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BAKKSDALE ENTRIES I Probabilities Weather clear track fair fairFirst airiest First Kace Ace 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3567 Pennbrook Pembroke 114 3474 Colonel T 114 3566 Farragut Farrago Ill 3409 Flames Ill Ill35452Gorman 35452Gorman Ill 3S32 Jerquet Enrique Ill 3509 Belle Flower 109 3509 Heresy 109 10935663Startling 35663Startling 109 3507 Jeneola Jeanne 109 109Seconjl Seconjl Secom Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Allowances 3282 Magnolia 110 3361 Harper 110 3426 Mills 110 3426 Crayon 107 3426 Wendell 107 32823Peggy R 105 10534262Isolde 34262Isolde 105 Hope 105 1051910Park 1910Park Slope 105 3426 The Mite 105 105Tliird Tliird Laird Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs3ydarolds 3ydarolds and upward Allowances 3412 Meadows 115 3566 HarryBennett 115 3316 Zack Sack LusbyHO Clubby 35662Heck Jr 107 3566 A B Dade 107 34733Phil Thompsonl07 Florence MoorelOa Morel 35083 May PinkertonlOS Pinkerton 3331 Lillie Seals 87 35322pontifex 92 Formerly 92Formerly Frank T TFqurtli Fqurtli Furl Race 1 Mile Y P M Handicap 3567 11635642Gallatin Oracle 120 3533 Gov Go Griggs Rigs 116 35642Gallatin 115 3567 Gould 113 3411 Plsant Plant Smiles 110 3564 Susie Hawze Haze 105 35675Nollio S 103 356438iva 103 3581 Reform 100 3568 B of Killarney Killer 95 953546Lida 3546Lida Wdlands Dolmans 95 3544 Prompt 90 90Fifth Fifth Race 1 11 G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3581 Corn Cob 116 3C58 Pocketp Pocket iece niece 113 3507 V pntanna antenna 115 S536Lady Francos Francs Ill 35333Hallie Gay Ill 3536 Claurece Clarence 3536Tomoka 108 3568 Ferocious 3427Cake Walk 106 3564 Ninis Minis Sixth Race G 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 35672Mon Doctrine 115 3429Whippany 35332 Jonah White 115 3346 Runaway 3237 Mantle 112 3443 Sebastian 3566 Medica Medical 110 Bessie W