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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART CHARTAQUEDUCT CHARTA AQUEDUCT X I May 5 Tenth day Queens County Jockey Club Spring Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather cloudy track fair Presiding Judge Wm C Cozier Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 2 30 p m KfQO FIRST RACE34 Mile 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 545 757554102SOUTH JLJNO 115 6 1 IH 11 13 Doggett Doge G Winslow 7575 54102SOUTH AFRICA 111 1 22 21 24 24 Irving Adam Beck 3 8 a 5410 FORUM 112 5 32 34 3 3 Wapshire Washier W Oliver 30 100 30 100 5435 PHILIP 99 4 6 44 51 4 Maher D Gideon 3 4 3 34 5385 CHARENTUS CARETS 112 3 44 51 4 53 Lewis O L Richards 3533 5370 JUNIOR 98 2 51 6 6 6 OConnor O'Connor C Littlefield Littered Jr 15 20 15 15 15Time Time 25 49 1 03 1 15 Winner Ch m 5 by Salvator Salvatore Bessie June JunePost Jumpiest Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily It was a gallop for Juno South Africa ran a true race He tired at the end Philip swerved badly on the stretch turn He wants a route routeScratched outstretched Scratched Braw Lad 119 Debride Deride 116 Distant Shot 114 Ton Spot 108 Corelli Cornell 100 Zeila Zelda 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Forum 1 pound 5494 SECOND RACE 58 Mile 400 Added 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5455 LE FID A 103 5 31 3 1 1 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 10 6 6 54123SIR FLORIAN FLORIN 109 6 55 4 21 Littlefied Littered F Reagan Co 22 85 85 5451 1155451RUSSA KINGS PRIDE 10 4 6 4 53 33 Maher A J Joyner Joiner 2 115 2 115 5451RUSSA WALDEN 109 3 IH 21 2 46 Songer Sponger Kensico Keens Stable 3 4 3 34 5472 REE REES MITCHELL 111 2 2H 1 34 54 Lewis BenngtuGrdnerlO 30 10 25 5470 25LADY CAVALLERIA CAVALIER 100 1 4 6 6 61 Bergen J A McLaughlin 10 30 10 25 LADY YARAK ARK 101 7 7777 Makin Akin Adam Beck 20 60 20 50 50Time Time 24 49 1 03 Winner 03Winner B f by Magnetizer Leopoldina Leopoldville Post 5 minutes Start good Won driving Lepida Lapidary came very strong at the end Sir Florian Florin Florianshould Florins should have won He was kept too far out of the race early Russella Russell Walden tired badly at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Effervescent 109 The Camera 102 Holden Olden 102 Extreme 100 K A Q K THIRD RACEAbout 78 Mile 150 feet short 400 added 3yearolds 9 tt J tJ Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 54732 PINK CHAMBRAY 104 5 4 3 41 34 1 P Clay H Harris 5 10 5 10 10M 5388 LUCID 106 6 5u 4 3H 2 24 Coy lie M Jordan 2 24 2 24 24T 5388 LONG ACRE 106 2 21 2 2 14 3 Songer Sponger T F Barrett Barrette Co 8 30 8 15 5453 MAXIMO MAXIM GOMEZ 103 3 6 6 52 52 41 Maher Maher54142COM M Clancy 853 7575 54142COM TRAVELER 106 4 IH U IH 41 55 Irving W Jennings Jr 4645 5414 BLUE BEARD 105 1 3 51 61 61 61 Jackson J A Bennett 3433 5372 GAME BOY 106 7 7 7 7 7 7 Bergen E Thomas Co 30 50 20 25 25Time Time 25 49 1 02 1 15 g 1 26 Winner Ch f by Whistle Jacket Wamsutta Amstar WamsuttaPost Wastages Post 5 minutes Start good Won driving Pink Chambray ran a good race She was in ¬ terfered there're with twice Lucid ran his race He was not well ridden Coylie Collie should have gone in with him at eighth pole Maximo Maxim Gomez ran far below mark Blue Beard could not raise a gallop yetScratched He is not nearly himself yet Scratched Senator McCarren Macabre 111 Athanas Athena 104 Octave 103 Ella Daly Dally 101 Nabob 116 Overweights Overweighs 116Overweights Pink Chambray U pounds Ind Indo Horses Wt St St M Y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 54712MAZARIN 121 4 H 114 12 13 12 is Lewis BngtnGardner75 2 75 95 5411 DAMIEN 114 3 3 34 31 24 21 21 Lamley Langley Deimel Decimal Farrell 3 3 8585 5433 NABOB 102 1 21 5 5 44 34 314 P Clay BngtnGardner75 2 7595 759553882KOFTHEGRTR106 53882KOFTHEGRTR106 2 4 41 4n 5 44 46 Maher P S PRandolph Randolph 2 24 752 5341 MANASSAS MANTISSAS 103 5 5 24 2 3 5 5 Songer Sponger P S P Randolph t2 24 75 2 2tCoupled tCoupled Coupled in betting Time 24 49 1 03 1 16 142 1 49J Winner MpnardoPost Ch g 5 by Farandole Farad Mpnardo Poniard Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a gallop Mazarin Mandarin had the speed arid nothing could get near him He was eased to a walk at the finish Damien ran kindly He is not ready readyScratched Scratched Ortolan Portland 92 Overweights Overweighs Nabob pound Pk I O T FIFTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs 100 added 2yearolds Maidens tj tdt td t7 I Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 54703CAMOTOP 112 8 854092TYRAN 12 14 li li Songer Sponger Kensico Keens Stable 6 12 5 8 54092TYRAN 112 6 21 24 2u 2 Littlefield Littered P S P Rariaolpn Aerial 5 64 4 5409 EXTREME 112 4 454342AL 61 3 3 31 H Lewis Mrs L Curtis 6 12 6 12 54342AL REEVES 109 5 X54 12X54 51 41 41 Hirsch W C Daly Dally 10 15 10 15 15SH 5436 JUDGE MAGEE 112 2 SH 61 5 54 Irving T A Magee 34 8 34 4 5409 MOUNT CLEMENS 112 7 753692DR 4 41 61 61 Spencer Taylor Bradley 21 3 21 3 53692DR FITZSIMMONS 112 9 954513CHANLER 7777 Coylie Collie J C Fitzsimmons 3 53 31 54513CHANLER 112 3 8 88 Doggett Doge P J Dwyer 10 20 10 20 5409 THE CAMERA 112 1 9 9 9 9 P Clay Mrs J Bratton Raton 10 20 10 20 20Time Time 12 24 36 49 g 56 56Winner Winner Blk Balk c by Potomac Lavinia Livonia Belle BellePost Belle Post 8 minutes Start good Won driving Camotop Cannot is very speedy Extreme ran to form He was bothered the last sixteenth by Tyran Tyrant or would have been second Mt Clemens ran a bad race Scratched Bondman 112 5498 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 400 added 3yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1379 OVIATT OBVIATE 1104 4 453132HARRY 14 IK 12 n H Lewis R McKeever McKee 4 5 31 34 53132HARRY CRAWFRD CRAWFORD lOo lobo 5 3 4H 31 2 Jackson R C Doggett Doge 2 2 8595 5114 DEAL 97 3 52 6 54 3 Coylie Collie F T Miller 15 25 15 20 5114 ORTHOS WORTHIES 99 li 23 2 22 46 Rogers MooreHonackerlO 40 10 30 5438 LEW LE RYAN J074 2 4 i 31 41 51 Newmeyer Newsmonger J J McCormick 7877 3110 STAYSAIL 102 6 61 5 64 61 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 6 10 6 6 6TILLIE TILLIE LILLIE W 97 9 8777 Maher H WarnkeJSr Wanes 4848 4848MUNICH MUNICH 109 8 7888 Scberrer Cobber Sensation Stable 8 12 8 10 5231 INQUISITOR 1104 7 99 9 9 Littlefield Littered P S P Randolph 6867 6867Time Time 24 50 103 Winner Ch c by Pontiac Isabella IsabellaPost Isabella Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily Oviatt Obviate was a lot the best Orthos Orators showed speed but tired Boy made a weak finish on him He should have been second Deal closed very strong strongScratched Scratched Basil 99 Boxmaker Bookmaker 99 Ruby Lips 97 Overweights Overweighs Oviatt Obviate 24 pounds Lew Blew Ryan 24 Munich 4 Inquisitor 24