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NAMES FOR TWOYEAROLDS TOEHOLDS The Charter Oak Stable has registered names for eight twoyearolds toeholds as follows Sir Gatian Gating ch c by Victory Hegiaz Hegira HegiazRed Hegira Red Pirate b c by Pirate of Penzance Penance Ray W WCandock Cano Candock Cano b c by Candlemas Candelas Mollie B B BLurdan Burden Lurdan Laura b c by Ormonde Hormone dOr doer Lullaby LullabyDarington Lullaby Darington Darlington ch c by Victory Felicitio Felicities FelicitioMay Elocutionary May dOr doer ch f by Ormonde Hormone dOr doer Alice May MayBright Daylight Bright Night b c by Free Night Rhadaman Headsman tha than thaClara hackler Clara Fields ch f by Chance Playing Fields Palo Alto Stock Farm claims appropriate names for five 2yearolds Loyalirta Loyalist ch f by Loyalist Flirt FlirtLoyalress Loyalress Loyalties ch f by Loyalist Fostress Fortress FostressLoyolusta Loyolusta Bloodlust br f by Loyalist Muster Flamida Lamia br f by Flambeau Ouida Okuda OuidaLloroso Lloroso Loris b f by Racine Teardrop Divers and sundry owners have duly regis ¬ tered termed names for twoyearolds toeholds as follows R G Westmore Restore Meehanus Mechanics ch c by Golden Garter Fedalma Feudal FedalmaWilliam William Eastin Easton Grey Gray Jacques gr c by Jim Gray Jacqueline Pianoforte b c by Fortis Forties ¬ simo Simon Jennie Lee System b c by Order Aunt Betsy BetsyGarnett Garnett Garnet Collier Katie Rigg Rig ch f by Springbok Edith EdithC Edith C A Morgan Ben jamine Janine ch f by Prosper Glen Pearl Rosy Morn ch f by Prosper Peggy OMoore Amore OMooreWaltring Somersaulting Waltring Altering Yeager Eager The Bondman b c by Rossington Crossing Helena HelenaP Helena P J Gorman Springer b c by Springbok Altiphone Allophone AltiphoneC Antiphonic C R Rufliri Ruffle Pinefire Pinafore b c by Jim Gray Elvira Elmira ElviraGil Elmira Gil Gail Curry Pet Scot b c by Logic Elizabeth G GA A H D H Morris Vertigo b c by Cassius Cassias Veronia Veronica Sabadilla Sapodilla b f by Britannic Pol Pool maise masse maiseA Marisa A H E G Vivell Vive Major Boots ch c by Donald A Lady Clementina Clement ClementinaH Clement H Warlike Sr Trimmer ch c by Tristan Dristan Fair Helen HelenJ Helen J W Fuller Ada Adam Murphy b f by Terra Gotta Ota Havillah Hail Captain Hamm Hmm b cby cabby Dona Donna tello tell Nellie Whittaker Whittier Sweet Danger ch f by Deceiver Dutch Girl Queen Esher Esther br f by Esher Esther Amethyst AmethystW Amethyst W M Barrick Baric George Simons br c by Simple Simon Armida Armada Oakwood Lakewood Belle b f by Fonso Fonts Janet JanetE Janet E L Graves Coquina ch f by Hayden Ed ¬ wards Endless EndlessDr Endless Dr Augustus C Bernays Betrays Flying Word br c by Bersan Berman Flying Rumor Anonyma Anonym b f by Free Knight Zella Ella ZellaB Ella B Schreiber Rags Whitaker Whicker br f by Loyal ¬ ist Kist Belle D DChas Chas Chas D McCoy Co Lady Exile b f by Exile Kola Sir Kenneth b g by Fairview or Phoenix Heirloom Miser Green b g by Miser GreenwoodB Greenwood Greenwood B J Johnston Little Minch Inch Jr b c by Little Minch Inch Marie Foster FosterC Foster C H Hayden Galeria Algeria b f by Dandie Dandier Din mont Borealis BorealisE Borealis E O Pepper Hubbell b c by Kantaka Kanaka Uproar UproarC Uproar C G Craddock Braddock Miss K b f by Lebnatus Lents Anna Todd ToddEdward Codeword Edward B Clancey Clancy Baystreet Bradstreet b c by Long street Happy Girl GirlS S H Wilson Grayon Rayon ch f by Jim Gray Katie C CA A D Hampton Belhenge Belching ch f by Stone henge hinge Nesquinona NesquinonaE E C Taylor Requita Requital ch f by Rey Frey del Rey Frey Jersey Queen Ypsilanti Pestilent ch f by Exile Viol ante anteAllen Antillean Allen Dement Cement Goldenedge Gladdened b c by Duke of Montrose Engarita Senorita EngaritaH Megalith H C R M BeattieVirgeleve b f by Eleve Eleven Virgo Eondine Leonine ch f by Eon Juliet Occupon Occupant sor soar c by Eleve Eleven Glorianna Gloria Captain Conovor Convert ch c by Eleve Eleven Lady F FJulian Julian Julian Morris Elevation ch f by Eleve Eleven Infatuation InfatuationH Infatuation H T Griffin Vioris Visors b f by Duncombe Buncombe Detrix Detroit Lost Time b c by Darriwell Ariel Spinning Time Derondo Deerhound b c by El Rio Rey Frey Pedigreell Pedigree