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HARLEfl Heartleaf JOCKEY CLUB CLUBHARLEM CLUBBABLE HARLEM RACE TRACK TRACKFINEST TACKIEST FINEST AND BEST APPOINTED TRACK IN THE WEST Autumn Meeting Begins Monday September 20th RACING STARTS AT 215 PM G RAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS FULL ORCHESTRA THIRTY PIECES PIECESAT PIECES AT 130 PM DAILY DAILYSpecial Special trains Suburban Kailroad Railroad direct to grand stand leave Grand Central Station Harrison and Fifth Avenue at 1245 110 and 125 pm stopping at Halsted Halted HalstedStreet Hastiest Street and Blue Island Avenue returning immediately after the races Round trip 25 cents liake lake Street Elevated Trains leave station at Wabash ave and Adams st and stop at all stations connecting with Electric Cars at 52nd Street Madison Street cable cablecars calendars cars connect with electric cars at 40th street Electric cars direct to track trackAd tracked Ad mission 75 Cents Ladies Admitted Free Wednesdays M Kt S3fBA ETT ETTA ETTRT BETTER RT TWOS H WILLIAMS PRESIDENT R B MILROY MILO SECRETARY Stakes of Winter and Spring Heelings Heeling 1897 = 98 TO CLOSE NOVEMBER 10TH 1897 21 THE BUEN3 HANDICAP or all ages ono and onequarter conjecturer miles 10000 I 26 THE FOLLANSBEE FALKLANDS HANDICAP for all ages seveneighths seventieths and onesixteenth consistent rf a mile miles 1250 1250 3000 I 27 THE Ho LAuaniiiN SELLING STAKES for all ages one 22 THE THORNTON HORTON STAKES for threeyearolds and upward four miles miles 1500 23 THE PALACE HOTEL HANDICAP for all ages one and oneeighth neigh miles 2000 23 THE PACIFICUNION PACIFICATION STAKES for all ages one and oneeighth neigh of mile J250 24 THE GONST AGONIST STAKES for all moras morals one and onesixteenth consistent miles 1500 29 THE LISSAK LISA STAKES for threeyearolds threequarters treasurers a mile 1250 25 THE BALDWIN HOTEL HANDICAP for all ages no mile r 1500 30 THE HANCHO HONCHO DEL PASO HANDICAP for threeyearoldsj one TO CLOSE IN JANUARY 1898 81 THE ELMWOOD STAKES for foais foals of 1896 1000 34 THE WATEBHOOSE WAREHOUSE STAKES for foals of 1896 t 1350 1250 l 000 35 THE GENERAL ABTHOR ABHOR GIGAE GIGUE STAKES for foals of 1896 82 THE FLYING STAKES for foals of 1896 1500 33 THE RACING STAKES selling for foals of 1896 1000 36 CANDELAEIA CANDELA HANDICAP for foals of 1895 Ship All Morses Morsels to Oakland Cal They can bo Unloaded at the Track Without Going to San Francisco For Information and Entry Blanks Address AddressR Address R B niLROY nitro SECRETARY 204 Sutler Subtler Street San Francisco Cat lPf Pf C A A C T I A T 11 17 f I IT I Pl ACIFIC PACIFIC lOAST lAST JOCKEY tLUB tUB a INOIvKSIDK TRACK SEASON OF 18971898 BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1 1897 Stakes to be Run During November and fiecember feebler 1897 AND 2STE W YEARS BCANDEC CANDLE AP 1898 llowaaca allowance lib run Wednesday December 1 1897 1 18 Miles 103 to the third horse Entranca Entrance 10 each to VTThe Tithe University Stakes A sweepstakes for start 1500 weight far a a allitionalto palliation tha than notiinatiia nomination SiO Sino for each 103 less to 51 Starters to ba name I The Rancho Del Paso Stakes V sweep ¬ accompnv accompany foals of 1894 Guaranteed value start vVeisrhts vivisects to five dys days bsfora before tha than 3yaarolda appear through tha than entry bor boor Entrance and selling prica rica state stakes for Jaarjlds Jarfuls and upwir umpire l of which 200 to the second and 100 to the race Winners after pabicatioa abdication of weights to 3lp3J the day presadin presiding the race To ba run Satur Saturn ¬ 11 each to accompany tho thou nomination 50 ad ¬ third horse Entrance 10 each to accompany 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Ti bi rui ruin Saturday day November 6 IS97 I 12 miHs miSh miHsTheSunnyside ditional diction to start Guaraatid Guarantied value 1503 of carry tho thou nomination 25 additional to start Win ¬ Dacambar Jacamar U 1897 I 14 miles milesThe mildest third tho thou second vvi vi 15 to tha than A sweepstakes for which 210 to ners nears of two stakes of 1030 or one of JOOO to carry TheSunnyside Stakes fourth horsa hors to save his sta seta ca Allowiuca Allow The Crocker StakesA Stakes swaapstakas sweepstakes for 2 5 Ibs Dibs of three or more of any value or 9ne of 2yearold colts and geldins geldings foals of 189 1 nonwinners nominees this year of a staka stake of th value of yearolda earlap foals of 1S95 Gaaraitid Gastritis value 4000 8 Ibs Dibs panalty penalty Othar Other horses nonwinners nominees Guaranteed value 120J of which 120 to the 1517 Ibs Dibs of a stak stack of any value 15 Ibs Dibs 203 of which 333 to tha than second and 3 to the of 2033 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of 1000 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens second and 100 to tUe true third horse Entranca Entrance maidens 4 yaar year olds an 1 upward 22 Ibs Dibs Throe third horse Entranca Entrance 10 ach Bach to accompany the allowad allowed 15 Ibs Dibs To be run Monday November 10 each to accompany the nomiaatioi nomination J5 ad ¬ hirsas hiss tha than proparty property of entirely differ ¬ nomination 21 additional to start vVinnars vintners more 1 1897 1 mile mileThe millet ditional diction to start A wianar wiener of a stake of the ent Kent or interests to start or the race may be leclared declared of two staku stake of 10 or of one of 5 03 to car ¬ The San Francisco Stakes A sweepstakes value of 1500 or two of any value to carry 3 off To b 3 run Satur Saturn lay Dacomb Dacron jr 4 1897 1 34 ry 3 Ibs Dibs of tw i of S 5 or one of 5330 5 Iba Ia for 2yearold fillies foals if IS9 Guaranteed Ibs Dibs of one of 250J or thraa strata or mare of any miles panalty penalty Other h irs s nonwinners nominees of 1000 value 1200 of which 200 to second and 100 to value 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Other horse nonwinners nominees milesThe mildest allowed 3 Ibs Dibs of VM 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens allowed the third horse Entranca Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma ¬ of 50J allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens allowed 12 Ibs Dibs The Palace Hotel Stakes and A handicap Ru lilbs lilts To ba raa raga Wedaeiday Wednesday Dncamber December 29 pany panky the nomination 2i additional to start To be run Saturday November 13 1897 78 steeplechase lor lord 3yeirollj tha than upvrd upward loniaatiii 1897 Imile Simile ImileThe Simile 10 each to A winner of stike strike of the value of 1500 or two mile tranoe trance aceomp Aesop tny tiny a A handicap mileThe millet 2 additional to start Gairaateod Glaciated value n i The New Year Handicap of value 3 Ibs Dibs of one of 250 or three or A selling sweepstakes Stakes any The Presidio of whch which JI to second and SliO Slip to tin t iird bird swaapstakes sweepstakes for tyaarolds tarots nai nail upward Guar cnore core of any value 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Other oaisof coatis is94 Guarantee 1 value foriJyearoldd horse vV t hta ha to looaar lobar throe days prior to antead anted valua value 15 K of which 200 to second and allowed 5 Ibs Dibs the Ihorses Horses nonwinnars nominates of 500 1003 of which 203to the second and 100 ti tho thou rioo rio i or m r h orsas dorsa t le property of 10 to the thirl thirdly horsa hors Entrance 10 each to maidens allowed 12 Ibs Dibs To ba run Vednesday Wednesday third horse Entrance 10 each to acconnany accompany entirely di I r if lit ir nti anti to st irt dirt or the race tha than nomination 50 additional to 3 1397 34 mile mileDTheIGolden 1 100 accompany Novambar November the uomination nomination additional to start miybj miry deslarel declare ol iT ba run Wednesday start Weights to appear fiva five days before the DTheIGolden West Stakes A selling swaep swap weight for agj Taj Allowance I Ib3 for each 500 DacembarS Decembers H97 Pull Course CourseThe Corseted race Winners aftar afar publication of weights to stakogfor staking 3yearolds aad ad upward Guaranteed to 2003 then I Ib for each 100 to 1500 and 2 5 Ibs Dibs To barun barn S aturday Saturday Jan ¬ value 10 X of which 20 to the second and 100 Ibs Dibs for each 10 less to 10 Starters to ba The Hobart Stakes V handicap sweep carry panalty penalty 1898 2 miles stated through tho thou stakas stakes foe Jyaar Jar jlds lads ifials fails of 1894 Guaran Guaranty ¬ uary unary 1 to the third horse Eatranca Entrance 10 eaca exacta to ac ¬ named and selling price company the nomination 25 additional to entry box the day preceding the race To be teed value S1500 of which 23 to tha than second and BOOK FOR THE REMAINING EIGHTEEN STAKES WILL BE ISSUED LATER LATERntries Alternatives ntries entries Close October isth Kist 1897 F H GREKN GREEK SECRETARY SECRETARYP1NBST P1NBST WISTBR WISTER RACE TRA3KJIN AMERICA PARLORS A B PALACE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO CAL