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TO BE ISSUED JANUARY 8th COPYRIGHTED American Sporting flanual faucal of 1898 1898A A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON EXPERTS WILL CONTRIBUTE TO IT George Siler Silver on Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F H Brunei and C C Riley on Racing Ed Sheridan on Baseball Louis Sass on football cycling and athletics athleticsAN athletics AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RECORDSRACING RECONSTRUCTING RACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X XC C PUGILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EVENTS OF 1897 H nSTDIO studio FPING PING AJsTD Adjusted BOOKMAKHSTa Bookmarks TABLES NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL December Form Books o COPYRIGHTED BOUND CHARTS FROM DECEMBER 1 TO DECEMBER 31 INCLUSIVE Jb Paper Covered Books Ready for Local Delivery Saturday January 1 1Soft Soft Morocco Covered Books will be Ready Tuesday January 4 4REINFORCED REINFORCED PAPER COVERED EDITION FULLY INDEXED 100 SOFT MOROCCO COHERED EDITION INDEX OF LINEN PAPER LETTERED 450 450The The Edition is Limited First Come First Served We pay the Freight Orders Must be Prepaid Books sent to Out = of Town Subscribers by Express ExpressThere Express There will be a few Books of October November and December three months Charts in d 3 CA CAsoftwmorocco softwmorocco softwood covers linen paper lettered index Price pO pOt7 t7 t7I I THE SUPPLY OF ANNUALS IS EXHAUSTED EXHAUSTEDA EXHAUSTED A few six months books from July 1 to December 31 1897 in morocco covers at 1000 The Only depots to supply are those at Cincinnati St Louis Detroit and San Francisco FranciscoDaily Francisco Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 126 sth Seth Ave Chicago 111 Leighs Sleighs Portable Stalls StallsCheap Stalls TURF EXCHANGE EXCHANGEAT EXCHANGE Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable TRAINERS OWNERS AND AT ROBY ROY INDIANA When yon ship your horses ask Express Company to stall yon oar with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portablf Portable Stall adjustable to any car thm them Received by Wire on all absolute securing safety to youi you horses while in transit without Racing Events additional cost to the shipper at express companys company fnrnisn Francis then free of cost to you They dont don't defaco deface the car when adjusted gpaclal gala trains leave P F W C BR Depot Canal and Adams Streets at 1 OOand Doodad and can be set up in thirty minutes 1 4O p m stopping at Archer Avenue 41 atreet street and fungiewood fungi Keguiar Regular train at for any number of homes to 24 it 2pm Returning at 5O5 p m and after the last San Francisco race double door baggage car Exprosi Exposit Alley j connects with ii ctric citric cars at 63d Street and Madison companies can procure atalle fatale bj bake Shore ivi ii ch gan Egan southern Van Buren Burn Straet Street Depot Regular train at applying to toTHOSMcFADDBN 1205pm Returning at 431 and 634 pm pmnino pimiento nino nine s Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Roby Robby Electric Cars THOSMcFADDBN Mgr at 92nd Street StreetCOflBINATIONS 60 ELM STCINCINNATI ST COflBINATIONS Combinations ON ALL EVENTS EVENTSFare Events CINCINNATI 0 WU5TI81E W 3 STALLS FIT AH CAc CA Fare for the Round Trip on All Roads 25 Cents