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MR HAGGINS HAGGIS BREEDING PLANS John Mackeys Lackeys a smart man Smart is ap ¬ plied to him with a full comprehension of its meaning He has sold and bought better than any man in America Broad men like J B Hag gin whose turf possessions are the greatest in the world and the late Simeon Simon B Reed put their horse interests into Mackeys Lackeys skillful hands with profit Mackey Mickey is a princely fellow in his oxpen open ditures disturbers a giant in stature and a churchman in appearance Ho would be singled out of a crowd of 1000 men for his striking clean cut face framed in gray hair that seems to have come before its time yet improves its contents The Haggin Haggling breeding plans have expanded in ¬ stead of being made smaller as per report Rancho del Paso will have a Kentucky auxill1 iary airy in future Mr Haggin Haggling bought Elmendorf Eleanor one of the choicest bits of blue grass land last week Order and Candlemas Candelas two of the best on the special train of Mr Haggin Haggling In it were a lot of brood mares and Trolley the Marten hurst May H filly bought last Wednesday by Mr Mackey Mickey She will be raced with the Mackey Mickey or Haggin Haggling stable in San Francisco this winterx winter The group is likely to cut a smart figure in tho thou picture of young sires and the most valuable of the Brookdale Boodle mares carefully gathered by the late David Dunham Durham Withers were also ac ¬ quired quirked All are to stock the Kentucky farm Some of the best of the Rancho del Paso matrons will also be transferred to Kentucky Mr Mackey Mickey owned Deerslayer Deerstalker until last week He sold him to Walter Rollins Collins of the Oneck Neck Stable The Haggin Haggling brood mare Aethel Ethel by Stratford was recently destroyed on account of infirmity Mr Mackey Mickey will como East again within two weeks and after overhauling Mr Haggins Haggis new Kentucky establishment return to San Fran ¬ cisco for a winters racing foray John Mackey Mickey as keen a character as the American turf knows was in Chicago Friday and continued his journey to Rancho del Paso Friday night He came with Walter B Jen Jean ¬ nings Ming who is to train a group of Haggin Haggling horses and Dr McMillan Macmillan the veterinary export of the groat goat Haggin Haggling establishment from New York