Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-17


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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMIL1DALE MIL1DALE KV June 1C Seventh day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge L P Tarleton Carleton Starter J J Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 30 p m FIRST RACE G 13 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling lnd land Horses Wt St j2 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5947 COVINGTON COVING KY 101 4 2 2 44 14 H Knight J B Respass Trespass Co 8 8 8 8 62932TER 62932TERRAMIE RAMIE 101 3 54 54 61 51 24 Southard Southward J H Smith 3 34 3 3 6156 BRAXEY BRAE 99 8 32 32 22 24 34 Huston Houston W C Overton Overtone 30 40 30 4 6213 RATHMORE AUTHORED 7 7 7 44 Hahn R E M Porter 20 30 20 25 lO NECKLACE 104 5 62 62 51 34 51 Van Dusen Douse Mrs M Harris H2J MISS C 9113 13 13 8 8 64 C Clay H J Scoggan Slogan 106 10 8 8 9 9 71 Nutt Mutt Hill McMullen Macmillan 2222 WilliamsELSIE Williams HUNGRY HILL 106 2 41 41 3 61 8i Dowell Dwell E Williams ELSIE ParkeCYMBELINE BARNES 99 7 9 9 10 10 94 H WilliamsO Williams G Parke Parker 237 CYMBELINE CYMBAL BraxtonVIRGIE 1074 1 10 10 11 11 104 J Perkins C J Braxton Raton 34V VIRGIE VIRILE COOK 91 6 11 12 11 4411 Sutherland H L Stevens 408 BERTHA NELL 91 9 11 11 12 12 12 Whittaker Whittier W E Fielding 10 12 10 12 396 GALGO ALGOL 109 10911 11 12 12 13 13 13 McMillan Macmillan A S Patrick 40 60 40 50 224Winner Time 50Time 124 24J 37 50 1 034 1 16M 224 Winner Ch c 4 by El Rio Roy Hypatica Hepatica Post 5 minutes Start good Won ridden out next six driving hard The field was well bunched all the way and there was considerable jostling Coviugton Convolution Ky managed to keep clear of it Rathmore Authored closed very strong Virgie Virile Cook quit after going a half mile It was a bad lot Overweights Overweighs Necklace 5 pounds Hungry Hill 5 Cymbelmo Cymbal 4 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances nd Horses Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6410BEANA 51 41 32 1 Britton Briton W T Sellers 85958595 63783SIS VIC 41 11 12 24 Miller B G Thomas 8 10 8 10 6410SALVARSE 1 21 2 3 C Clay Owen Co 12 12 12 12 6325PICCOLA 7 6 51 46 J Mathews D OBrien O'Brien 2 2i 2 115 610 ONEITA ONEIDA 61 5 64 50 Dupee Dupe George J Long 4 44 4 4 657 CHALLIE CHARLIE HOWRD HOWARD 104 3 3 7 7 62 Vandusen Bandsmen W S Payne 30 50 30 40 6349 353563782SCHAiNKEN PRELIMINARY 103 7 8887 BeauchampW Beach S Barnes 3535 63782SCHAiNKEN 103 5 5756Time 21 31 42 8 Conloy Colony W F Schulte Schultz 5756 024Winner Time 13 254 374 504 1 024 MacduffLilithPost Winner B f by MacduffLilith Post 10 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second also driving Beana Bean was much the best She had to go around her Held Piccola Piccolo pulled up lame She was given a queer ride at that Preliminary died to nothing after showing early speed Sis Vic is still improving Sal varse vase ran a good race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Zene Zee 100 Marchmont Parchment 106 Overweights Overweighs 106Overweights Challie Charlie Howard 4 pounds 6468 T THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C Oill Ill 115t4 KOMURASAKI KIMURA 96 4 21 14 12 14 li C Clay J S Wadsworth Adsorb 2 24 2 115 t4 7104535710J3C42HEMP GREAT BEND 101 1 1 24 21 23 26 Dupeo Dupe C T Patterson 7104535710 24rJ21 J3C42HEMP 104 6 41 32 38 310 312 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 2 24 2 24 rJ21 100150100100tdl A1ELLIE 95 3 7 7 63 54 46 Southard Southward J H Smith 100150100100 tdl dl GLADIOLI 99 2 62 62 52 62052 Moody H W Newman 100300100200 200200150200t346 iilRDIE Wilde MAY 97 5 3 42 48 4 6 C Davis P Shipp Ship 200200150200 t346 B H 86 7 53 52 7 7 7 R Lewis J B Brunnon Bruno 200 300 150 200 200Time 404Winner Time 254 504 1 15i 1 28l 1 404 TwilightPost Twilight Winner B f 3 by Candlemas Candelas Twilight Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Komurasakis Kimura improvement sinco sino Monday last was something in the way of a revelation and uuexplainable unexplainable by ordinary means Groat Goat Bend was doing his best Ramp was very fractious at the post The others were greatly outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Eddie Burko Burke 113 113Overweights Overweights Overweighs Birdie May 2 pounds FOURTH RACE58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Harold Stakes 700 Added Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 64072MAZO 121 4 4 4 12 Couley Cooley J Welch 5656 6292 BILLY HOtfSE Holts 110 1 2 2 22 Mathews W H McCorkle Cockle 5757 6440 JUDGE TARVIN ARVIN 113 2 20239THE 13 12 3 Everett J B Respass Trespass Co 85 1157 5 95 0239THE BARRISTER 123 3 31 32 34 4 Nutt Mutt C F Buschmeyer Buckeye 7104571045 7104571045Time Time 13 254 374 50 1 03 Winner 03Winner Ch c by Rossington Crossing Rona Roma B BPost Post Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a gallop The others driving Mazos Matzos performance was another startling reversal He came like a flash through the stretch and made the others look like platers platters Judge Tarvin Arvin was pinned on the rail by The Barrister in the final sixteenth and Fverett Everett was unable to use his whip The race makes The Barrister look like an exploded phe phew ¬ nomenon nonunion Judge Tarvin Arvin picked up a penalty of 3 pounds for winning his race yesterday Scratched yesterdayScratched yesterdays Hellebush Helens 105 Rockland Rolland 105 647O F1F FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Allowances lad Horses Wt St M H 5 Str Star Fm Jockeys Owners O H L C 57S13ALLEVIATE 112 6 44 32 31 24 14 Conloy Colony VV F Schulte Schultz 85 958595 onr on 958595onr MARTHA II 112 1 24 22 24 33 24 J Mathews H T Griffin 24 3 24 3 lolSO lolO LILIAN LILLIAN BELL 112 3 32 41 41042030 Nutt Mutt T H Blackburn 3 3 24 3 lirci licit EIGHT BELLS 104 2 13 14 13 14 420 Barrett Barrette E S GardnerSon Gardner 4 434 j4uy HOMELIKE 104 4 6 5 5 5 5 Hall J R Walker 100 200 100 150 RED 150RED JACKET 100 5 51 6 Pulled up WdrstrndWilliam Webb 100300100150 Time 100300100150Time 134 254 374 50 1 024 1 154 1 284 Winner 284Winner B f by Argyle PerAdvonturo Peradventure PerAdvonturoPost Peradventure Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Alleviate camo cameo with a rattle in the stretch and passed the others with ease Eight Bells was short She needed this rare Lilian Lillian Bell finished very strong Homelike and Red Jacket came together on the first turn Wedderstrand Pedestrian was thrown into the fence injuring his leg and ho had to pull up Scratched upScratched unscratched Margaret Jane 104 6471 SIXTH Selling RACE G 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C CC411 C411 BOARDMARKER BOOKMARKER 101 1 1 1 1 li 1 C Claj Cola Gorman Sexton 3 3 24 3 t 346S OF BETH L HEM 98 2 3 3 24 34 25 Southard Southward H Gibson Jr 3434 6048iBRIGHTIE 34346048iBRIGHTIE S 96 11 7 7 7 7 34 Kelly W F Schulte Schultz 4646 6377 SARATOGA 96 8 61 61 4 61 45 Dupoo Duo W A Porter 6767 6382 MC CLEARY CLEAR 98 10 8 8 62 24 54 Britton Briton RutledgeStevens6 12 6 8 d408RAY B 107 3 4 4 3 5i 65 J Mathows Mathews J Nagle Angle 8878 6073 BROMO BROOM 104 5 9 9 8 8 72 Hall G Hume 10 15 10 15 6411 ANNIE M 101 6 21 21 51 42 82 Barrett Barrette Mrs A Cook 3 34 3 34 60il 3460il BERMUDA DANCE 96 9 10 10 9 9 92 Nutt Mutt T H Blackburn 8 12 8 12 6217iTEUCER 96 4 11 11 10 10 10 Everett P S Donovan 6767 6408 FRANK WAGNER 98 7 51 51 11 11 11 BeauchampRobinson Moore6 868 Time 124 244 374 494 1 024 1 154 1 22 22Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Falsetto Rebollis Embolism RebollisPost Embolisms Post 15 minutes Start good Won with the first two driving hard It was a very tight squeeze for Boardmarker Bookmarker McCleary Cochlear showed improvement Brightie Brighten S ran a game race and wai waif closing strong Ray B was speedy for a half mile mileScratched Scratched Allio Ali Belle 96

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Local Identifier: drf1898061701_3_1
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