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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 7 8 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3422 Capt Caput Peirsal4104 4274 Coupon 1114 109 4297 Veloz Vela 4 109 4341 William OB4110 3453 J M B II 6 110 43413Daylight4110 Second Race 13 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 4342 Rainier 101 434n2Master Buck 104 4292 Engea Enema 105 4292 ComplimentrylOS Complimentary 4345 Ocorona Octoroon 107 4292 Primavera Prima 107 42962 Ach Bach 108 4185 Ellen Wood 109 109Third Third Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling433Q2Niihau 433Q2Niihau 3 86 43283Qahu 3 86 8643443Moringa3 43443Moringa3 88 4315 Durwad Dread 4 100 4333 Vivo 4 100 4341 Humbug4 100 4313 Cavallo4 103 4313 Schnitz Schnitzel 6 106 4341 Veragua5 107 43412Benamela5 112 112Fourtli Fourtli Fourthly Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 4057 Rufalba4 104 4329 Devils Dfm4104 4340 Hazard5 106 3990 Joe Ullman Pullman 4 108 3990 Hermanita Herman 6 109 41873Palomacita4109 43293Red Glenn6 111 4341Charles A7 111 4258 Paul Pry 6 114 114Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 4331 Los Prietos Prestos 3 91 4311 Plan 3 91 9143113GoToBed 43113GoToBed 3 94 42582Caht Dance5107 Dance510743322Ltlo 43322Ltlo Cripple7107 4187Argeritina 5 109 109Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Allowances43312Bonito 43312Bonito 103 41323St Calf Calfatine Palatine atine tine 103 1034117Mel 4117Mel BurnhamlOS Bungalows 43442Qdds On 108