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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgi WI 3032 Miss Remsen Bremen 100 3806Abina 10 3757 Watomba Atom 100 4077 Kaiserin Kaiser 10 1040802Dr 40802Dr Bernays Betrays 102 3663 Ideal 10 39863 Valencienne Valence 102 3663 Royal Prize 10 102 4077 Bow Arrow 102 3435Roxey Murphyl02 39123Chihuahua 104 1044080Morinel 4080Morinel 105 40553A1 Koran 105 10538793Good 38793Good Friend 105 4004 Ordago Cordage 105 10540772Elidad 40772Elidad 107 40412Catawba 107 4099 Blarneystohell2 Blarneystohell2Second Second Race 3 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horse Color sex and pedigree Wt 4076 Vioris Visors 1021 102139683Odd 39683Odd Eyes 102 38082 Magdalenos Magdalena 102 4076 Ellen Wood 102 4095 Rey Frey Hooker 105 105Foxey Foxey Foxy 107 4113 Toluca Toucan 107 4040 Buena Ventura 107 107El El Mido Midol b c by Sir Modred Molded Ethel 110 4095Saihtly HO HOThird Shorthaired Third Race G 13 Furlongs FurlongsThe Furlongs The Flirtation Stakes 1000 guaranteed 3yearolds Allowances 3641 St Callatine Palatine 107 2072 Allie Sallie Belle 109 1094045Napamax 4045Napamax 109 3806 LaMaroma109 LaMaroma1093901Torsida 3901Torsida 112 112Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles MilesThe Mildest The Gunst Gust Stakes 1000 guaranteed guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4043 Traverser Traverse 3 94 3909 KWilliamII5104 4D26Fleur de Lis Lisa 4109 3955Ostler Joe5112 4099Libertiue7112 4099Libertiue7112Fifth Fifth Race 3 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 4097 Marplot 3 83 3773 CharReiff Cardiff 4 92 9240422Collins 40422Collins 6 101 4055 Dick Behan6 104 4042 Jdge Judge Denny5105 Denny5105Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 40793Los Prietos Prestos 3 88 40073Pce Tyrant 3 91 4094 Draught 4 98 38833LrdMarmion399 3700 PaulGriggs4i01 40973Lincoln II 4 101 4116 Refugee 5 103 4078 Little Chris 8 103 4079 Flashlight 6 Ill