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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CA L jaii jai 11 Twentysixth Twenty day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting rftfTv raft jjjeather wet track sloppy Presiding Jtfflge yfjjfb Murphy Starter J B Ferguson The recall jjagis jags used Racing starts at 2 15 p m O Cmfc Cm FIRST RACE34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 Vz Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 3437 M1STLETON 112 3 14 1 11 IH Thorpe W Boots Son 4 4 24 24 3483 ROULETTE WHL HL 107 5 21 22 24 2 Clayton J Harvey 3i 4 34 34 3547 MAIN BAR 54 7 42 3 4 Spencer Atkin Akin LottridgeS Glottides 10 8 8 3498 BRAMBELLA BARBELL 41 3 S 4 E Jones W P Magrano Marian 20 20 15 15 3375 ROSE MAID 51 5u es 51 VanKuren Anuran Covington Coving Kent 6866 3575 THE DIPPER 120 9 899 6 Hennessy Hennas E W Purser 3 45 3 4 j 3563 FOREST GU RD 109 8 7 6 5 7 Stevens NewmanTuemlrlS Newman 20 15 15 15S101 S101 BE HAPPY 117 10 10 10 10 8 Freeman T H Boyle 20 30 20 25 3558 HENRY C 120 7 3 4 8 920 H Shields T Wilson 15 15 10 12 3481 T McHUGH Chug 120 6 9 8 7 10 C Sloan L H Ezell Bezel 12 15 10 12 12Time Time 25 oil 1 04 1 1L 1LWinner Winner Ch c by Brutus Bruits Mistletoe MistletoeStart Mistletoes Start good Won easily There was a smart drive for the place Mistleton Mistletoe ran above the mark and seemed to outclass his field He favors fast going The Wheel spun merrily She was used too mucb much is only a sprinter and went to pieces in the stretch Mainbar Marinara isn ism t much He was poorly ridden and finished strong Brambella Barbell likes distance off and the mud She was badly ridden The Dipper does best on hard going and at a distance He was shut oil at start Tho Theo race was not one of deep valuejisjto alienist futureform future O ijr Mir SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3436 AL KORAN 116 7 4 44 li 1H Spencer A J Wilson Co 10 In 10 12 3548 ABINA SABINA 103 5 32 33 24 22 E Jones H E Rowell Roswell 6866 3372 MORINGA MORIN 105 1 135963DR 64 61 4 31 Devine Define J Conway 20 25 20 20 35963DR MARKS 113 4 51 5 3 4 Thorpe B Schreiber 2 24 85 85 3032 COLONIAL DAME 111 11 112777LEE 11 12 10 54 Clayton W B JennrngsCo2 34 2 2 2777LEE KYLO KYLE 113 6 10 11 9 62 McDonald J E Dolan 30 60 30 50 3386 EL MORO 116 9 99 l 7 Hennessy Hennas J F Mangan Meagan 8866 3498 GLENOWER GENOME 105 13 1334083MAGNUS 14 14 12 83 Stevens W H McLemore Clamored 20 30 20 25 34083MAGNUS 113 3 71 71 74 9 Hobart C Parker 20 60 20 50 3531 MISS ALICE II 111 8 2 21 54 IQi Ii C Sloan E McCormick 10 15 10 10 8202 SAN DURANGO 105 12 12 10 13 112 VanKuren Anuran E J Baldwin 10 15 10 12 3386 LITTLE T G 111 2 14 1 61 123 Kerin Erin J Hickle Hickey 20 20 15 20 3408 ROSA 106 10 13 13 14 132 OConnor O'Connor J Mulkey Mule Co 50 100 50 80 2652 ON GUA GUAM NITA NIT 111 14 84 8 11 14 McGinn McKinney L H Ezell Bezel 15 15 12 15 15Fprmerly Formerly Fprmerly Kylee Kyle Time 25i 524 1 04 1 17 17Winner Winner B c by Duncombe Buncombe Veronica VeronicaStart Veronicas Start fair Won easily the next five were driving Koran in the going was best He was lucky too Abina Sabina had bad luck She was shut off on first turn and in back stretch and was far from well ridden Marks had all kinds of bad luck He was cut off at start and on first turn and not well ridden Colonial Dame runs as if she favors a route and a hard track She was not well handled Watch Kylo Kyle He will be of some account in mud Little T G is but a sprinter Glen ower Gower was dosing at end and was vilely ridden El Moro ran short Mormga Morgan had bad luck and was badly ridden riddenScratched Scratched Eroica Erotica 103 Formella Formula 103 Musculado Muscular 105 Jim Brownell Browne 108 Master Mariner 113 Lady Ashley 111 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Allowances 3628 Ind Indo Horses Wt St V2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 0 H L C 3595 RUBICON 114 3 2 2 21 1H 12 Thorpe H T Griffin 451 4545 45453561DOUBLE 3561DOUBLE QUICK 124 2 li 1 1 22 2 H Shields F Brown 10 12 10 10 1033913PAUL 33913PAUL GRIGGS BRIGGS 109 5 51 42 45 3H 3i Gray B J Johnston 3 3 2 2 235772NEWSGATHERER 35772NEWSGATHERER 116 4 41 3 3s 46 430 C Sloan C P Fink 5644 3608 OUTGO 106 6 62 62 6 52 5i VanKuren Anuran J B Brandon 60 100 60 100 7700 GALLANT 121 1 3 51 5 66 61 Jenkins D A Honig Hong 75 100 75 100 3245 DON DANIEL 106 7 7 7 7 7 7 Stevens M Johnson 50 100 50 100 100Time Time 25J 5H 1 04 1 17 1 44 44Winner Winner Ch h 7 by Rayon dOr doer Lillie R RStart Start Start good Won in a gallop Rubicon was in a soft spot and outclassed the lot Quick ran a race above the mark He was lucky though and the going suited him He is good Griggs Rigs had all kinds of bad luck and was badly ridden He is a hard horse to handle Was coming strong at finish Newsgatherers Newscaster forte is mud He was closing stoutly from a strong beginning Ho is ready So is Griggs Rigs O T O FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 34842MAY W 104 3 24 21 1 li Morse D Cameron 5857 58573559TEA 3559TEA ROSE III 99 2 H 14 23 24 Spencer Atkin Akin Lottridgel Outride 5 1 35 45 453548MIDLIGHT 3548MIDLIGHT 104 1 34 424 324 320 Thorpe Kittleman Skittle Bros Brows 85 95 75 85 3592 PERIL 99 5 41 3 5 430 Stevens W F Roeder Redder 40 40 30 30 3036093FEBRUARY 3036093FEBRUARY 36093FEBRUARY 96 4 5 5 4 5 McNichols Conchoids R D Ledgett Leggett Co40 60 40 50 Time 50Time 24i 50 1 02i 1 154 154Winner Winner B f 4 by Eagle Plume Froila Roil FroilaStart Frailest Start good Won in a hand gallop drive for the place May W was far the best and well ridden She had a smooth journey Tea Rose was unlucky and vilely ridden Midlight Midnight could not keep up naturally and ran his race He was outclassed with the others othersScratched Scratched Agues Tobin 81 Morinel Moraine 84 Hardly 81 363O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling i Jockeys Owners O H L C 35622ARGENTINA 108 1 14 14 I 12 134 Clayton E J Baldwin 2 24 85 2 3405 OSRIC OSTRICH II M4 5 21 21 2142 23 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 3 434 3403 EARL COCHRMjiBDi 2 3i 3 31 32 32 H HI Brown J Cochran 30 50 25 25 3358SLY leFSe leSe 7 51 4i 41 51 41 Grt Girt Grt3520FASHION Gray Lassen Larsen Stable StableStevens Stables 3 3 24 24 3520FASHION PLATBf Plat 96 3 6i 61 6H 4i 52 Ste Sate Stevens Joseph Harvey 4646 3469 ALVERO VALERO 101 8 8 WainwrightC Wainwright V Chappell Chapel 50 100 50 75 3578 HERMANITA HERMAN 102 6 7 735513CHARLEY 54 51 7 74 E Jones E F Smith 6846 684635513CHARLEY 35513CHARLEY REIFF RIFF 101 4 4 8 8 8 8 Spencer H L Jones 30 30 15 15 Time 15Time 254 51 1 04 1 164 1 29 29Winner Winner B m 5 by Gano Guano Dollie Dollied L LStart Start Start good Won very easily and all the way Argentina outclassed her field as she ran Her race was above par Tho Theo mare is an acrobat She was well handled Osric Ostrich was used far too much He is game and finished strong Cochran badly ridden and favoring mud was clos clods ¬ ing King at the end Sly was short Both she and the Plate were badly ridden Reiff Riff is best at a distance Hermanita Herman is best on hard going goingScratched goings Scratched Florirriel Fortiori 96 Meadow Lark 101 Chappie Happier 98 Nonchalance 101 Mulberry 104 104Change Change in Weight Argentina 3 pounds on 3631 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 Y 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 35933PERSONNE 108 4 21 214 22 IN m Thorpe L HTEiell Heel 34 4 24 24 3388 SIR DILKE DIKE 105 1 1 31 3 34 2 Conley Coney J Whitten Whiten 45 1 45 45 3562 CROMWELL 105 2 34 14 1 224 31 Kiley Kelley E W Purser 10 15 10 12 1235932COLLINS 35932COLLINS 100 3 41 41 4 5 45 Gray C L Rowell Roswell 4545 45453560SONG 3560SONG AND DANCE106 5 5 5 5 44 5 Spencer R Carruthers Corrupters 6766 Time 25 51 1 03 1 17 1 44 44Winner Winner B c 4 by Leonatus Lents Countess GiseJa Guise GiseJaStart Start good Won easily Personne Personnel was well ridden and the best Dilke Dike was badly rjdden ridden He is ready and good in mud He was closing fast at the end Cromwell is ready Ho was not well handled Too much use was made of him early Collins and Song and Dance were not well ridden riddenScratched Scratched Alma 93 Bernardillo Bernardino 110