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MEMPHIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather wet track gpod pod gpodFirst podgiest First Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 4993 Johnny McHale Chalet 2710 Winslow 4964 Sugar Foot 4787 Hill Billy 1634 HarrieFlojd Ariel 49932 Henrica Hernia Shrimp 49803 Jim Lisle 4979 Denial 4885 Ma Angeline Angelina Pearl Walker Second Race 13 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 1927 Lieber Libber Anton 118 585 Red 585Red Pirate ch c by Pirate of ofPenzance openhanded Penzance Penance Ray W 108 Jim Lick b c by Getaway Kissimoieo Kissinger 108 Annihilator ch c by Claren Clare ¬ don Destruction 108 4947 Banish 108 600 Sagitta Sugita 600Sagitta 108 4973 Judge Rankin 105 510 4992 Bob Bass 105 500 Baron 500Baron St Pierre br g by St StFlorian Stentorian Florian Florin Zittella Intel 105 Third Race 34 Mile Tennessee Club Stakes 500 guaranteed 3yearolds 3yearoldsInd Ind Indo Horses Ind Indo Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp4936Bannockburn 4936Bannockburn 117 750 75049753Tom 49753Tom Collins 112 675 49913Lady 67549913Lady Irene 107 685 6852798Banished 2798Banished 102 715 1468 Tom Lilly 102 KOO KO 4996 Millstream 102 640 4643 Globe II 99 635 4830 Reefer 97 605 605Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling49123Moncreitii 49123Moncreitii 4 118 620 62049792Nimrod 49792Nimrod 5 114 645 4785 Swift 5 108 500 50023352The 23352The Professor 3 105 665 4996 Basquil Basque 4 104 565 5654960Jim 4960Jim Flood 6 108 595 59549492Jane 49492Jane 6 103 610 61049643Kruna 49643Kruna 4 99 500 50049752Wilson 49752Wilson 3 97 650 6503728George 3728George B Cox 3 97 635 63549362Eleanor 49362Eleanor Holmes 3 94 655 655Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling34332St 34332St Rogue 4 121 605 60538402AlLone 38402AlLone 4 116 615 61542723Randazzo 42723Randazzo 3 109 605 6058655Trombone 8655Trombone 3 109 625 62528482High 28482High Jinks 3 109 650 1879 Mongolian 3 106 580 2685 Empress Josephine 3 104 630 4977 Pearl 3 104 665 6654886Lennep 4886Lennep 3 104 655 6551592Crocket 1592Crocket V640Sixth 3 104 V640 Sixth Race About 3 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling317BobNeely 317BobNeely 7 152 565 56519192Alfonsina 19192Alfonsina 8 146 510 2150 Belva Belay 5 136 500 1151 UnclePat Unclear 4 130 43582Captain Peirsal Perusal 4 129 600 600First First series