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SINGERLY SINGER FORM CHART CHARTSINGER CHARTING SINGER MD Fel Feel 13 Twentyfirst Twenty day Singerly Gingerly Racing Association Winter Meeting C Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Ralph Bayard Boatyard Starter Frank Bray Racing starts at 2 30 pm 4136 FIRST Allowances RACE s Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi V 3A StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 4049 DUTCH LADY 107 4 44 41 21 li Berger Point Breeze Stbl Stable 4848 484839433CALLIBEE 39433CALLIBEE 112 5 61 8 5 = 2 Nelson John Moore 3 8 3 8 839923BARYTONE 39923BARYTONE II 112 1 13 12 12 32 Coudrier Courier Baltimore Stable 4 G 4 5 541003LEPORELLO 41003LEPORELLO 109 3 31 31 3 41 J Moore J Baker 2 2 2 2 4118 BRAHM BRAHMA 113 10 10 10 7 52 Watson J Castle 10 30 10 20 3992 SPIRIT LEVEL 109 7 7 7 8 6 G Hueston Houston Weliwood Elmwood Stable C 15 6 12 1239572ISOLDE 39572ISOLDE 307 9 8 514 44 7 A Dorsey Dose B Barnes 2 2 65 75 3850 ALBERTINE LIBERTINE 107 8 9998 Riley W T Pratt 8 50 8 40 3943 SCOQGAN COGENT 113 2 23 21 64 9 Rigby Rugby Metropole Metropolis Stable 3836 3836CRITERION CRITERION 109 6 5 61 10 10 King E Thorpe 10 40 10 40 40Time Time 291 591 1 14i 14iWinner Winner B m 7 by Cheviot Evelita Bevel EvelitaStart Start fair The firstthree firth were driving Callibee Caliber swerved in the last fifty yards Scoggan Slogan quit to nothing in the stretch Leporello Explore was shut off and badly ridden Brahm Brahma made up a lot of ground groundOverweights groundcover Overweights Overweighs Brahm Brahma 4 pounds Scoggan Slogan 4 A 1 B o Q rr T SECOND RACE ACE About 58 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 38853MILLS 122 3 340872EDITH 33 3 26 in Rigby Rugby MR Johnson 2 24 2 2 40872EDITH GRAY 112 2 21 H li 2io CunnghamJersey Stable 2 2 7585 4047 LADY LINDEN 117 6 4i 41 4i 33 Houlahan Goulash G Blake 6 15 6 12 4101 TRAYMORE TREMOR 119 1 li 22 3 4 Nelson Klondike Stable 5 8 8P 4029 FORESWORN FORSWORN 112 5 5INDIAN 51 5i 54 5 Rogers P Meyers Meyer 8 12 12F INDIAN SUMMER 119 7 740862CHECKERS 6666 Roberts F A Peters 5 12 12J 40862CHECKERS 119 4 Fell Patton PattonTime Pantomime J McCauley 6 6 Time 31S l01i 121 Winner Ch c by Hayden Edwards Mauola Macula Start fair Won driving second driving also Mills was staggering at the end Checkers fell at the stand Nelson pulled Tray more up when Edith Gray caught him The latter ran a game race Scratched Kid Fox 122 Q THIRD RACE4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward O Allowances Wt St M y2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 5 5 3 Berger G CGray Gray 20 50 20 5 3924 PROMPT 2 1 12 2 Nelion Melon T Fagin Fain 2 2 1 6 lxr lx 21 2 38 CunnghamWest Dungarees Lynn Stable 2524 3870 3040662MOLL1E BONA VERA 111 5 3i 3 44 41 Griffin M J Laster Blaster 20 30 20 30 40662MOLL1E MAY 116 4 01 61 5 54 Lynch J F Gans Gains 4846 f 4846f 2J E9JXTWEX 106 7 7 7 7 61 Rigby Rugby Good Hope StableS 44 3 4 4066 DORAH DORA LAMAR T 111 3 44 44 61 7 Roberts P Sheridan 12 25 12 20 3974 BENEFACTOR 116 8 8 8 8 8 A Dorsey Dose G W Haman Harman 12 25 12 20 Time 20Time 284 584 1 13 JessStart Jesses Winner 13Winner Ch g 4 by Simple Simon Jess Start fair Won driving Prompt swerved into Beau Brummel Brume in the stretch It was a poor ride on Frances M Dorah Dora Lamar was knocked off her stride on the stretch turn Prompt was out to the last ounce at the finish Scratched finishScratched finishes Jack 113 Leonidas Lends 113 jDyerweights Pontifex Pontiff 5 pounds FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward The Plaza Hotel Handicap is Wt St 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3923 JONAH WHITE 110 8 6 52 14 IH CunnghamDixie Stable 3 44 3 4088 GOV GO GRIGGS BRIGGS 122 2 24120EARN 77 41 2 Rigby Rugby Jersey Stable 3 10 3 o 4120EARN 110 6 8 8 54 38 J Moore Greenville Stable 6 20 6 15 4031 GOULD 107 4 43670JEVVSHARP 54 44 3 41 A Dorsey Dose Clover Stable 3 34 24 3 3670JEVVSHARP 110 9 93975TOMMY 41 2 61 52 BrckholderManhattan Stable6 63 34 1040833KRAUSE ffilT filet 3975TOMMY ffi0 O 106 7 740833KRAUSE 2 12 21 61 Berffer Berger Avoca Avocado Stable 6 12 6 10 40833KRAUSE 103 5 9987 Jones D W Mooney 10 15 10 12 4010 WILLIAM PBNN BONN 108 1 14 51 9 8 Nelson FSchafer Schaefer 10 12 10 li 4121 HARRY BENNETT 117 3 3 3 7 9 Ellis J J Johnson 6 6 4 44 Time 44Time 32 1084 143 BelleStart Belles Winner 143Winner Br c 4 by Charaxus Caraculs Monte Belle Start fair The first three were driving Cunningham fairly lifted Jonah White home Earn and Griggs Rigs both closed strong They were all tired at the finish Tommy O used what speed he had early Scratched Reform 113 113OverweightsGould OverweightsGould Overweighs 2 pounds Tommy O 3 William Penn 5 A 4O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St y3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4104 CANDELABRA 122 1 H 12 2o 21 P4 BurckhldrWinche3terStable65 65 1 6 5 41012FEROCIOUS 114 3 32 22 H4 1 215 Rigby Rugby Elkton Elton Stable 4 44 34 4 40683PLEASANT SMILES 112 2 2 34 31 32 320 A Dorsey Dose G C Gray 442 24 41213QUILLA 2441213QUILLA 2540832NINIS 112 4 4 44 4 4 Riley H Baxter 20 30 20 25 40832NINIS 109 Lost rider CunnghamP Chung M Simpson 4 44 34 4 Time 34 110 1442034 Winner 1442034Winner B h 9 by Kyrle Kyle Daly Dally Abra Abram AbraStart Abreast Start good Won driving second driving also Ninis Minis stumbled as the flag fell and her rider fell sixteenthScratched sixteenths oil Candelabra finished with a rush Ferocious was staggering the last sixteenth Scratched John P 114 Equity 112 Lillipute Lilliputian 117 4141 SIXTH RACE 34 Milc Mil Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horseg Horse Wt St M Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 41032ST PAlVx Pal 121 6 54 52 3 11 Camp W Duffy 2 24 95 2 4103 1241033BELOVED MULLAGHMORE MULLAH 122 5 41 31 23 21 Houlahan Goulash A Brooks 10 15 10 12 41033BELOVED 117 7 U H U 38 Griffin Hill Top Stable 10 10 6 6 S IJTTTNGTON I Ji 644 fey JfW1 1 I 4064JSEBASTIAN 119 4 32 42 51 6 CunnghamJ Chung McCarren Macabre 3534 4103 WATCH CHARM 122 1 Fell Nelson S D Jackson 10 20 10 15 Time 15Time 354 110 146 146WinnerCh WinnerCh Winner h 7 by Harry Hill Effie Defied C CStart Start Start good The first three were driving Beloved tired in the stretch St Pat ran a gama gamma race Walter O made up some ground at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Advance 119 Jackene Jackie 119 Sparkle 114 Overweights Overweighs St Pat 2 pounds