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GOSSIP OF THE TURF A J Cassatt Cassette is said tp intend sending a half dozenlhorses to England mainly the get of The Bard Some years ago Mr Cassatt Cassette was one of the most popular and respected of American turfmen Turkmen and with The Bard Eurus Euros Heel and Toe and other good performers won his fair share of the important eastern fixtures If ho really intends to resume active racing it is to be regretted that he did not select his own country instead of England as the scene of his opera Fred Taral Aral and several other American jockeys are said to be envious of Sloans Slogans good fortune on the English tracks and intend to try their own luck on the tight little isle Turn about is fair play and it might bo an interesting experiment for some enterprising turfman Truman to engage Morny Morn Cannon or some other crack English jockey to come over next winter to show his skill over the fine San Francisco tracks Jockey Dorsoy Doors is in luck and will no doubt bo awarded a license to ride The Detroit club having reinstated him Captain J H Rees who ruled him off says he will leave the matter of issuing a license to Judge Joe Murphy and Ed Hopper Gene Leigh has bought out his partner C H Gillock Hillock and is now sole owner of the horses that were to run this year in the name of Leigh Gillock Hillock Mr Gillock Hillock will devote his time and attention to his breeding business hereafter The name of the Burns Waterhouse Warehouse filly Banewor Brainwork that won a very creditable race last Friday is sirjfply stiffly Rowena Rowe B spelled backward Eowena Owen B was the 2Ayearold star of the stable