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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race G 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3401 Laura May 3 85 3239 Nepper Nipper 3 87 3573 Tole Stole Simmons387 3521 Nancy Till3 90 3525Caddie C3 90 3418 Dinsmoro3 90 36243GeorgeBCox390 35112Crystalline 3 90 3586 Dunster Duster 3 90 3539 Our Bishop 4 105 105Second Second Race 1 Mile and 30 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 3586 Banrica Arnica 98 3573 Mr Eastin Easton 102 10236032Mr 36032Mr Hunt 103 3603 Mary LeightonlOS Leighton LeightonlOS35733Flop 35733Flop 106 35862Seaport 114 3586 Dudley E 114 114Third Third Race 1 11G Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 3585 EstNeRegina4 96 36213 Jack Hayes 4 93 3555 Arrezzo Carrizo 4 101 3585 Gioj GIGO a 4 101 3294 Laura Cotta 5101 3496 Gammadion4101 3541 Optimus Optimums 5 103 3571 Briggs 4 103 3416 Tenochtitlan6103 33543Celtic Bard 5103 35713Angor 4 104 3182 Leaseman Leadsman 5 106 3402 St Leo 6 106 3304 Roy alChoice alchemic 5 106 3555 Uncle Jim 7 108 108Fourth Fourth Race 7 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap 35723 Brother Fred 4 90 36063Elkin 4 92 3020 LittleBilloe5 95 3621 Rapalatcliie5 95 35862Seaport 3 97 3479 A B C 5 104 1043588Tranby 3588Tranby 5 107 3606Albert S 5 108 10836072DavId 36072DavId 6 110 110Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3415 Lucy B 4 97 33693 Altadena Althaea 5 100 3430 Vireie Virile Dixon5100 3480 D Tberville4102 Allie Sallie P 3 104 302Q2Lauretta D 6 107 2614 L McHenryS Cherry 107 Foxer Foxier 4 109 3415 Roentgen 4 109 3588 Dr Simpson4109 i9546 JinyMc Jimmy Hale 6 109 f lf Sixth Race 34 Mile Xj4ty aTblcl5 and upward Allowances 34152fecoriifuLU 99 3326 Tago Tango 4 99 3006 MffirgufriteE499 rgufrite argufied 1591 LT Caton4 101 3514 Corafftlla Craft afftlla afflatus 5 102 3572 Marie C 4 104 3541 Verdi 6 105 Dr Optic 4 106 3324 Free Silver 5 107 7246 Vencedor Encoder 4 109 First series