untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-05-19


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Harlem Jockey J Club HARLEM RACE TRACK CHICAGO ILL Spring Meeting May 24 to June 24 Inclusive 75000 IN STAKES AND PURSES TO BE GIVEN AWAY AWAYFIVE AWAY FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 230 PM GRAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS ORCHESTRAL PIECESDAILY SPEEDILY AT 130 PI AJDMISSION ADMISSION 8100 LAJDIES LADIES 5O CENTS CENTSSPECIAL SPECIAL RACE TRAINS on Lake St L stopping at all LOOP STATIONS leave Randolph St and 5th Ave at 100 112 124 136 and 148 pm stopping at Halsted Halted St two minutes later at Ashland Ave five minutes later and at 52d St sixteen minutes latter connecting with electric trains direct to the track in fifteen minutes Time to track thirtyone thirty minutes minutesSPECIAL minutes SPECIAL ELECTRIC RACE TRAINS 4 cars leave Van Buren Burn and State Sts SATs via 12th St and 5th Aye on 12th St line every four minutes stopping at the several principal cross streets direct to the track in thirtythree thirty minutes minutesLAKESIDE minutes LAKESIDE JOCKEY CLUB ROBY ROY IND INDO PRESENT MEETING CLOSES SATURDAY MAY 21ST FOR TIME TABLE SEE DAILY PAPERS THE LATEST IDE IDES SPIRIT OF TSE SE TIMES Goodwins Godwin 1 lOllI lOll lOllIAND Lillian RTH ROTH RTHOFFICIAL ARTIFICIAL OFFICIAL AND NEW YORK SPORTSMAN Turf Guide Xrr Rr YLA LA A ANEW MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER CONSOLIDATED A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE b The Recognized Turf Authority ot America AmericaAlways Americana which shows exact position of every horse Always up to Date inf info Every which was either 1st 2d 3d or 4th at each READY FOR DELIVERS qiiurtei pole also positions at 3tart Im ¬ Department portant portent notes added when required Events reported from all parts of the country and Canada Issued the 1st and 15th of every month monthPRICE monotypic 10 CE1STTS PER COPY COPYALL COPAL ALL NEWS DEALERS PRICE 60 CIS CPIS EACH EACHFor Anchor Monthly Racing Form paper paperMorocco paperwork 100 For sale at all principal hotels newsstands ADDRESS ADDRESSi ADDRESS racetracks and publishers office officeGOODWIN office 84l ° ° foryear forearm SPIRIT4 of the TIMES i TIMESlOU Times CA Morocco lOU 300 6m05 omoa Pomona 1 n 1 Prnnkfort Frankfort Prank Kt St GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO BROS144O 3 Bor938 NBW NW YOR YORK 144O Broadway near 4Oth Street Two = flonths fonts Racing Form paper = 200 florocco fluoroscope = = 250 ThreeMonths Treatments Racing Form paper paperflorocco 300 florocco fluoroscope 400 FourMonths Fourteenths Racing Form paper paperflorocco 400 I florocco fluoroscope = = = = = 500 Five = Months Racing Form paper 500 florocco fluoroscope = 600 The Morocco Book is Specially Bound for Hard Use Its Covers are Flexible and the Index printed on Linen Paper and Lettered Letteredfor Lettered atfaHV attach rfcnif foci C fV i iA A borrect correct loncise concise loncisefQffn for Finger use useThe seethe l6rCgrSipfiic The Paper Book Index is Plain and Serviceable fQffn 51166 HFld Fled EnlTieS Penalties CXpertly Expertly if ifTrai infra Trai Trail ni ng Newa New a Specially THE INDEX IS FULL AND COMPLETE Off our own Presses PressesBefore Presses Before the Chicago Dailies 1THB EDITION IS LIMITED THERE ABE BUT EW OP THE LONGTERM LONGER VOL VTOL UMES FUMES ORDERS PILLED AS RECEIVED WE PAY THE FREIGHT FREIGHTDaily Freighted 0 ERMIQHlPQLINQ Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898051901/drf1898051901_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1898051901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800