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SINGERLY SINGER ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt3943JCallibee 3943JCallibee 4 112 39923Barytono II 5112 4118 Brahm Brahma 5 109 3992 Spirit Level4 109 109Criterion Criterion 5 109 3943 Scoggan Slogan 5 109 4049 Leporello Explore 6 109 3850 Albertine Libertine 5 107 4049 Dutch Lady 7 107 39572Isolde3 107 Second Race About 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 2974 Kid Fox 122 38S53Mills Indian Summerll9 40862Checkers 4101 Tray more 119 4047 Lady Linden 117 11740872Edith 40872Edith Gray 112 4029 Foresworn Forsworn 112 112Third Third Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3974 Benefactor 6 116 40662Mollie May 8 116 1163992Jack5 3992Jack5 113 4028Leonidas 5 113 ranees ranges M 6 Ill 3924 Prompt 4 112 112ma ma Vera6 Ill 4066 Dorh Door Lamr5lll 4086 BeuBrumml4109 4101 Pontifex3101 Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardThe upward The Plaza Hotel Handicap Handicap4068Gov 4068Gov Griggs Rigs 4122 4121HyBennett5117 4104 Reform 5 113 4120Earn 5 110 3670 Jewsharp Jewish 6 110 3923 Jonah White4110 4031 Gould 4 103 40S33Krause 5 103 4010 Wm Penn 6 103 3975Tommy O 3 103 103Fifth Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4104 Candelabra 9 122 4102Lillipute 5 117 40153 John P 6 114 41042Ferocious 4 114 4065 Equity 6 112 41213Quilla 7 112 11240683Pleas 40683Pleas Smiles5112 40832Ninis 4 109 109Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4103 Watch Chrm7122 4103 Mllghmore5122 Mllghmore512240122JJWhitttn4119 40122JJWhitttn4119 41032St Pat 9 119 4082 Advance 6 119 4120 Walter O 6 119 4064Sebastian 5 119 4087Jackene 5 119 41033Beloved 5 117 3849 Sparkle 4 114