Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-01-09


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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather showery track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt35632Sorrow 35632Sorrow 3 83 3386 DRacingFm388 DRacingFm38835753Hhland 35753Hhland Ball 3 92 35773Alma 4 94 3271 Mrs Shade 4 91 3354 D J Tobin 4 96 3452 Coupon III 4 96 3563 Coda 5 97 3578 Pat Murphy 6 103 35523U Colorado7 99 35742Charles A 7 99 3576 K Ludwig 4 103 3403 Outgo 6 103 3575 IDontKnow8107 3373 Button 4 107 3563 Torsion 5 107 3549 Heidelberg 4 107 3549 Our Climate5107 2861Howard 7 107 32472Don Fulano7 110 110Second Second Race 5 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3386 Little T G 3 99 3032 CTnialDame399 Chihuahua 3 101 3526 Aluminum 3 101 3321 Castake Costae 3 101 3437 Mistleton Mistletoe 3 104 2473 Blarnystono Blarneys 3101 3531San Venado3104 1620 DntSklpMe4lH 3033 February 4 111 11133872Lucky 33872Lucky Star 4 113 2529 Lorena Lorna 114 115 2841 Mahogany 7 117 34072Bellicoso6 120 2955 SMcAllister Scaliest 6120 6120Third Third Race 1 18 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 3562 Palomacita Palma 4 90 3356 Thelma Helm 7 90 3387 Widow Jones4 95 3576 Marcel 7 95 3520 Mamie Mammies Scott 6 98 98Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MileCalifornia California Maiden Stakes 1000 Guaranteed 3yearolds Allowances 3559 Bow and Arrow 109 3370 Flandes Flanders 112 112Ravelette Ravelette Ravel 117 Omeila Rommel 117 3318 Boadicea Bodice 117 35042Eddie Jones 122 1223575Catawba 3575Catawba 129 3407Sybaris 132 132Burns Burns Waterhouse Warehouse entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 78 Mile MileGolden Illegible Golden Gate Stakes 1250 guaranteed guaranteedAll guaranteed All ages Allowances 3322 Bonnie Ione3 92 3531 San Venado3 92 El BarbarenoS Barbarians 94 34992SL Callatine Palatine 3 99 993516Dr 3516Dr Sharp 3 99 3530Shsta Water 4109 30342ColVheler4109 3595FleurdeLis 4109 3515 ReydlDiblo4109 17142Dunois 4 112 11234213Satsuma 34213Satsuma 6 117 117Burns Burns Waterhouse Warehouse entry entrySixtli entry Sixtli Sixties Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 3578 Stentor Senator 4 97 3358Sly 4 100 3578 H Thoburn4 101 3593 Benamela5 102 10235953Schiller 35953Schiller 5 102 3485Bernardillo4106 3485Bernardillo410635822polish 35822polish 4 107 3578 Hazard 5 107 3450 Allahabad Allah 6 107 3469 Perseus Peruses 5 107 34062STaverdale5 108 34032Serena5 109

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898010901/drf1898010901_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1898010901_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800