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NOTES OF THE TURF The telegraph announces the marriage of the popular turfman Truman Pat Dunne to Miss Helen Din niene Nicene of San Francisco All turfmen Turkmen will be ¬ lieve leave that if Pat is as fortunate in this latest and most important adventure as he has been in the field of racing the very summit of earthly felicity is his No one who knows him would wish him less lessBradley bestraddle Bradley Bros Brows own a full brother to Roseland Rosalind and Roslyn Rosalyn by Blue Eyes Missive that they have named Great Land If he equals his brothers in point of speed he can be depended upon to land his share of the money moneyHenry mooneye Henry McDaniels Macanese is reported to have bought a colt named McGrathiana Maceration Prince by Hanover Later reports show that the colt was bought for John Madden of Lexington Enquirer