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OAKLEY ANKLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Age Wt Hdcp Dc 5842 Obstinate Simon 102 660 5989 Gadsden Gladden 102 662 6047 Cascarilla 102 650 6014 Juliet Kinney 102 670 5928 Zene Zee 102 640 6991 Ramlet Armlet 102 665 5989 Uncle John J 105 645 6016 Press Kimball 105 675 58993Mayme MM 110 672 6016 Hellebusch Hellenic 113 655 b8962Flavius 113 Second Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 5897 Annie M 6 91 5897 Ray B 4 92 5873Sedan 4 93 59593Derby Maid A 5 94 5754 Braxey Brae 4 95 5897 Motilla Amontillado 5 96 5897 Bromo Brome 4 99 5901 RayH RaH 5 100 3733 Hidago Hidalgo 6 102 5552MissRoss 6 102 2179 Zolo Zoo 4 102 6018 Maggie S 5 102 Third Race58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 6016 Frank Fellows 88 8860163Peleus 60163Peleus 91 5989 Cora R 93 9359612Peter 59612Peter Sterling 94 9459913Lela 59913Lela Murray 94 6016 Banish 98 5958 Piccola Piccolo 96 5752 Erebus 96 965938Beziquo 5938Beziquo 98 98Avondalell Avondalell Avondale 99 5991 Nervura Nervure 113 11360162Duke 60162Duke of Baden 114 114Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 59333 Allie Sallie Belle 3 89 5783 Possum 3 96 6018 VirgieO Virile 3 93 5901 Rathmore Authored 3 96 Buck Franklin 3 100 57862Laurel Leaf 3 100 5441 Miss Frances 5 101 60173Komurasaki 3 101 5897 Rockwall Rockwell 4 104 6018 Ned 4 104 8497 Orme Ore 3 106 5993 Blantou Bantu 4 106 Fifth Race 1 Mile and7O Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 5960 Skylark 8 104 58752SimonW 6 107 6015Boanerges 4115 Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 5932 HazelGreen Hazel 4 88 5662 Carrie Lyle 6 88 5015 Elsie Barnes 4 91 6019 Ollean Orleans 4 94 59592Dr Pitts Pits 4 94 5932 Plutarch Polluter 4 102 59312KittieB 5 104 5963 Brighton 4 104 59633Suydam 4 105 60192Prosecutor 4 107 6015 Eddie Burke 4 109 1995 Harry Gaines 4 110