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STAKES AT SARATOGA The Saratoga Racing Association has issued the following card to turfmen Turkmen Wo especially desire to call your attention to the fact that this year the Saratoga Racing Association in addition to reducing the starting fee more than 30 per cent as compared with last year also adds an average of more than 30 per cent in added money to each stake as compared with last year Thus owners are nearly 60 per cent better off in the matter of stakes and added money than they were last year The manage ¬ ment meant accordingly hopes that each stake will be made a success and will bo satisfied if last years average number of entries to each stake will be equaled equaledThe equaled The stakes are advertised in this issue of DAILY RACING FORM They close next Tuesday March 1 and owners who design taking their horses to the most charming of all American racing points should not delay making their entries Blanks can be obtained at this office