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JJARKSDALE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 58 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances v Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 4121 Oracle 5 121 4283 Klondike 5 121 4010 Nantucket 5 118 4281 Gold Dollar9 118 4316Grampian7118 1184316Grampian7118 4176Salvor 6 118 43032Frauces 11843032Frauces M 6 116 4230 Belle Fowler 6 116 4299Sister 1164299Sister Myra Myrna 5116 4245 Dorian4 114 114Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 3976Rossman4115 3817 Sandowne Sundowner 9 115 42823Caroven 11542823Caroven 6 115 4303 Mantle 4 112 42313Siva 11242313Siva 6 112 3564 Cashier II 5 112 4337 Cozette Coquette 5 110 43202SusioHawze4110 4248 BiOfKillney 4110 4110Third Third Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4303 Crown 6 131 423Q2H Bennett5 128 1284230Heck 4230Heck Jr7I28 43033Boisterous5 128 42303Meadows8 123 BaptistBull6 123 4316 Mascot 6 123 4321Medica5 121 4139 Tommy O3 108 4101Merritt3 108 Fourth Race G 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward upwardBookmakers Bookmakers Handicap Handicap4247Gov 4247Gov Griggs4123 4247 JonahWhitei Jonah 4110 4247 Gallatin Gallanting 7 108 4283 Jowsharp Josher t 1QG 4319Reform 5 106 4300Vinita 4 94 94Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances42842Electro 42842Electro 6 115 4141WatchCharm7115 4141WatchCharm711540873Jim 40873Jim Swain 7 112 4281 Beau Bruml4112 4319 Tomoka Tonka 5 112 4105Silver Brk Bark 4112 4211 Vent6 112 4033 Fred Train4 112 4337 Brooklyn 8 112 3849 Sparkled HO HOSixth Sixth Race 4 13 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4229 Sprite 7 115 3673 Scio Scion 4 112 4227 Lawrence P 1112 4067 Gowanda Gowned 7i 112 4229 FrkRHarf7112 4317 Jerquet Enrique 8 112 40283Harry Wrren9112 4280 Mt Maid 5 110 3o44 Mabel Abel 3 110 4319 Recover 4 110