Lakeside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-05-22


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LAKESIDE FORM CHART CHARTKOJJY CHART KOJJY INIX INFIX May 21 Fifteenth day Lakeside Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge John W Kelsey Starter Richard Dwyer Eacing Acing starts at 215 p m O A FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearoids and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 693 BORDEN 94 2 51 4 21 12 Flick D M Hogan 4433 jtii tipi J ULIA JULIA HAZEL 89 5 3 x 15 Hi 22 McQuade Maculae M L Kuntz Klutz 12 12 10 10 57 TREEBY TREBLY 103 I INK INKjiVo 82 lOO lobo 9 3H Bloss Loss H Heinsohii Henson 6 6 6 G jiVo jive LON JONES 105 3 3WH 41 2K rNK rank 4j Rose John Krepper Keeper 12 15 12 15 WH VHIKM HIM ANTILINE ANILINE 8910 92 7 71 5 Shepherd Reid Reynolds 4444 IS DIXIE LEE 1C6 8 7 K 6 8 65 N Turner C S Wilson 4 4 31 31 HJ WILD WEST 103 6 INK 3 K 31 710 J Morgan C E Mahone Mahoney 6766 jo20 TERRIFIC 103 11 12 5 6 82 S Johnson J Thompson 15 25 15 20 5602 WILL WALLACE 100 12 12 12 12 91 L Smith KECLieblein 10 12 10 12 RIGICULM 7i 61 112 4 ioH oH Lilly C Wegmann Legman 25 30 25 25 5750 MISS HAYDEN 91 9 102 9io 111 1125 WHMartinJ Wharton H Patterson s 12 8 10 5574 FAUSTENES ACUTENESS 94 41 2 K 85 101 12 Nutter Mutter B E Curl 853 853 Time 25 52 1 C6J 1 20 Winner 20Winner B c 3 by Morello Marcello Ciineter Criminate Off at first break to a good start It was a driving finish between five They were spread all over tho thou track Bordon Bourdon was the best in the going He was under punishment the last half mile Julia Hazel was pumped out early and quit at tho thou end Treeby Trebly finished strong Lon Jones was coming at the end He is ready Wild West showed some speed Overweights Overweighs speedOverweights speedier Terrific 4 pounds Rigiculm Ridicule 21 Dixie Leo 3 Treeby Trebly 4 Wild West 2 5835 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 4207sDONT SKIP ME 92 1 3H 2 11 1 Gray James Whitten Whiten 35 71035 710 5750 CARRIE F 9210 91 81 4 2 Zenono Xenon G B Grimes 6 12 0 10 5719 ELLA PENZANCE PENANCE 1021 41 2 1 2 3 McMillan Macmillan James R Hand 2 21 2 115 5746 BLUE JACKET 92 4 5 3 4 W Kelly C A Freudenberg Frequenter 8 12 8 10 5778 JOHN CONROY CORY 94 61 81 9 G 5 McQuade Maculae H McCarren Macabre Jr 8 8 8 8 5691 BOB GARNET 82 3 71 10 71 62 ERobortsonMillor Robertson Finch 30 60 30 60 5691 105775BRANCH PRESENTLY 91 8 6 4 5 71 Rose John Krepper Keeper 10 10 10 10 5775BRANCH 91 71 111 72101 81 Shepherd C Mahone Mahoney 4645 5695 INCETATUS DICTATES 94 13 121 122 H2 91 Flick Fries Dunn 6766 5750 ASTOR 82 91 13 13 125 IQI II W Wood LockartRedmanSO Located 50 30 40 5571 BUENA NOTTE NOTE 80 14 14 14 133 no Ballengor Allegory G M Brown 50 100 50 75 36 ANNA W 97 11 51 61 91 12 CurtiudahlB Curtsied Mock Co 15 20 15 15 5691 BOB AGAIN 88 12 101 11 14 1310 W H MartinC Martin flirschfieldCo Fairchild 30 30 20 20 8396 PANOUT PEANUT 102 2 1H 31 81 14 Lilly P Noonan Noncan 10 15 10 15 5011051Winner Time 15Time 25 5011051 LyonPost Lyon Winner B f 4 by Al Farrow Arrow Lady Lyon Post 4 minutes Start good Won cleverly the noxffivo were driving Dont Don't Skip Me was well in hand all the way Carrie F ran a cracking good race It fitted in with her last perform ¬ ance Vance too Better ridden she would have given tho thou winner an argument Ella Penzanco Penance evidently needs a rest She looked thin and drawn and weakened badly when pinched Blue Jacket ran a good race considering the rido rio Panout Peanut had lot of a speed He has bad legs and pulled up a trifle lame Branch was off in a tangled up position and could never got through Anna W ran a fair race and John Conroy Cory a good ono Scratched Duke of Little Grove 87 Tom Toher Other 87 Overweights Overweighs 87Overweights Bob A ° JCH CHG T 01 5886 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5720 2156J4MORTE MOLO MOO 94 51 1 12 14 13 is Shepherd Hoffman Smith 5 5 21 21 56J4MORTE FONSE FONTS 114 1 6 3H 23 22 28 H Shields LHEzell Heel 25122512 5746 PITFALL 109 31 4 6 510 41 33 Caywood Cawed H Sanders 8 12 8 10 5694 HAZEL HAZELHATCH HAZEL HATCH 112 2 3 21 3H 3 43 Nicholson J Delong Belong 5756 5806 PASKOLA PASO 107 4 5 4 6 6 52 F Morris WymoroCo 8 10 8 10 5775 CLIFTON B 92 81 8 5 41 55 68 Rose A McCauley 50 100 50 100 5748 EAGLE BIRD 112 9 7 85 88 8 73 Dunn 4 Mock Co 15 30 15 25 5555 HERMAN KAHN 94 7 21 72 72 73 820 WHMartinJ Wharton Ralston 8 15 8 12 5648 COCHISE COCHINS 112 61 25Time 9 9 9 9 9 Sherland Shetland J Steppe 15 30 15 25 Time 25 52 106 119 1471 Winner OutstepPost Outstrip Ch c 3 by Pardee Parsee Outstep Outstrip Post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second eased up when beaten third and fourth driving Molo Moo was lucky and well ridden Shepherd took a desperate chance to get through on the first turn Had the field closed in on him he would have gone ovor over the fence Morte Mote Fonse Fosse did all he could and was well ridden Ho simply was not good enough to win as the race was run Paskola Paso was badly pocketed at the start Hazelhatch Hazel wont to pieces when the pinch came It was Pitfalls kind of going and he ran a good race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Hosi Hoi 95 Lucy Belle 107 Santa Cruz 109 Harry Shannon 109 Moroa92 Flor Floor FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt Wt56932N1VOCE Yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 56932N1VOCE 96 IH 21 23 13 Gray JDelong Dealing 85 95 85 85 5748 CARLOTTA C 103 41 5 63 211 McMillan Macmillan W H Laird 5756 5716 PAPA HARRY 100 1005i503TROCHA 51 4 52 S Rutter Ruttier Mrs W J Bauman Busman 2 3 21 13 5 5i503TROCHA 94 9457502JENNIE 2NK 11 IH 43 Rose B Mock Co 8 10 8 10 57502JENNIE JUNE 109 31 311 3K 52 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 1 651 1 2710 NELLIE BAKER 101 62 615 41 63 L Smith I Wallenstein Valentine 12 15 12 15 567 BRIGHTIE BRIGHTEN B 93 935746VANESSA 710 720 712 71 D Jones V Heard 75 100 75 100 5746 5746VANESSA VANESSA 105 8 12Time 8888 Bloss Loss MrsMCLyles Marseilles 10 15 10 12 Time 25 52 1071 121 JosiePost Josie Winner 121Winner Ch c 3 by Dutch Oigan Hogan Josie Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second hand ridden Third and fourth driving hard Nivoce Invoice is at his best right now He was well ridden Gray picked the good going all the way Jennie June ran below tho thou mark She was interfered with repeatedly Carlotta C finished strong under a weak ride Watch Trocha Troche He can win among his own kind Nellie Baker ran much bettor than the figures show She showed a sharp turn of speed between the half and three quarter considerablyScratched considerably posts Vanessa was always outrun Papa Harry was bumped about considerably Scratched Duke oJ Haven 104 Dave S 109 Overweights Overweighs Brightie Brighten B 2 pounds Vanessa 4 4K K O O Q FIFTH RACE58 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and tfpward Allowances 5748DAVE WALDO WEALD 94 I K 22 23 22 1 Gray Wymoro Co 85 85 75 85 4235 45455719PETER DONNA RITA 92 4 4 4 3H 23 Flick T Licalzi Laical 4545 5719PETER MC CUE 94 2 11 13 12 35 Shepherd Thomas Watkins 1111 57193 LORD FAIRFAX 106 5 55 43 425 Bloss Loss J H Terrett Terre 3 4 31 4 26132BILLY MASON 90 31 33 12Time 3 5 5 WH Martin Walden Sweet 8 12 8 12 Time 241 50 1041 Winner HelianthusPost Helianthus 1041Winner B c 3 by Sayre Ayres Helianthus Post 4 minutes Start good Won driving hard tho thou second and third were almost as hard driven Poter Potter McCuo McCoy was pumped out going tho thou first three furlongs He has a Jot of speed but is a coward Gray rode a nice race on Dave Waldo Weald He waited patiently to the stretch and then picked the good going Donna Rita was not quite ready Watch her The race will put her on edge Bhe He was running strongest at tho thou finish Billy Mason showad showed speed but was slfort slot and stopped in the sixteenthScratched sixteenths stretch Peter McCue McClure swervedbadly swerved tho thou last sixteenth Scratched Alabaster 98 5889 SIX1 SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G G5749IMP 5749IMP 125696MONCREITH 117 2 1 IH 13 15 18 16 N Turner D R Harness 25 35 25 12 5696MONCREITH 105 4 3 2 4 21 2 25 Caywood Cawed JE Murphy 2 21 2 115 5 5621 BANQUO BANQUET II 103 S 4 4 3 4 32 310 Bloss Loss P J Miles 4 41 4 4 4o810 o810 ARREZZO CARRIZO 93 25Time 11 2 31 21 3 4 4 Gray W H Roller 20 25 20 25 Time 13 251 38 52 1 05 1 18 1 321 1 45 1 59h FondlingPost Fondling Winner 59hWinner Blk Balk f 4 by Wagner Fondling Post 3 minutes Start good Won eased up drivo drive for the place Imp simply played with her field She is cherry ripe and could have won much further off Moncreith Noncredit is game Cay wood was at work on him all tho thou last three furlongs Bauquo Bouquet II weakened in the last seventy yards mileScratched He is good and can bo tabbed for early action Arrezzo Carrizo outclassed ran well for a mile Scratched Vanessa 8a Marito Marion 89 Mitt Boyken Broken SO SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V3 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 57452ELSIE BRAMBLE 89 SH SH5648GREEN 43 32 2 13 Shepherd W H Roller 4 6 4 5 5648GREEN JACKET 106 8 31 41 32 23 Sherland Shetland H Hurdle 85 2 S5 95 57762QUAVER 101 51 82 54 6 3H Petermau Peter Strobal Tribal Miller 21 2 2 115 5776 CHIQUITAII 89 9 61 62 71 41 Zenone Enounce Grant McCall Mecca 15 30 15 25 5715 WINSLOW 105 7 757763SKILLMAN 91 9H 81 51 Morgan T E Barrett Barrette 4 64 5 57763SKILLMAN 94 41 7 72 52 61 McQuade Maculae H McCarron Macaroon Jr 5 65 6 5691 SPANISH PRINCESS89 1 = 1 IH I K 72 ROso Rosa EHarding Bearding 10 15 10 15 58063 58063JERSEY 1558063JERSEY JERSEY LAD 10610 10 10 91 8H Lilly W W Clark 10 20 10 15 5695 GNOME 91 2 23 2 41 92 Gray T W Coulter 4 54 4 5643 5613 FERRYMAN II 105 6 K 5 g 10 10 Bloss Loss Wynn Wright 6766 Time 6766Time 25 521 106 119 Winner 119Winner B f 3 by Bramble Elsio Elsie Gayldrd Gaylord Post GayldrdPost Gaylord 2 minutes Start good Won cleverly second hand ridden the next three were driv drive ¬ i ing King Elsie Bramble was lucky in the race She got away nicely and had ajclear Acer path She likes v weight off Green Jacket made a strotg strong bid about the eighth polo but weakened at the end C Quaver was interfered with often and none too well handled Spanish Princess is of no account i She has a lot of speed but lias Elias not a bit of courage Gnome was pumped out chasinsr chains the Prin Prink ¬ c cess endScratched undistracted Chiquita Circuital II ran a fair race Winslow came with his usual sensational rush at the end Scratched Locust Blossom 93 Overweights Overweighs Gnome 2 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1898052201_3_1
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