Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-05-19


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL May 18 Eightysixth Eights day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is used Racing starts at 215 p m pT rj Q F FIRST RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C H S Edwards Co2 6 2 5 31 21 3 23 McDonald C Linde Linden 2 2 8585 8585D 47733ORAIBEE 3057392LA 91 6 6n 6 61 31 W Miller D A Hoi Honig Hong 15 40 15 30 57392LA PARASSEUSE PARNASSUS 90 3 11 11 12 41 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin LottridgeS Glottides 15 8 12 5591 E COME 105 2 4 4 5 52 Piggott Spigot H L Frank 85857585 4345 RACINE MURPHY 85 4 51 52 4n 63 McNichols Conchoids P Siebrecht Select 30 50 30 40 5710 CHILKOOT CHLOE PASS 85 7 7777 Hal Brown L H Ezell Bezel 30 100 30 75 Time 75Time 24 36 51 58 Winner 58Winner SantoStart Santos Ch f by Emperor of Norfolk Espirito Spirit Santo Start good Hard drive between the first two The track suited Magdelanes Magellan best She was full of speed Malay was closing at the finish He favors a route and a harder track Oraibee Lorraine can bo tabbed for a good track Stopped at end after much use as if short Parasseuse Parnassus again showed cowardice E Come might have won with fair luck and a good ride Was eased up at end after being cut off at start and on stretch turn turnScratched turncoat Scratched Osculation 90 Leo Vertner Verne 90 Also Ran II 93 T rj 7f SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 30D 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 5740 CASTAKE COSTAE 95 2 3 3 21 1 I Powell A Barrera Barrier 6 15 6 5712 COLONEL DAN 99 3 2 21 1 2H J Woods BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 35 35 1 57092ADAM ANDREW 110 4 52 53 31 33 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge4 4 3 56603FORMELLA 93 5 41 43 42 410 McNichols Conchoids W Boots Son 686 5690 SARDOU SRO 110 7 7 8 7 51 Tuberville Tubercle Z Abrahams Abraham 40 80 4C 5486 RICARDO 109 8 87 65 63 Glover Capps Caps Howard 30 30 15 25 5709 DON GARA GAR 112 1 H 11 5 720 Stufflet Stuffiest Mrs C Archer 30 50 30 40 4614 RANARDINE GRANARIES 109 6 6 63 8 8 G Wilson L H Ezell Bezel 50 50 40 40 Time 40Time 25 50 1 04 1 18 Winner 18Winner B g 3 by Apache Lina Lima LinaStart Instate Start good Won in a drive second handily Castake Costae is a good mudlark medullar was lucky in the race and is in good condition Dan has been nerved lately and may not have fully recovered Needs a strong jockey something he did not have today Throw his race out as having any bearing on his best capacity Andrew made up a lot of lost ground Is in good condition For mella ella likes a soft track Don Gara Gar showed some early speed EL S Scratched Sierra Blanco 95 Fig Leaf 105 Roy Carruthers Corrupters 107 Alvin E 107 Major Cook 109 5771 THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A yz StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 5642 JOE LEVY 109 10 4 41 4 13 12 Thorpe J Williams 7 8 6 7 5687 CHARLOTTE M 107 5 8 7 7 7 21 Tompkjns Tompkins Caesar Young 8 12 8 10 5656 PING 112 6 61 61 61 42 32 J Woods W B JenningsCo8 15 8 12 5740 SATICOY SATINY 112 7 5i 5 5 3 4 Ruiz Ritz HowardThackerlO 15 10 12 5687 P A FINNEGAN FINING 112 4 9 8 8 51 Bennett Theo Winters 5642 ESTRO DESTROY 112 3 31 3 31 6 61 Clawson Lawson J N Burk Burke 4 4 4 4 5660 MAGNUS MANUS 109 9 10 9 9 9 72 A Powell C Parker 50 100 50 75 5618 STEP ABOUT 107 2 IH 11 1 21 8 Piggott Spigot W Fisher 75 85 75 75 5656 FLEMING 109 12 11 10 10 10 92 Cairns Mrs W Muir Mir 10 15 10 12 57123TINY 1257123TINY P 109 8 2 2 2 5 101 Tuberville Tubercle H A Brant Brandt 8 12 8 10 5660 LEE KYLO KYLE 109 14 12 11 11 11 11 I Powell J E Dolan 40 75 40 60 5242 MUSCULADO MUSCULAR 109 13 13 13 12 12 12 Stufflet Stuffiest W M Murry Murray 30 60 30 50 5656 OAHU 107 11 14 14 14 13 13 Golden J D Ladd Laded Jr 10 15 10 12 5660APRONA 125660APRONA 107 1 7 12 13 14 14 R Narvaez Larvae W L Stanfield Spaniel 8 20 8 15 Time 15Time 25 52 1 05 1 18i 1 32 Winner 32Winner B g by George Kinney Olivette Olivetti OlivetteStart Olivetti Start good Won easily drive between next four Levy was bestridden Thorpe used him judiciously in front Charlotte M should have won Was not well ridden She favors a route and is good Ping liked the going and ran a good race after being sharply interfered with on the first turn Saticoy Attic was poorly managed and is but a sprinter Finnegan Faineance isnt isn't much He is tit though and ran a fair race Needs strong handling He did not get it today Tab him for early action among his own kind Estro Destroy and Step About are but dashers Tiny P much used showed speed but stopped at the end Aprona Apron ran a bad race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Rio Frio Rio 109 pT rj rj O FOURTH RACEI RACE 14 Miles Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 56403DEVILS DRAM 108 6 41 3 3 3 62 1 Thorpe B C Holly 2323 232357432FORTUNA 57432FORTUNA 106 9 5 5 SNK SANK 5 IH 21 R Narvaez Larvae J A Carroll 12 15 10 12 5711RAPIDO 125711RAPIDO 108 7 8 7 7 7 5 32 Ruiz Ritz S F Capps Caps 12 12 10 12 57422CROMWELL 1257422CROMWELL 111 1 1 1 IH 2 2 42 Clawson Lawson E W Purser 65656565 65656565568U2METAIRIE 568U2METAIRIE 108 564 4 4n t 53 Tuborville Tubercle M D Miller 8 10 8 8 5550 VELOZ VELA 104 3 7 10 10 10 8 61 I Powell H E Whitman 60 80 60 75 56893ZARRO 7556893ZARRO 108 10 10 61 61 6H 7 73 G Wilson W F Cutler 12 15 12 12 5689 WILLIAM OB 111 4 2 2 2 11 31 810 Frawley Crawly T H Boyle Co 15 30 15 25 5714 LADY HURST 102 8 9 9 9 9 9 91 McNichols Conchoids W Napier 5655 5465 FORT AUGSTS AUGUSTS 107 2 3 8 8 8 10 10 Piggott Spigot W McClelland Macmillan 8 10 8 8 5589 MARY NIEVES NERVES 106 11 11 100Time 11 11 11 11 11 Kiley Kelley Hemet Stable 60 150 60 100 Time 25 52 118145 1591 2 13i Winner 13iWinner B f 4 by Chittabob Chicano Ternpse Tense TernpseStart Tensest Start fair Won under strong riding to the finish Dream is an erratic performer She seems to be in good form was lucky iu the race and well ridden Fortuna was fortunate though she improved her position steadily She is good just now The same remarks apply to Rapido Rapid Cromwell was unlucky and very badly ridden Is good as to condition Metairie Meteorite is best on a hard track was poorly handled Throw out Lady Hursts Hurst race Fort Augustus is of no present account William OB and Zarro Arrow were victims of incompetent riding ridingScratched ridings Scratched Tenacity 108 Joe Terry 111 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 56173RECREATION 11105659LA 93 3 SH 2 2 21 H J Woods BurnsWaterhso65 65 1 1110 85257122PEIXOTTO 5659LA GOLETA GOBLET 99 1 1 4 4n 32 22 Clawson Lawson E J Baldwin 852 852 57122PEIXOTTO 105713CASPER 106 7 7 6 6 52 3 Tuberville Tubercle J J Coalter Coater 6 12 6 10 5713CASPER 108 4 41 IH 1 1 41 Piggott Spigot D A Honig Hong 3534 5566 5057142DOLORE SEA SPRAY 102 5 61 8 8 71 5 Ruiz Ritz P Siebenthaler Segmental 40 70 40 50 57142DOLORE 103 2 2 31 33 4 63 G Wilson J N Burk Burke 8 30 8 25 5714 LOST GIRL 100 6 5u 5i 5 6 72 R Narvaez Larvae E G McConnell 10 30 10 25 2785 JIM BOZEMAN 107 8 75Time 8 7 7 8 8 Golden Mrs E Starkey Starker 50 100 50 75 Time 25 51 1 05 1 18 1 31 Winner 31Winner B f 3 by Morello Marcello Picnic PicnicStart Picnics Start good Won easily Drive of four for third place Recreation was best She favors soft going and was well ridden Goleta Goblet was unlucky The track did not suit her She is good and is best over a distance of ground Peixotto Eliot closed strong Casper was killed off by pace making Is only worth consideration when footing is soft Spray needs a hard course Was outclassed Dolore Dolores was shut off early and badly ridden Lost Girl had some speed but ran as if stale staleScratched statecraft Scratched Mocorito Motorist 93 Roy del Tierra 103 Earl Cochran 107 Rebel Jack 91 5774 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 5660 CARBINEER CARABINEER 107 6 H 12 11 12 Thorpe Covington Coving KentS KenS 3 2J 2 5638 PONGO POGO 107 5 3 31 4 22 Piggott Spigot T E Latta Plata 6 6 3 4 5638 IDOMENEUS DONENESS 104 2 2 2n 2 32 Tuberville Tubercle T McGowan Co 10 20 10 20 5638 ROSA 102 3 41 42 SH 4 Frawloy Crawly W Lo Loivre Loire 30 30 30 30 5638 KITTIE KITTIES BLAKE 97 7 7 7 5 51 Hal Brown Theo Winters 15 100 15 75 5404 RACIO RADIO 99 8 61 62 63 6 Kiley Kelley W M Murry Murray 30 30 20 30 5565 JIM BROWNELL BROWNE 102 1 5 5 7 7 Ruiz Ritz P Weber 15 25 15 20 56382ENTRATA 2056382ENTRATA 102 9 9 9 8 8 Woods JNBurk 2423 5685 CYARO CAIRO 99 10 8 8 9 92 Wickline Incline J Skewes Skewers 30 100 30 75 56383BROWN 7556383BROWN PRINCE 104 4 10 10 10 10 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 6666 5638 FALLEN PRINCESS 97 11 11 11 11 11 Garrigan Arian J Cochran 20 30 20 40 Time 40Time 25 50 104 ShotStart Photostat Winner 104Winner B c by Clarendon Claremont Grape Shot Start fair Won handily The winner was best and nicely ridden Pongo Pogo closed up a lot of ground under good riding by Piggott Spigot Rosa should have been third but Frawloy Crawly murdered her chances whateverScratched whatever Entrata Entrant could not act in the mud The others are of no account whatever Scratched Quirte Quite 97

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898051901/drf1898051901_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1898051901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800