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INDIANA RACING TO OPEN Everything is in readiness for the opening at atLakeside algaecide Lakeside Monday Evidently the management managementt management t expects to race during cold weather Glass has hasf has f been put in the grand stand and furnaces erected in the betting ring The track has been well worked and harrowed and is in firstclass fistulas firstclassshape shape shapeAbout shapeable About the same horses that performed at Harlem will be seen at the Indiana course and the windup of the racing season in this vicin vicinal ¬ ity city should bo a lively one oneGeorge concierge George Rose G C Bennett Walters Vir Vr ¬ ginia gina Carroll Billy Davis Kid Eogers Rogers Carey Applegate Appellate and the same crew that posted the odds at Harlem have remained here for the coming meeting The same officials will handle the racing with Col Cool Clark in the judges stand Martin Nathanson Nathan in the secre secret ¬ tarys tars office and P P Pomeroy Poetry clerk of the scales scalesThe scaliest The selling race war on Ryan was quite warm warmjr warmer jr the last week at Harlem but Ryan seems to 3 be able to take care of himself and was wasworried ascribed worried less than anyone about the continuous continuousrunups continuous runups roundups After Jim Hand had raised both Ro Robair Roar bair Baird and Ace last Tuesday Ryan laughed laughedthanked laughed thanked and invited him to take a bottle of ofwine bowline wine Hand accepted the invitation and the thepair hear pair parted the best of friends friendsThursday friendships Thursday when George Bennett ran second with Laureate to Garland Bar he raised the Ryan horse 800 in one bid Bennett of courseV course was entitled to 400 of the run up but refused to take it He would not give it back to Ryan however so it will be donated to some asylum Bennett said he did not run the price up to ben ¬ efit befit himself but only to keep Ryan in line lineIt linnet It has become the fashion for jockeys to have agents Burns employs two Both have full access to the paddock jockey room and betting ring It is a common thing to see one of Master Burns agents rush up the stairs to the jockeys dressing room and then tear back into the bet ¬ ting ring ringThursday Thursday Burns was asked by the Clerk of the Scales Pomoroy Comoro to ride a horse The boy re ¬ fused saying that he wanted to use what time ho had to collect Pomeroy Poetry told him the rules were that after a boy made weight ho was not allowed out of the paddock and told him too they applied to Burns as well as Rose or Law ¬ rence rene or anyone else A few minutes later Pomeroy Poetry had some business in the stand and while walking there ran into Burns all dressed The boy was reported to the judges and should bo punished punishedJockey punished Jockey Donaldson Donald went to the Secretary last week and demanded a badge for his agent Donaldson Donald is one of the warmest articles among the colored contingent He recently took a prize at a cake walk Since then he sports a long doublebreasted adulterated overcoat with big white pearl buttons and patent leather shoes with fancy tcfp tcp s and big buttons He also has the necessary cane and big cigar