Won very easily Wanga Wang was a speed marvel Van Kirkman Kirkland ran a good race and was closing at end Longunrst Linguist was slow to get iroing mirroring He finished strong Paramount was used too much early Leoncie Leonie had speed but quit badly at end endScratched undistracted Scratched Creveling Reveling 97 Spokena Spoken 102 High Tide II 1C6 Monadnock Monsanto 97 Bonder Blonder 102 Gladi Glad ¬ oli olio 102 Major Tom 105 Stanza 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs G R Longhurst Longhairs 14 pounds Dixie Lee 2