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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 34 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt19172Spunwell 19172Spunwell 2 86 11152Sorrow 2 86 6926 On Gua Guam Nita Anita 2 86 82462LdMarmion2 89 891756Fonsavannh2 1756Fonsavannh2 89 Yule 3 96 962087ZamarII3102 2087ZamarII3102 7411 Apto3 102 1028245Alma3 8245Alma3 102 Malplaquet3102 3294 Polish 3 105 8530 Easel 4 107 6936 Summertime 4107 804 Montgomery4107 8U08 Satsuma 6 110 8018 Bellicoso Bellicose 5 110 110Second Second Kace Ace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 8277 FashinPlate3 94 87203Marquiso 4 103 8332 Doyle5 103 Lorena Lorna 3 103 10381202Osric 81202Osric II 3 103 8278 JdgeDenny Judged 4106 8700 Peter 115 108 Third Race Race2yearolds 1 34 Mile MileAllowances Misalliances 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesCatawba Allowances 8202 Cima Cia 99 99StCuthbert Catawba Castaway StCuthbert Stouthearted 99 99Brambella 8202 Truth Brambella Barbell 99 99Master Canonicus Canonic Master Mariner 99 80Q4 Zapata 8507 Miss Remsen Bremen 109 1886 Midrica Miriam TinyP Tiny 109 1741 The Ace 8529 LosPrietosll3 7946 Estro Destroy Fourth Race 1 Mile MileThe Millet The University Stakes Value 1000 3yearolds Allowances Flamelia Lamella 104 8200 Los Cerillos Carillons 104 1048243Claudiana 8243Claudiana 104 Margrum Margery 104 104475Q2Fleur 475Q2Fleur de Lis Lisa Ill 1827 Aquinas Ill Ill7387EttaH 7387EttaH Ill 2083 Newsgatherer Newscaster 111 11185313Horatio 85313Horatio 114 7215Hohenzollern 114 77062 Altamax Alta 114 114W W Boots entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 8704 Tim Mrphy Murphy 11104 9847TrraArchr4104 5726 Gratify 4 104 87023Thelma 6 104 8700 OFleta5 104 76 Outgoo Outgo 104 1043772Kamsin4 3772Kamsin4 104 7073 Palomacita3104 8532 Hermamta5 104 8701 Una Luna CTrado6107 8511 Daylight 4 107 7902 Joe Terry 4 107 7397 Elmer F 6 107 101 Eemus Emus 5 107 1634 Cutaway 4 107 6476 Lucky Dog 6 107 107790L 790L Free Will 3 107 1815 DonFulano Confucian 6 110 f x Sixth Race 1 Mile 3 yearolds earls and upward Allowances 1827 Aquinas 3 95 2014 Par themax them 3 98 9887002Cqda 87002Cqda 4 104 8180Installator 5107 8531 McLight Cling 6 107 8019Ostler Joe 4 112