Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-02-13


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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Tnd Tend Horses Wgt Wt 2553 Hurly Burly 100 3375 Morana Moran 100 4012 Fallen Princess 100 3035 Punter 100 4052 Loumont Loments 100 3547 Joe Levy 102 2577 The Ace 102 4052 Octuruck Citric 102 10241172Ravelette 41172Ravelette 105 40943Eroica 105 3526 Hertha Bertha 105 41143 MissWdfdfillylOS 41142 Yule 105 4114 Glen Ann 105 4117 Eppinger Repine 105 4117 P A Finnegan110 4114 Duke of York II 118 118Second Second Race 3 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Color sex Pedigree Wt Wt40763Malay 40763Malay 105 10540953Anchored 40953Anchored 105 4113 Master Buck 105 105La La Parasseux Parnassus 107 1074076Clarando 4076Clarando 107 10741133Amoltepec 41133Amoltepec 107 10741312Buena 41312Buena Ventura 107 107Loyalie Loyalie Loyalties b f by Loyalist Patsie Patsies 107 4076 Vioris Visors 109 109Owyhee Owyhee Towhee ch c by Iroquois Toribera Tribe 110 4095 Magno Mango 110 110Third Third Raqe Rae 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 4130 Abina Sabina 97 4130 Kaiserin Kaiser 97 3698 Toto Too 97 4077 Brambella Barbell 97 4130 Bow and Arrow 99 4077 Rio Frio Rio 99 4130 Valencienne Valence 100 4077 El M oro Moro 102 3855 Novia Nova 102 Muldren Malden 102 4117 Lee Kylo Kyle 102 4130 Chihuahua 102 1023435RoxeyMurphyl04 3435RoxeyMurphyl04 3824Dr Marks 104 3807 Magnus Magnums 104 4130 Watomba Atom 105 3736 Town Topics 105 40553A1 Koran 107 1074077Estro 4077Estro 107 107Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileFree Miller Free Handicap 3yearolds and upward upward40432Imperious3 40432Imperious3 88 41153HighlndBall390 3845 YanDoodle5 98 41352Lincoln 114 104 4135VBaul Griggs4105 1796Scarbrugh4105 4135 flashlight 6 105 40992Alay W 4 108 108Fifth Fifth Race 1 11G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 4081 Charlotte M 3 77 4130 Dr Bernays383 4096 GooPalmer4 89 4098 A Andrew4 92 4116 Satyr4 92 4112 MetairiefS Mentalities 94 9434242DevilsDream496 34242DevilsDream496 4115 Alvin E 4 88 4096 Pleaaanton4 88 40982Wawona7 103 1034115Serena5 4115Serena5 104 4024 DnClrencio4104 3990 Treachery5 104 4044Mercutio4 10J 10JSixth Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 4098 Sly 4 102 4045 Koenigon Kensington 4 102 3482 LonePcess Loneness 4 102 4012Lost Girl 4 102 3783 J Stouffer 4 104 4116 AmeliaFnso Amelia 5105 4099 O live 6 105 4043 Kamsin Amassing 5 107 3934 OFleta Flea 6 107 3608 Button 4 107 1073844Montallads5 3844Montallads5 107 41152Rocho 8 110 4097 Myth 4 110 3784 Newsgthrr4110 Newsgthrr41104055Mainstay 4055Mainstay 6 116

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898021301/drf1898021301_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1898021301_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800