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HARLEM ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 58 Mile Mile2vearolds 2vearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horse color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 5210 Judge Wilcox 100 550 55059223Facade 59223Facade 103 550 5922 ChevaldOr Cheval 103 o40 5956 Prince Eothen Ethan 103 55o 5922 The Dragoon 103 52j 5956 Defender II 103 600 5922 Nilmah Anima 103 555 555508Q3Barabbas 508Q3Barabbas 106 6aO 6aOJim Jim W HI Bloss Loss HI 55242Flamaro HI 65 6559222Mizzoura 59222Mizzoura Ill b60 b60Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt 5988 Elsie Bramble 3 91 5986 Locust Blossom 3 93 5780 Barataria Barratries 3 93 1741 Dagmar Dammar 3 93 5835 Presently 3 93 6012 Skillman Skill 3 96 5988 Minerva 5 105 5624 Amanda 6 105 55953Laius 4 105 60083 Warren Point 5 107 5986 Pitfall 6 107 60133Qreen Jacket 4 108 60082Czarowitz 4 110 60413TheTory 4 112 5986 Borden 3 96 Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 5925 Henry Chance 94 6010 Bonito 102 59882Floronso 104 5925 Bounding 109 Fourth Race 13 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 5699 Havel Have 97 5599 Carrie Davis 97 55722Ned Wickes Wickets 103 60112ElsieG 105 6011 Santello Antelope 108 6985Espionage 112 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 6040 Paskola Paso 5 99 5926 Jack of Hearts 4 100 5840 Jersey Lad 4 100 5187 Chugnut Chung 5 101 5988 Sutton 4 103 58922Banquo II 4 106 5892 Sunburst 6 110 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingJohn Ellington John Light 3 93 5619Jim Brown 3 93 5585Monk Wayman Cayman 3 96 6010 Papa Harry 3 102 5986 Millie M 5 105 6008Parson 5 107 5957Diggs 6 109 5988 Fay Belle 5 109 5624Redskin 8 110 5890Cherryflame 4 103 5984Julia Hazel 3 91