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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fair First Race 78 Mile Mile4yearrolds 4yearrolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 4221 Durwad Dread 4 102 393K harlemgne4105 4258 AdmAndrow4105 398K Fuameia Fumio 5 108 4220 Silver State 7 103 3774 Veloz Vela 4 102 4223 Rtentor Tenor 4 102 3933 Coupon III 4 102 3910 Gallant Hi 105 39333Jack Martin5105 3469 AliSmoe Baltimore 106 42213Scbnitz 6 108 4112 Charles A 7 105 4116 Satyr 4 108 108Second Second Race 58 Mile 4yearolds pnd pond upward Allowances 40993Tea Bos Boos iriU Sirius 105 i4043Geo Milli8lll 4243Caesariui ui ill illThird filthier Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 4187 Los Priotos Riotous 3 01 375fiaSoutHe5 106 4007 Plan3 8S 404 1Hry Thbrn Thorn 4103 4103Fourth Fourth Rafi Raffia 1 1K Mil H California Oak 2000 uaraiiteed guaranteed uaraiiteed3yearoids 3yearoids Allowances 7541 Recreation 112 4132Napamax 117 4203Bonito 381mep About 3035 Punter 109 35922Martha II 117 1174005Briar 4005Briar Sweet 117 4168Torsida 112 112Burns Burns fc Waterhouso Waterbus entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances41883Hwrd 41883Hwrd Mann 5115 34072Bellicoso 6 115 1154207R 4207R Q Ban 7 115 41872Ostler Joe 5 115 3991Geyser 4 112 4206Seu Bland 5 115 115Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4023 Don Fulano7lll 4221Ame Fonso5103 4153 Kamsin5 110 4225 Refugee 5 Ill 41692Lena 4 105 4057 Red Glenn6 110 8431Humbug4 102