Singerly Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-02-22


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SINGERLY SINGER FORM CHART CHARTSUSGERLY CHARTREUSE SUSGERLY SISTERLY MD Feb 31 Twentyeighth Twenty day Singerly Gingerly Racing Association Winter Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Ralph Bayard Boatyard Starter Prank Bray Racing starts at 2 30 p m O FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearoids and upward 4 O Oai Ai ai Allowances Ind Indo Horses Vs StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 41H BLACK BESS BESTS 5 51 5 1 Ellis Primrose Stable 2 4i 2 4 4219 BLUE JAY li li li W Geiger C Douglas 3434 4WrJRECOVER 62 6i 7 3 Roberts Iron Hill Stable 6 15 6 12 38M GRACEFUL 112 2 32 22 2 41 Rigby Rugby West Point Stbl Stable 3 4i 3 4 4211 CHARLEY B 109 7 7 7 61 V Patton J W Jones 3322 33224iVEDN 4iVEDN A BENNETT 107 3 41 41 3 15 i Coudrier Courier J Wilson 6 12 6 10 4191 RELIEF 109 1 21 31 4i 7 C Hueston Houston J Meagher Meager 5 10 5 8 8Time Time 27 i 58s 1121 1121Winner Winner Blk Balk f 4 by Isaac Murphy Gleam GleamStart Gleams Start fair The first three were driving Blue Jay carried Graceful out in the stretch and let Black Bess Bests through Edna Bennett bolted on the back stretch Graceful looked to have finished third Recover made up a lot of ground at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Mullaghmore Mullah 112 Dutch Bluster 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs Recover 3 pounds Graceful 5 4263 SECOND RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward AUpwances Apaches upwardAUpwances s Wt Stri4 V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O 6 TT H L C 42 0 HIDDENITE HIDDEN 112 5 541i i 4 2i li Rigby Rugby 2 2i 2 2 41i WAY PINKBRTON PINKERTON 108 3 344YIKVANNA 22 Coudrier Courier J Castle 6655 44YIKVANNA 107 2 2i47LEONIDAS 21 32 4i 3i Ellis Ashton Aston Stable 2i 3 2 i47LEONIDAS 107 4 44JW 4i 2i 33 41 Patton W L Maupin Mapping 3636 4JW FOUNDLING 112 1 7 5 Nostrand Unstrained G Marshfield Mansfield 5857 MARIE LOVKLL SLOVAK 110 6 5 6 C Hues ton Wm Loyell Lowell 6 15 6 12 4191 FRED MUNCH 110 7 6 7 Nelson C S Orrison Orison 6 15 6 12 Time 271581151 271581151Winner Winner Br r by Stratford Gen GenStart Gestate Start good V n iriviny Irvin second and third driving also Loouidas Louisa swerved iti ziti the stretch iindling kindling had no speed Neither had Mario Marino Lovell Lowell Irvanna Nirvana is a bad horse horseScratched horsecloth Scratched Bessie Abbott 105 Maud Adams 105 Finnwater Innate 105 105el el eights Hiddenite2 pounds May Piukerton Pinkerton 3 Irvanna Nirvana 2 Foundling 2 Marie Lovell Lowell Fiiii Muuch Much 3 4j t 8 THIRD RACE Scant 58 Mile Purde100 4y oarolds aroids and upward iiiOTL Aliuwanees Taiwanese ici ii H He e Vt Jt L ii Str Star KiciJ Kicking KiciJoctets octets Owners O O38oo 38oo iiViiK iii BlLL Bill 1ZA Z b1 4 4 1 C Hueston Houston J Renfrew Reinforce 4 47 4 6 6G 3867 BERNARDE BERNARD 123 5 54 64 3 2 Griffin G White 2 221 65 65Metropole 4136 SCOGGAN COGGING 123 i 21 1 1i 3 Rigby Rugby Metropole Metropolis Stable 6 12 6 10 3634 AUNT SUSIE 121 1 41 5i 5i 41 Burris Burrs Clover Stable 8 20 8 2C 4102 JOE HAYMAN HYMAN 119 7 777 5 Coudri Courier r Suffolk Stable 10 15 1 1 4195 BLUE BANNER 123 4 m 3 ti 4 Jhnou John Alpine Stable 6 6 5 4195 ROXBORO FOXBORO 119 8 8887 Dangler Roxooro Rotor Stahlf Stash 10 2 l 20 4209 LITTLE DENNY DENY 110 9 t 9 9 8 Roberts Magnolia Stable ti 2 K 15 4119 IRENE K 121 3 1 2i 23 FellNelsoi Felines E Raj Raja ford 6 20 i Itt Time IttTime Bittier 27ir8illli 120 120Winner Winner Ch B 6 by Orphan Boy Gold Dollar DollarStart Dollars Start poor The first three were driving Irene K was carried to the outside fence by Scog Cog gan Egan It was the cause of her fall Silver Bell finished with a rush Bernardo Bernard had bad racing luck luckScratched Scratched Strathmac Stratum 111 111Overweights Overweights Overweighs Little Denuy Deny 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 4 12 Turloiigs Purloining Purso Purrs 100 3j ear ids and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4231 FISCHER 112 5 52 4i 31 IH Patton Mantle Stable 24 5 2k 4i 4174 FEDORA 110 2 2i 21 li 2U Rigby Rugby J Dwyer 2i 2i 1 1 4227 CONGO DICK 112 1 li 1 26 3 Seaton Eaton C Thomas 4746 4049 APPRENTICE 112 3 4i 51 5U 4 Nostrand Unstrained J Castle 4 10 4 8 4030 LITTLE FRANK 112 6 6 6 6 54 Nelson Belmar Bellman Stable 10 15 10 15 40823 WAR SONG 112 4 31 32 41 6 Burris Burrs Metropole Metropolis Stable 4848 4211 TUTOR 112 Left at the 4846Time post Dangler G Webb 4846 Time 271 58 1 11 11Winner ForethoughtStart Forethoughts Winner Br g 5 by Black Dean Forethought Start poor Won driving The next three were doing their best Fischers Fishers previous race warranted no such form as he showed today War Songs race was a bad one Fedora weakened when the pinch came So did Congo Dick DickScratched Scratched Jack Lovell Lowell 115 Fairmount Falmouth 112 Frank R Harf Wharf 112 4266 fl k3 FIFTH RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 117 1 1 14 lio Clio 14 Griffin C E McCoy 8541952RADNOR GLOVER VENDIG VENDING 123 3 52 41 3 21 Flynii Flynn East Side Stable 24 24 75 85 41952RADNOR 123 8 44 54 41 36 Neary Nary Iron Hill Stable 6 10 6 8 4231 MIGNON 121 2 21 21 2 41 Reavers Cravers J Johnson 6 12 6 12 3654 KING HERO 123 6 7 7 7 52 BrckbolderW Backorder S Smith 6868 4209 2042092PINRTONS MABEL ABEL D 110 4 31 32 52 64 Nelson First Chance Stbl Stable 8 25 8 20 42092PINRTONS SCOUT111 5 61 64 61 7 Nostrand Unstrained J Baker 4747 4228 CHECKERS 108 7 Fell Patton J McCauley 4846 4846Time Time 274 574 1 10 1 17i Winner WyandotteStart Wyandotte 17iWinner B f 4 by Stonehenge Wyandotte Start fair Won pulled up Vinita Initial outclassed the lot She had speed to loan and was never in trouble Mignon could not stand the pace and weakened badly at the end Glover Vendig Vending could never get up Scratched upScratched unscratched Hope 106 Rhymster Rhymester 119 119Overweights Overweights Overweighs Mabel Abel D 4 pounds SIXTH RACE 4 12 JFurlongs Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward ttr tri O C All Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 4249JSPEEDY 112 7 7771 Flynn O Shannon 5 5 2 24 4208 ARD RD A 1124 1 H 24H 12 1 2 Rigby Rugby T Disney 65751 1 42312CON LUCEY LUCY 112 2 2 2n 24 34 Nostrand Unstrained G C Gray 3534 4100 W G HARDING HADING 112 3 41 su 3n 42 Griffin W Brown 6 15 6 15 4208 NAVAHOE NAVAHO 112 5 34 4 41 51 Nelson Montebello Monte StableG Stable 10 6 8 4156 LILLIPUTE LILLIPUTIAN 117 4 64 64 64 64 Johnson G E Coleman 6 12 6 12 4159 4159BONA 124159BONA BON A VERA 115 6 51 51 51 7 Watson M J Laster Blaster 6 20 6 15 3834FLUELLEN 117 8 8888 Dangler JS Jones 4 15 4 12 Time 12Time 2745741114 2745741114Winner Winner JoyStart Oyster Ch g 7 by Blythewood Ballyhooed Joy Start good The first three were driving to the limit Speedy saved ground on the stretch turn He got gamelyScratched through on the rail and closed fast Arda Rda hung on gamely Scratched Little Jim 112 First Light 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs Arda Rda 24 pounds Lillipute Lilliputian 2 Boua Boa Vora Vera 5 Fluellen Luella 5

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Local Identifier: drf1898022201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: