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LAKESIDE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hd 2711 Treeby Trebly 4 102 5514 Cynthia H 4 102 5511 Scornful 4 104 25H3 F Garner 4 104 5511 Laius Claus 4 104 5391 Croesus Cress 4 104 6121 Hickey 4 104 5511 Admetus Adepts 4 104 5558 Lady Maud 5 106 46612Proverb 7 108 3541 Cochise Cochins 5 Ill 1616 Find Out 6 Ill Second Race 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances55563G 55563G 55563Grand rand March 98 5488 CoraHavill Coattail II 98 55562Mouzeltoff 98 5197 PellaB Paella 98 5553 Lizzie Tizzies Kelly 98 5556 Eva Wilson 104 5488 Vioris Visors 104 54882Primavera 107 55152Nancy Seitz Seize 107 Third Race 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds and upward Allowances 2358 Graziella Grazie 3 88 49672Candleback 3 93 55322Joe Shelby 3 98 54902Dr Sheppard 4 109 5557 Harbinger 6 113 FourtU Fourth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling1910Fontumka 1910Fontumka 3 85 52763Marito 3 89 5574 Hermoso Hermosa 3 90 5514Skillman 3 94 5513 Papa Harry 3 96 5492 Midlight Midnight 4 97 4608 Brother Fred 4 99 2274 Hosi Hoi 3 99 5172Alabaster 3 100 5534 Czarowitz Carbonize 4 102 18873Muriel T 5 103 5272 Hoffman 4 104 52762AlbertS 5 104 5555Dukeof Haven 3 105 55342La Princessa Princess 4109 5557Enchanter 4 114 Flftli Fulfilling Race 13 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 5531 Gertrude L 102 5531 Top Roller 102 Carrie Davis 102 5531 VictorSum Victors 102 Green Witch 102 5488 Scatcohen Catchments 102 5553 Dixie Dinmont Dumont 104 5491 Facade i 104 5458 Hadrian 107 Cuirassier 109 5491 Arthur McKnight Mocking 109 4594 St Francis 110 s Sixth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 4575 Belle of Niles 4 102 3807 Little Singer 4 102 5558 Connie Lee 4 102 5554 MillioM Million 5 106 55162Paskola 5 106 4982 Terranet Errant 5 106 55112Jersey Lad 4 107 5511 Red 4 107 55113Pitfall 6 108 5516 Hazelhatch Hazel 7 Ill 2169 Sullross Soulless 10 Ill