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1 NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3480 Mellie Nellie 4 92 2175 E NeRegina4 97 3449 Con Reagan 4 97 3556 Gioja Goad 4 97 3136 Miss Al Frow497 354Q3Jim Hogg Hog 7 99 3571 Springtime 7 99 3302 Necedah Necked 6 102 3523 Nero 10 103 3539 Berclair Berlin 5 104 3417 Momus6 104 104Second Second Race 7 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Selling 3511 Banrica Arnica 101 3476 Amateur 101 10135212Dunster 35212Dunster 105 35113Ben Frost 107 1073570Seaport 3570Seaport 110 84933Dudley E 110 1103538Siva 3538Siva 110 110Third Third Race 1 14 Miles The Jackson Handicap 1000 guaranteed guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds and upward 3492 CS Bush4 90 35233Booze 7 92 3523 Courtesy 4 93 3523 Nan Ls Sis 4 94 3447 Milwaukee 4 95 3511Mazarin 5 95 3528Evanatus8 109 3557DrShpprd4114 3557DrShpprd4114Fourth Fourth Race1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 3i563Sister Clara 4 103 35393Brighton 4 104 Dr Simpson4 104 35562Viscount4 108 3521 Bombardon 4 108 35232CherryLeaf4108 3540 Jane6 108 35243Tranby5 110 3460 Wells Streot6 110 110Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 3557 Reel 4 94 35123Qreusa 4 94 9434S02Terranet 34S02Terranet 5 97 3415Woodlawn 499 3576 Little Ocean4 99 34953Eton Jackot4 99 3537 Robinson a 99 3511 Al Lone 4 99 35692Everost 4 101 3540 Eug Eugene Blair 4 101 3510 Hib Hi Queen 0 102 3492Tit for Tat6 102 3352Treopia 4 104 3414Sautorne B 104 3511 Uncas Uncaps 5 104 104Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 3571 Full Hand 4 92 3571RobtBonner494 3497 DadsDgLtr5 97 3496 Jersey Lad 4 97 8541JimComvuy4101 3556 Jack Hayes4101 3556 Dorothy Tl5104 3343 Terramie Tramline 4 104 3494 Bagpipe 6 106 3524 Little Billy6106 3537 Crescent4 106 3417 Domingo 7 109