Lakeside Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-05-19


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LAKESIDE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Horses5715Chinkapin Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5715Chinkapin 5622Penso Roso Rosa 5514 Branch 5693 M J Conway 5619 Malachi Malachite Hogan 5622 Sir Hobart 5619 Waubun Auburn 56193Clifton B 5574 Faustenes Fasteners 56223Cutter Dutch Henry Henry93393Kalmia 93393Kalmia 5718 Treeby Trebly 5595 F Garner 4 107 5662 Scornful 4 107 T Luckey Lucky Co entry entrySecond Etruscan Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 5264 Baliverso Algiers 3 89 630 5622 Duke of Little Grove 3 89 550 1347 Howitzer 3 89 575 2274 Hosi Hoi 3 89 670 5619 Canton 3 89 600 5694 Skillman Skill 3 92 675 5695 La Princessa Princess 4 99 650 5695 Quaver 4 99 660 5720 Chiqnitall Clinically 3 100 585 57463 Warren Point 5 103 615 2129 Lon Jones 5 103 550 550Third Third Race 3 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt xHdcp xHdcp5644ElsieG 5644ElsieG 109 650 650Babe Babe Robertson b f by Brad ¬ ford Jennie Ten Broeck Brock 109 55312Juggler 112 660 6605717Buena 5717Buena Ventura 114 615 6155491King 5491King Barleycorn 120 700 Fourtli Fourthly Race I Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and Upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Ago Wt 5693 Sister Ella 3 81 8157202Floronso 57202Floronso 3 86 5746 John Conroy Cory 4 99 5696 Paskola Paso 5 101 5718 Fonclif Foci 4 102 5694 Jersey Lad 4102 5720 MittBoyken 4 104 10456652Peto 56652Peto Kitchen 5 105 10556963Nowsgatherer 56963Nowsgatherer 4 109 1095718Topmast 5718Topmast 5 110 110Fifth Fifth Race 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling 5614 RosaL Rosa 102 5596 CoraHavillll 102 5692 Scatcohen Catchments 102 57172 Mouzol Ouzo toff off io5 io555992Arthur 55992Arthur McKnight Mocking 105 1055692Espirago 5692Espirago 105 1055599Hadrian 5599Hadrian Ill IllSixth Billionth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling56962Marito 56962Marito 3 91 9156952FopaLeo 56952FopaLeo 3 92 9256932Nivoce 56932Nivoce 3 92 5695Alabaster 3 94 944827Irish 4827Irish Lady 5 101 5648 Barataria Barratries 3 102 5719 Richard J 3 105 5720 Alberts Alerts 5 106 10655763Bing 55763Bing Binger Bringer 5 106

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Local Identifier: drf1898051901_4_4
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