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SINGERLY SINGER ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wpt Wept Ind Indo Horses Wet Wet40482Arian5 40482Arian5 118 41193Jerome6 118 11841183Little 41183Little Cliff 5 118 41182Matt White7118 3974 MountMaid5116 3456 Larissa5 116 4084 BabyM4 112 40643BlackBess4112 40643BlackBess4112Second Second Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 39413G W Bailey 6 121 4046 Rob Roy 9 118 11841023Relief 41023Relief 6 118 Pathway 5 118 4136 Brahm Brahma 5 118 4049EdnaBennett4116 4049EdnaBennett411640322Oxia 40322Oxia 4 112 3654 BAustralian4112 BAustralian4112Third Third Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 40693Runaway 6 121 4102Lillipute 5 121 12141202Crown 41202Crown 6 121 4048 Oak 4 118 11840143W111 40143W111 Fonso Fonts 6 118 3092 Arda Rda 6 116 11640292MPinkerton5116 40292MPinkerton5116 4069 Startling 6 116 1164138B 4138B Brummel Brume 4114 4137Mills 3 106 106Fourtli Fourtli Fourthly Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4122Caroven 6 122 Hermano Herman 5 119 1193996Tolegram 3996Tolegram 5 119 4103 Mohawk 6 119 4051 Tutor5 119 4082 TheMantan4119 4103 Heresy 5 117 4084 King Bon 4 116 4103 Full Speed 4 116 116Fifth Fifth Race Scant 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4067 Corn Cob6 115 41232Cuba 4 110 3941 GiltAustrTn4110 4082 Bes Bees Abbott 5 110 11040292PinkrtnSct31110 40292PinkrtnSct31110 4140 Quilla Quill 7 110 1104119Green 4119Green Point3107 4083 Sister Ida 3 105 The five furlongs polo being on the turn it was moved yesterday to give the start on straightaway Races now about five furlongs Sixth Race Scant 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances41362Callibee 41362Callibee 4 115 4121 Electrc6 115 3760 Mondamin Monoamine 5 112 41223Fred Munch5112 4122 Govinda Covina 4 110 3941 Lisnerour Lingerer 4 110 4123 M P Y 3 110 4138 Bona Vera 6 110