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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 34 Mile MileEclipse Midlevel Eclipse Course Course3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5538 Algol 4 126 1835Nick 8 124 545nLeedsville 4 119 5337 Tanis Anis 5 113 2949 Bastion 4 Ill 5032 Blarneystone Blarneys 3 Ill IllSecond Millisecond Second Race Withers Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 3493Juno 5 108 55362Double Quick 5 107 672 67253S52BrawLad 53S52BrawLad 4 104 665 5437 Passover 4 104 650 5474 James Monroe a 104 625 62553193Hanlon 53193Hanlon 5 4 658 52523 Her Own 4 99 670 67054953LongAcre 54953LongAcre 3 93 656 5493 Philip 3 93 640 5495 Maximo Maxim Gomez 3 90 660 54742 Filament 3 85 662 66252332Plnutain 52332Plnutain 3 85 666 5437 Ben Ronald 4 110 675 675Third Third Race Last 78 Withers Mile Mile3vearolds 3vearolds Maidens February 2 2The The Larchmont Parchment Stakes 500 added addedInd added Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp53873Athanas 53873Athanas 122 642 1202 Mirthful 115 650 6508203Joe 8203Joe Anderson 115 640 1538 Long Lane 115 635 2696 Merlin 110 645 645Flareaway Flareaway Faraway ch f by St Blaise Blains BlaiseGeorgette Georgette 110 Fourth Race Last 78 Withers Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5535 Cleophus Cloths 4 123 750 7505493Juno 5493Juno 5 114 720 720I I 5469 Lambent 5 114 690 3112 Endeavor 4 113 675 675843Geisha 843Geisha 3 98 725 7255473Nearest 5473Nearest 3 98 710 71054733Ella 54733Ella Daly Dally 3 98 680 68054692Quoen 54692Quoen of Beauty 3 98 700 2305 Fleeting Gold 3 98 685 685Fifth Fifth Race Last 13 Mile Eclipse Course 2yearolds Selling SellingIiid Selling Iiid Iii Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp54942Sir 54942Sir Floriau Florida Ill 660 66053143The 53143The Diver 110 658 658Warhead Warhead b c by Tournament Lady Gay 108 5210St Glair Lair 108 655 655The The Gardener ch c by Knight Knightof Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Pansy 103 5412 Peace 103 666 Lustnauer Sustainer 102 Meddlesome br c by Meddler MeddlerSheboygan Meddlers Sheboygan 102 5186Sir Kenneth 101 675 5436 Alpen Galen 100 650 6505338Robert 5338Robert 99 668 6685294Clap 5294Clap Trap 99 672 672Lady Lady Kingston 96 5494 Russella Russell Walden 96 670 249 Boney Bony Boy 90 665 665Sixth Sixth Race 1 13 Miles MilesOver Milestone Over 6 Hurdles St Nicholas Handicap 4yaarolds and upward upward2518Sir 2518Sir Vassar 5 165 675 2670 BenEder Bleeder 5 152 660 8411 Maicus Marcus 9 140 650 3111 Challenger 4 140 655 65520472Big 20472Big Strive 5i40 650 65054563Lansdale 54563Lansdale 6 138 670 6702569BrownRed 2569BrownRed 9 136 662 66251892Lady 51892Lady Dainty 4 135 665 5189 Valorous 4 133 650 650Moslem Moslem b g by Surefoot Surefooted Onoma Ono 4 132 5271Capt Peirsal Perusal 4 150 670 First series