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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wet Hdco Deco 4932 Grace Himyar Shimmy 3 89 635 4437 Allie Sallie Belle 3 89 640 4417 Aunt Maggie 3 95 648 6484976Friar 4976Friar John 3 100 670 6704974Vanessa 4974Vanessa 4 100 645 780 Don Campbell 3 102 575 2418 Cecil 5 103 590 4749 Shuttlecock 5 103 620 4807 Virgie Virile Dixon 5 103 637 6374735Elsie 4735Elsie Barnes 4 104 650 2160 Motilla Amontillado 5 105 635 4658 Doc Tubervillo Tuberculoses 4 105 610 61030223Panchita 30223Panchita II 4 106 668 2282 Judge Baker 4 108 600 1488 Duncan Bell 4 108 560 560Second Second Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sox pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc HdcpLuna Luna 110 4998 Glad Hand 110 635 63549982Pansy 49982Pansy H 110 640 4998 Protect 110 620 620Frances Frances Reed b f by Hanover Extra 110 4S92Black Venus 115 658 658Third Third Race 78 Mile 3yearoids Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 4748 Hindoo Indoor Queeu Queue 4999 Deyo Defy 4694 Leo Cole 2325 Scottie D 5001 Duchess of York 2599 The Naulahka Mullah 386 Rida Ida 2564 Happy Ten 9341 Ruiz Ritz 8228 Barataria Barratries Black Fonso Fonts 8520 Onagon Contagion 4893 Bigstaff Briggs 4786 Ben Walker Whip Fourth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 5001 Dominica 4 103 1204 Chelsea 4 103 1624 Don Alfonso 4 103 5001 Herminia Termini 5 105 500l2Swordsman 4 106 5001 Kalitan Kalian 4 106 29t 7 Rampart 6 107 5001 Fasig Fasting 5 107 4807 Nero 10 107 4430 Jamboree 7 107 5001 Annaheim Anaheim 5 110 4979 Alamo v 6 107 Fifth Ruce Bruce 4 iS Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt WtProspero Prospero 105 10549213Do 49213Do Blaise Blains 108 108John John F Vogt Vote 108 108Ed Ed Tipton Lipton b c by Deceiver Mary Parks 108 Peleus Pees br c by Hindoo Indoor PerulOS Perilous 50003L Pillott Pilot Jr 108 108Lord Lord Excellent b c by Lord Hartington Harrington Excellenza Excellence 108 Over Jordan ch c by Glenelg Genteel Glenelgor Genteel or Padisba Paddies East Lake 108 Al Sirat Spirant b c by Bersan Berman Katherine Bassett Basset 108 Duke of Baden b c by Duke Dukeof Duke of Montrose Babette Barbette 108 5000 King Carnival 108 5000 Greatland Greenland 108 Sixth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt 5002 Liew Lie Anna 4 101 5002Maggie S 5 106 47143Rockwood 4 106 3659Albertvale 4 106 5002 Carrie Lyle 6 105 2686 Millie M 5 105 4415 Loyalty 5 107 50022Blacking Brush 5 107 46083Kingstono 5 107 5002 Royal Choice 5 110 4787JABC 5 110