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f Opens Thursday April 7th FULL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE ON ALL RAGING EVENTS 2pm Returning at 5 05pm and afttr attar the last San I rancifcco Francisco race Alley Li connects with eltctric electric cars at 63d Street and Madison e Snor Senor Michgan Michigan Southern Van Buren Burn Street Dtpot Depot Regular train at 12O5pm at12O5pm Returning at 431 and 634 pm Carsat Carat Iliino Filipino s Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Roby Robby Eltctric Electric Cars at 92nd Street StreetCOHBINATIONS Stretching COHBINATIONS COMBINATIONS ON ALL EVENTS EVENTSFare Events Fare for the Round Trip on All Roads 25 Cents