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BARKSDALE BARKS FORM CHART CHARTBARKSDALE BARKSDALE BARKS MD January 8 Sixth day Barksdale Barks Racing Association Winter meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Ralph Bayard Boatyard Starter Mars Cassidy 359 rT FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo ina Gina Horses norses noses vt at 1A yz atrinn atrium Jockeys Owners O H L C 35663STARTLING 8585656535452QORMAN 109 1 li li 1 H Lynch Maspeth Aspect Stable 85856565 35452QORMAN 111 4 2 2 2 21 Neel Kneel G C Gray 3635 3509HERESY 36353509HERESY 109 5 5 51 42 32 Yetter Getter DeKalb Deal Stable 4544 3566 FARRAGUT FARRAGO 111 3 4 41 31 4 Houlahan Goulash Kuhn Randolphs Randolph 12 8 12 3509 BELLE FOWLER 109 6 64 6 61 51 Bender Jackson City Stbl Stable 4746 3332 JERQUET ENRIQUE 111 9 9 7 7 62 Cunngham Chung J J Ryan 10 12 10 12 3474 COLONEL T 114 2 31 3 = 5 7 Riley S D Jackson 10 10 4 44 3507 JENEOLA ENGEL 114 7 7888 Dangler East Side Stable 12 15 12 12 3409 FLAMES 111 8 8999 Brophy Trophy C Green 12 15 12 12 Time 12Time 26 J 55 1 11 28 Winner 28Winner B m 6 by Day Star Laraminta Claremont Start good Won easily the next throe were driving made up r a lot of b bu ground u u OUu IOU and finished OUufinished strong Colonel T was tiring He ran his race though Startling was the best and had plenty endScratched undistracted of speed Farragut Farrago tired at the end Scratched Pennbrook Pembroke 114 114Overweights Overweights Overweighs Jeneola Jeanne 5 pounds O K Q O SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds Maidens O tJ O Allowances Wt St V4 Vi 3A Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C 3361 HARPER 110 1 22 26 1 li CunnghamM Chung Norton 3 3 32823PEGGY R 110 5 61 31 3 22 Neel Kneel E Lewis Jr 4 6 o MrAQTNOLIA Magnolia 107 2 1 ll 21 3 Donnelly Donnelley Glynn Lynn Stable 6655 3426 WENDELL 107 7 7 51 41 41 Campbell C S Orrison Orison 12 15 12 15 LS LSON SON ON J ° 7 3 41 4i 5 52 Nostrand Unstrained SmithNostrand 10 15 10 15 ii28E4 ii28E4SLOPE SLOPE 110 8 887 61 Ellis G C Gray 6 15 6 12 3426 MILLS 110 4 3 6 61 7 Nelson Mantle Stable 12 20 12 15 3426 THE MITE 107 6 5 7 8 8 Champ F McDermott 12 15 12 12 858545134262ISOLDE HOPE 107 9 9999 Narvaez Larvae Hill Top Stable 8585451 34262ISOLDE 105 10 10 10 10 10 Brophy Trophy B Barnes 6 10 6 8 Time 27 56 1 05f Winner HarperStart Harpers B c by Ecuador Alice Harper Start poor Won easily Hope was practically left Peggy R and Magnolia stumbled on the stretch turn Harper was lucky Bar accidents Magnolia would have won Wendell made ur ground throughout throughoutOverweights throughout Overweights Overweighs Peggy R 5 pounds Park Slope 5 The Mite 2 Hope 2 Change in Weight Magnolia 3 pounds off THIRD RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt J4 54 M StrJTin Starting Jockeys Owners O H L C 3566 HARRY BENNETT 115 3 li 1 12 U Bender J J Johnson i 35662HECK JR 107 4 4 41 32 22 Narvaez Larvae Camden Stable 2 2 2 2 2035083MAY 3566 A B DADE 110 2 2 2 41 3 Ellis Ordway Norway Stable 10 25 10 20 35083MAY PINKERTON 105 1 51 5 5 41 J Moore J Castle 8 12 8 10 3412MEADOWS 103412MEADOWS 115 5 31 3 2 5 Cunngham Chung R Mann 2 2 852 3316 ZACK SACK LUSBY LOUSY 112 7 7 7 7 62 Riley W L Maupin Mapping 6867 686735322PONTIFEX 35322PONTIFEX 92 6 61 6 61 7 Sullivan Good Hope Stbl Stable 6 15 6 1 3331 LI LLIE LIE SEALS 89 8 8888 McKnight Mocking Pimlico Pillion Stable 6 20 6 15 34733PHIL 1534733PHIL THOMPSON 110 Left at the post Neel Kneel Melrose Stk St Frm Farm 6 10 6 8 02tWinner Formorly Formerly Frank T Time 26 55 1 02t HardyStart Hardy Winner B g 5 by Hickory Jim dam by Jack Hardy Start poor Won driving the next three were driving also Meadows tired in the heavy going Heck Jr closed strong Harry Bennett had the foot of the party May Pinkerton would have been third in another stride strideScratched strides Scratched Florence Moore 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs A B Dade 3 pounds Zack Sack Lusby Clubby 2 Lillie Seals 2 Phil Thompson 3 t HOO HOMO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward YPM PM Handicap ind bind Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3567GOULD 113 5 54 51 52 31 1 J Moore Clover Stable 5 35673NELLIE S 103 1 1 21 32 1 2 Cunngham Chung H B Anderson 8 12 8 10 3544 PROMPT 90 8 74 1 21 33 McKnight Mocking T Fagin Fain 10 20 10 15 3411PLSANT SMILES 110 6 4 7774 Neel Kneel G C Gray 6867 35642GALLATIN 115 10 10 10 9 6 5 Brophy Trophy G Blake 4544 3564 SUSIE HAWZE HAZE 105 9 9 9 6 8 Bender R Baker 6866 3533GOV GRIGGS BRIGGS 116 7 8 8 10 9 7 Narvaez Larvae Jersey Stable 4544 3581 REFORM 105 2 2 12 21 4 t 8 Donnelly Donnelley Kuhn RandolphlS Randolph 30 15 25 3567 68663546LIDA ORACLE 120 3 3 3 i 5 9 Lynch J McCauley 6866 3546LIDA WODLANDS WOODLANDS 97 5 6 6 8 10 10 Campbell Pimlico Pillion Stable 6867 3568B OF KILLARNEY KILLER 95 11 11 11 11 11 11 Bennett W Richardson 15 30 15 20 Time 20Time 27 56 1 12 1 30 1 57i 57iWinner Winner B c 4 by Eolus Bolus Lady Grace GraceStart Graces Start fair Won driving Cunningham threw the race away fooling with McKnight Mocking The latter was of little or no help to Prompt who was the best Belle of Killarneys Milanese price was out of line So was her race Goulds Gould win was extremely lucky Reform went all to pieces when pinched distanceScratched distances Gallatin Gallanting made up a lot of ground It was over Oracles distance Scratched Siva 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Reform 5 pounds Lida Linda Woodlands 2 O f 1 FIFTH RACE1 11G IU 3 A Purse UIOD QUID 100 iuu Isuzu 3yearolds 0JD01Uili0 and QUli QUi upward u alu alum Allowances nuwuuuos Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3564 NINIS MINIS 106 9 4 44 li 12 14 Brophy Trophy R M Simpson 3 34 2 24 35333HALLIE GAY 111 2 5 6 5 4 23 J Moore Mt Vernon Stabie3 3 2 24 2435683POCKETPIECE 35683POCKETPIECE 113 5 2 1 2 22 31 Donnelly Donnelley DWMdoney 6 10 6 8 35362LADY FRANCES 111 4 7 7 8 7 42 Bennett A Sayre Ayres 6 12 6 10 3568 FEROCIOUS 108 8 8 8 6 3 54 CunnghamElkton Stable 6 15 6 12 3536TOMOKA 108 7 31 31 31 6 61 Nelson T Welsch Welch 24 34 24 3 3427CAKE WALK 106 1 li 2 41 51 7 Bender Pleasant Val Stbl Stable 3433 3507 VENTANNA VENETIAN 113 6 9 9 9 8 8 Ellis J Meagher Meager 10 10 6 8 3536 CLAURECE CLARENCE 111 3 61 51 7 9 9 Nostrand Unstrained A Thomas 8 15 8 12 12Time Time 27 57 1 12 1 30 1 56 2 05i Winner B f 4 by Charaxus Caraculs Ninon Minoan NinonStart Minnesota Start fair Won driving to the limit Ninis Minis was the right one and ran a good race Hallio Hallo Gay would have won with a stronger ride Moore seemed helpless the last sixteenth Cakes Walk dees des better at a sprinting distance Ferocious ran a fair race Lady Frances finished strong strongScratched Scratched Corn Cob 116 3602 SIX SIXTH RACE 0 13 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Horses Wt St 1A 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O 2MON DOCTRINE 115 3 li Hi 12 H Narvaez Larvae Jersey Stable 1 1 35 4 2JONAH WHITE 115 2 2 2 22 2 CunnghamDixie Stable 24 3 2 3 SEBASTIAN 6645MEDICA 112 1 4n 44 41 3 Ellis J McCarren Macabre 6645 MEDICA MEDIA 110 4 32 3 3 4 Bender T J Dean 2 2 2 24 RUNAWAY 115 5 6 54 51 54 Donnelly Donnelley Pleasant Val Stbl Stable 15 20 12 20 BESSIE M 110 5 5i 6 6 6 Watson G C Gray 5545 5545Time Time 27i 56 1 12 1 27 1 344 Winner 344Winner B c 4 by Tristan Dristan Aquilon Aquiline Start good Won driving1 The winner was much the bst best and won as he chose Sebastian had speed at the end Jonah White ran a fair race and finished strong Medica Medical had early speed but was tiring at the end Bessie M was outclassed Runaway was miserably ridden inrow ingrown his race out outScratched outstretched Scratched Whippany Whipping 115 Mantle 112