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HAKLEM HACKLE RACE TKACK TACK CHICAGO ILL Spring Jt InclusiveJt Inclusive L Meeting y May tb 24 to June 24 Inclusive 75000 IN STAKES AND PURSES TO BE GIVEN AWAY FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 230 PM LADIES RREE REES EVERY THURSDAY GRAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREWS ORCHESTRAL PIECESDAM PIECED AT 130 PI AJDMISSION ADMISSION 81OO LADIES 5O CENTS CENTSSPECIAL SPECIAL RACE TRAINS on Lake St L stopping at all LOOP STATIONS leave Randolph St and 5th Ave at 100 112 124 136 and 148 pm stopping at Halsted Halted St Ashland Ave and 52d St connecting with electric trains direct to the Grand Stand Time to track thirtyone thirty minutes minutesSpecial interspecies Special Electric Race Traits four cars leave Van Buren Burn and State Sts SATs via 12th St and 5th Ave on 12th St line every ten minutes from 1240 to 150 pm stopping at Canal and Halstefi Holstein Sts SATs and Ashland and Ogden Aves Avers direct to the track in thirtythree thirty minntes minters Goodwins Godwin 1RTH 1RTHOFFICIAL I O I PI PITurf Picture OFFICIAL Safe Sensible Comfortable YEAR Cheap Turf Guide CLOHESEY CLOCHES MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER OWNERS AND A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE POOL ROOM and BOOKMAKERS TRAINERS 1 Form Table to Each Event SUPPLIES Express Whan Wham you Company ahip hip your to horses stall jrcmr jacamar aeJt abet car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable n k TICKETS Stall iUjaatable to any car thai which shows exact position of every horse fHONE HONE SHEETS securing absolute safety to rom which was either 1st 2d 3d or 4th at each horeef hereof whilo while iii transit wilLnt willet quarter pole also positions at start Im ¬ ao SLATES additional cost to the strpper stripper ai portant portent notes added when required Events MAIN j 3 express company Zurai Uri Ji thai reported from all parts of the country and CASH BOXES BOXESOjO Boxes free cf coet comet to yen Ih j Ion Canada Issued the 1st and 15th of every BLACK deface the car vben ben adjusted month monthPRICE monotypic OjO Boo Jj and can be oat up is thirty mi ictm dictum i u BOARDS ETC for any nmnbar number cf horaoa Hirano to 24 in loubls lobs door baggego baggage car Espresi Sprees PRICE 60 CTS CRTS EACH EACHFor Anchor companies oan Doan procure stal stale 48 = 50 Wabash Ave AveCHICAGO applying to toJHO Togo For sale at all principal hotels newsstands CHICAGO JHO HO McFADDHW Mor Moor racetracks and publishers office officeGOODWIN office 228230232 East Front Stieet Stet GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO BROS144O 144O Broadway ntar tar 4Oth Street A I CC DC 5ALC5 15 MILES TROM ROM ST LOUiS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHRESBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFff3 UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO ILL JUNE 27 AND 28 1898 THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD CONSIGNORS INCLUDE MESSRS MESSES MESSRSW MESSES FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET SLANDER W S BARNES H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHJ LEIGH O H CHENAULT HEALTH J B CLAY J N CAMDEN JK MEGIKHRNEDGEWATEE MEGIKHRNEDGEWATEEJSBARBEE G N PETTIT PATTI W P KNIGHT JSBARBEE JT JONES JONESTUB JONES W L LANSING SAMUEL BROWN TUB GET OF OFBramble jlthuriel liturgical Touchstonp Touchstone by Camel Bramble Kingston Chance ChanceTeuton Chance Imp St George Imp Candlemas Candelas fLongbow Longbow Verbbna Verbena by Velociped Velocipede Teuton Teutonic King Eric Lissak Lisa LissakBersan Glissades Imp GeorgeImp George Pursebearer Preserver PursebearerImp Preserver Imp Cavalier 5 a sireof sire Faude Fade Joie MisaBowe Disavowed Golnmpusi Olympus j Cattoa Cato by Golnmpus Olympus Bersan Berman Jim Gore Imp Wagner WagnerForester Magnetometer Imp Deceiver DeceiverBurlington Deceiver Imp Conrad i Tranbys Standbys dau daub by Orville Forester Volante Volant Long Side SideSleipner Sideline Burlington Spendthrift Pantaloon j Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard Sleipner Steiner Tea Tray Audrain Adrian AudrainImp Adrian Prince BurlingtonPrince Burlington of Monaco MonacoOneko Monaco Pirate of Penzance Penance Gzarwitch Garish Idaha Idaho by Peruvian Imp Esher Esther Fordharin Ordain Springbok SpringbokOnondaga Springbok Oneko Neo Lord Hartington Harrington D coy FilhodaPntsby Hphaar Haphazard Hphaari Heparin Onondaga Reporter Linden OnekoG Neo G W Johnson Etc Etc Etc i Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne Humphrey Humph Clinkei Cline byCmnj byCmnji Wnat Nat Anstralian Australian i Cervantes mare Darby and dtLeger deterge Mowerina Mower Touchstone by Camel 1 Emma by Whisker 3 Q LBrown Brown Baes Bates I Camel i Selin Selling Whalebone mare by Waxy Waxyi Waxy HORSES IN TRAINING AND YEARLINGS YEARLINGSWASHINGTON YEARLINGS Danshter Dasher of Brutandorf Bartender by Blacklock Blackjack Blacklocki Blackjack Canteen i Waxyi Waxy MrsCricksbnksbyWlbci Waxy Pope by Waxy WASHINGTON PARK CHICAGO ILLS JOLY JOY 20 AND 21 1898 1898ABSOLUTE Calendar Imported i Castania Castaneda by Gobauna Groan Hamblotonia Ambulation HamblotoniaiTroa j Stamford byPleuiptentiarj byPleuiptentiarjI ABSOLUTE DISPERSAL OP BAKER GENTRYS GENTRY GREAT RACING STABLE INCLUDING I Harmonica byHmbletniaii iTroa intra Imported i Priam Pram by EmiHns Ermines SIMON W UARDA GUARDIA HARRY GAINES DON QUIXOTE QUIXOTESTUMPY QUIXOTE Cassandra i Ally by Partisan NEKARNIS NECKBANDS STUMPY PRINCE DUDLEY HARDY PARDEE PARSEE PARDEEROSlNANTE Alice Grey Gray j Edns Ends Emigram Emigrant by Pioneer ABE FURST FURS ROSlNANTE Prostate UMBRELLA OELIAN OLIN OELIANHANLIGHT Gulnareby Glare YoaugGohanns OPPONENT HANLIGHT HEADLIGHT BEULAH BULLA F HARRY NUTTER UTTER I The Colonel Whisker by Waxy WaxyDelpini Capapie Crappie Imported Delpini Delphinium mare OTHERS SOLICITED IF OF HIGH CLASS CLASSTQQTfiNQ1 Sister to Cactus CactusDover Cactus Bnltan Bantam by Selim Slim SelimDuchess Duchess of York by Wary TQQTfiNQ1 10 wil1 be charged for every animal selling for 200 and under five per Dover Touchstone lDOlUlAQ loll cent when animal brings 200 or over Bell Brani Bran Verbosa Verbose Sophir Sophie iBkilbindaI iBkilbinda imbibing Address all correspondence and entries to toWOODARD I Sallie Brass Imported WOODARD WOODWARD SHAKKLIN SHACKLING LEXINGTON KY BARNEY SCHREIBER BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN MO Above Yearlings Will be StablediatUnion Stabled Stock Yards on and after June 24 Inspection Invited