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HARLEfl Heartleaf JOCKEY CLUB if ifHARLEM inhale HARLEM RAGE TRACK TRACKFINEST TACKIEST FINEST AND BEST APPOINTED TRACK IN THE WEST Autumn Meeting Begins Monday September 20th RACING STARTS AT 215 PM GRAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS FULL ORCHESTRA THIRTY PIECES PIECESf PIECES f AT 130 PM DAILY DAILYSpecial Special HalstedStreet Hastiest trains Suburban Bailroad Railroad direct to grand stand leave Grand Central Station Harrison and Fifth Avenue at 1245 110 and 125 pm stopping at Halsted Halted Street and Blue Island Avenue returning immediately after the races Hound trip 25 cents 3Jake Street Elevated Trains leave station at Wabash ave and Adams st and stop at all stations connecting with Electric Cars at 52nd Street Madison Street cable cablecars calendars cars connect with electric cars at 40th street Electric cars direct to track trackAd tracked Ad m ission fission 75 Cents Ladies Admitted Free Wednesdays M Ni VDAM DAM TTAET TAE THOS ETHOS H WILLIAMS PRESIDENT R B MILROY MILO SECRETARY Stakes of Winter and Spring fleetings fleeting 1897 TO CLOSE NOVEMBER 10TH 1897 31 THE BURNS HANDICAP for all ages ono and onequarter conjecturer miles 10000 I 26 THE FOLLANSBEE FALKLANDS HANDICAP for all ages seveneighths seventieths rf a mile 22 THE THOBNTON HOBNOB STAKES for threeyearolds and upward four miles 3000 I 27 THE UcLiAuaHLiu Clausal SELLING STAKES for all ages one and onesixteenth consistent miles 23 THE PALAOB PALO HOTEL HANDICAP for all a es one and onooighth ongoing miles 2000 23 THE PACIFICUNION PACIFICATION STAKES for all ages one and oneeighth neigh miles 24 THE GCNST CONST STAKES for all aqres ares one and onesixteonth consistent miles 1500 29 THE LISSAK LISA STAKES for threeyearolds threequarters treasurers of a mile 25 THE BALDWIN HOTEL HANDICAP f pnali penal ages ne mile 1500 JO THB TB BANOHO BAMBOO DEL PASO HANDICAP for threeyearolds one mile TO CLOSE IN JANUARY 1898 31 THE ELUWOOD ELMWOOD STAKES for foais foals of 1896 1000 34 THE WATERHOUSB WATERBUS STAKES for foals of 1896 82 THE FLTINO LATINO STAKES for foaU faun of 1S98 j 1000 35 THE GENERAL ARTHUR OIGAR CIGAR STAKES for foals of 1898 83 THE RACING STAKES selling for foals of 1896 1000 36 CANDELARIA CANDELABRA HANDICAP for foals of 1893 Ship All Morses Morsels to Oakland Cal They can ba Unloaded at the Track Without Going to San Francisco For Information and Entry Blanks Address R B fllLROY SECRETARY 204 Sutter Shutter Street San Francisco Punmr Pun CT IA II V C IITD IBID AClrlC Acrylic ST IITDST IDIOTS JOCKEY t LUB LB INGLESIDE INGLES TRACK I SEASON OF 18971898 BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1 1897 1897Stakes Stakes to be Run During November and December S897 AP JAlSriJAEr I 188 V The UniversityStakes University A sweepstakes for start 1500 weight for age Allowance lib run Wednesday December 1 1897 1 18 Miles MilesThe Mildest 103 to the third horse Entranc3n eich Reich to 3yearolds foals of 1891 Guaranteed value for each 100 less to 53X Starters to ba named The Rancho Del Paso Stakes A sweep ¬ accomptny accompany the nornaitioa enormities 0 a i litiorial clitoral to 1000 of which 200 to the second and 100 to the and selling price stated through tha than entry bos boos stakes for Jyaarolda Jacaranda and upwrj upward Entrance start Weights to apps Lapps tr five dya dyad bsfor absorb the third horse Entrance 10 each to accompany the day procedin proceeding the race To be run Satur Saturn ¬ 10 each to accompany the nomination 50 ad ¬ race Winners after publication of mights nights to the nomination 25 additional to start Win ¬ day November 6 1897 1 12 miles milesThe mildest ditional diction to start Guaranted Guaranteed value 1103 of carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty To b rin Erin Saturday ners nears of two stakes of 1000 or ono of 3000 to carry The Sunnyside Sunny Stakes A sweepstakes for which 250 to second and 151 to the third the Dscombsr Discomposure H 1897 I 14 miles milesThe mildest 6 Ibs Dibs of three or more of any value or one of 52yearold colts and geldings foals of 1895 fourth hor Thor e to save his stake Allowance The Crocker Stakes A sweepstakes for 2 1000 8 Ibs Dibs penalty Other horses nonwinners nominees Guaranteed yalne yale 1200 of which 1203 to the nonwinners nominees this year of a stake of tha than value of yraarolda ramrod ijitls jails of ln 5 Guirtate Agitate 1 value of 2000 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of 1000 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens second and 100 to the third horse Entrance 15007 Iba Ia of a staka stake of any value 15 Ibs Dibs 200 of which 230 to tin second and 03 to the allowed 15 Ibs Dibs To be run Monday November 10 each to accompany the nomination 25 ad ¬ maidens 4 year olds and upward 22 Ibs Dibs Throa Throat third horse Entrance 510 oach coach to accompany the 1 1897 1 mile mileThe millet ditional diction to start A winner of a stake of the or more horses the property of entirely differ ¬ nomination 25 additional to start vVinners vintners The San Francisco Stakes A sweepstakes value of 1500 or two of any value to carry 3 ent Kent interests to start or the race may be declared of two stake of 1000 or of ono of 3500 to car ¬ off To ba run Saturday Dacembsr December 4 1897 1 34 3 Ibs Dibs of of 5 0 of 5000 5 Ibs Dibs for 2 earold Arnold tiliies utilities foals of 1895 Guaranteed Ibs Dibs of one of 250J or three or more of any ry two or one value 1200 of which 200 to second and 100 to value 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Other horses nonwinners nominees miles milesThe mildest penalty Other horses nonwinners nominees of 1000 the third horse Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma ¬ of 500 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens allowed 12 Ibi Ibid The Palace Hotel Stakes A handicap allowed 3 Ibs Dibs of 500 3 Ibs Dibs Maidens allowed pany panky the nomination 25 additional to start To be run Saturday November 13 1897 78 steeplechase lor lord 3yearoMs and upward En ¬ 14 IbR BR To ba ran Wodaeaday Wooded December 29 A winner of a stake of the value of 1500 or two mile trance 10 each to accompany the nomination 1897 Imile Simile ImileThe Simile of any value 3 Ibs Dibs of one of 250 or three or mileThe millet The Presidio Stakes A selling sweepstakes 25 additional to start Guaranteed value tuu tutu i The New Year Handicap A handicap snore of any value 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Other forayearolds freeholds foals of i9l Guaranteed value of whch which 200 to second and 100 to ths this third swaopstakes sweepstakes for yoarolds yarrows and upward Guar ¬ horses nonwinners nominees of 500 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs 1000 of which 200 to the second and 100 to the horse Weights to appear three days prior to anteed anted value 15 X of which 203 to second and maidens allowed 12 Ibs Dibs To be run Wednesday third horse Entrance 10 each to accompany the raci Gracie Four or m ro horses the proparty property of IOJ CIO to the third horse Entrance 10 each to November 3 1397 34 mile mileThe millet entirely duf duff irvjt MIRV interests to stirt stir or the race the nomination 25 additional to start XiO Xi accompany the nomination 50 additional to The Golden West Stakes A selling sweep ¬ weight for age Allowanca Allowance 3 Iba Ia for each 500 miy miry be declare 1 off To ba run Wednesday start Weights to appear five days before the stakes for 3yearolds and upward Guaranteed to 2003 then 1 Ib for each 100 to 1500 and 2 Dacombar December 8 1397 Full Course CourseThe Corseted race Winners after publication of weights to value 1000 of which 20J to the second and 100 Ibs Dibs for each 100 less to liXK like Startars Tartars to be The Hobart Stakes A handicap sweep ¬ carry 5 Ibs Dibs ponalty penalty To be run Saturday Jan ¬ to the third horse Entrance 10 each to ac ¬ named and sallin saline price stated through the stakes for dyearolds decapods foals of 189t Guaran Guaranty ¬ uary unary 1 1898 2 miles company the nomination 25 additional to entry box the day preceding the race To be teed value 1500 of which 233 to the second and BOOK FOR THE REMAINING EIGHTEEN STAKES WILL BE ISSUED LATER Entries Close October isth Kist 1897 1897FINEST F H FINEST WINTER RACE TRACK IN AMERICA PARLORS A B PALACE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO CAL