Coney Island Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-26


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CONEY ISjLAND ISLAND FORM CHART CHARTSHEEPSHEAD HEARTSEASE SHEEPSHEAD SHEEPISH BAY N Y Juiie Julie 25 Sixth day Coney Island Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge R WSimmons Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 2 30 p m r7f K FIRST RACE Last SS Mile Futurity Course 600 added 2yearolds O lUO lOU Maidens Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 66232 HI LEE 109 3 31 IH 21 IH Doggett Doge H Campbell 6 10 6 8 6657 THE GARDENER 106 4 51 31 li 2H Spencer L O Appleby Apple 2 2i 2 115 6363 BEN LODI 108 10 6 41 3 32 Hamilton J Ruppert Rupert 10 20 10 20 6478 DR PARKER 109 9 li 21 43 43 Coylie Collie JA Bennett 6755 6623 GREAT NECK 97 5 7 71 51 5 Rowdon Crowding Oneck Neck Stable 8 30 8 15 6197 BIG INDIAN 102 8 859412MERRY 2 51 72 61 Maher John Daly Dally 10 15 10 15 59412MERRY HEART 109 1 8 8 61 71 Simms Sims C Littlefield Littered Jr 2423 6623 BEN BLUE 106 12 9 9 8 81 Powers C Gorman 20 60 20 40 6218 AL REEVES 102 11 10 6 9 9 O Connor W C Daly Dally 20 40 20 30 6597 A N B 108 2 2DR 4 10 10 10 Songer Sponger J E McDonald 6 10 6 8 DR VAUGHAN 102 6 11 11 11 11 OLeary O'Leary T H Magee 20 30 20 30 65693FRANCES 3065693FRANCES 20LITTLE BOOKER 99 13 13LITTLE 12 12 12 12 Lamley Langley J D Smith 10 20 10 20 LITTLE JESS 102 14 13 13 13 13 Thompson W C Rollins Collins 20 60 20 30 6389 SYNIA SONIA 109 7 14 20Time 14 14 14 Murphy George J Long 15 60 15 20 Time 25 51 10 Winner 10Winner B c by Himyar Shimmy Grace Lee LeeStart Lester Start fair Won driving Fiiee Fie ran a good game race is improving and was lucky and best handled The Gardener looked to be a winner in tho thou stretch but was weakly handled at the finish He was probably the best Lodi closed a big gap in che ache last quarter and finished strong ¬ est Dr Parker had no chance with the ride he got Ho took the long route and dislikes weight Great Neck had no chance either with his jockey He was closing fast at the end This colt needs strong riding and a distance Indian stopped after showing much speed Morry Emory Heart was overweighted overweighed and eased at the end Has not much class The start and the mixup mix on the elbow capableScratched capable gave the others little chance even if they were capable Scratched Himtine Thiamine 115 Dr Fitzsjmmons 106 Lyric 99 Overweights Overweighs 99Overweights Ben Lodi 2 pounds Dr Parker 5 Tr7ff SECOND RACE 34 Mile 700 added All Ages High Weight Handicap O t UO Main Track Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6527 GEORGE BOYD 111 6 21 22 li 11 Hamilton W Lakeland 8 15 8 15 6450 TREMARGO TREMOR 112 9 31 SH 3 2H Spencer Sensation Stable 21 31 21 31 6620 BLUE DEVIL 111 3 7 51 42 33 Leary Lear E D Morgan 5757 6620 PRINCE ACKLAND107 4 8 8 6i 41 Mahor Maher J Corbett Corvette 10 30 10 15 6598 CALDRON 115 2 51 41 51 51 Simms Sims W A Chanler Chandler 3434 6566 IMPEKATOR IMPERATOR 121 1 166203MAINSTAY 12 11 21 62 Taral Aral J Galway 2 1352 21 66203MAINSTAY 115 5 63 7 8 7 Murphy J C Quinn 8 10 8 10 6620 BASTION 100 8 9998 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 30 50 30 40 6568 BON INO IMO 114 7 41 61 7 9 R Williams J E Seagram 10 25 8 10 Time 10Time 12 23 48J 1 15 15Winner Winner B c 3 by Falsetto Cachuca Archducal CachucaStart Calculator Start fair Won driving George Boyd was lucky and finely handled He has sharply improved and can go a route At the distance Treinargo Triage was the best He got away poorly and was weakly handled at the end The horse is very good but uncertain on account of a bad tem ¬ per He requires strong handling Blue Devil is an improving colt He closed very stoutly Watch him He is ready to win in his own class Prince Auckland is in good condition but belongs among cheaper ones Caldron is improving Watch him Imperators Imperator weight con ¬ tributed tribute to his sulking in the stretch He is a coward with a wonderful turn of speed and if lucky will win in good company Mainstay is uncertain His legs are bad So is his wind Boa Ino Indo stopped at the end Ho dislikes weight and was outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Maceo Maceio 140 Cleophus Cloths 138 Kinnikmnick Inimical 130 Swiftmas Swiftness 130 Hanwell Handel 117 C Cr7fr7 r7fr7 THIRD RACE 1 11G Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling J a J 4 On Turf Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 0 H L C 6419 MISS TENNY TENANCY 86 7 41 IKK VIKKI IH 11 IH OConnor O'Connor PulsiferKarrick 21 4 2t 3 366622SUNUP 66622SUNUP 108 4 3 43 21 21 26 Lewis W M Barrick Baric 2295 95 2281 JULIUS CAESAR 94 3 21 2 4 4 3ft Maher UrsCLittlefieldJrlO 50 10 50 66002HANDSALL 101 2 11 31131132 410 T Sloan P J Dwyer Vf5 85 65 75 6662 HER OWN 91 5 62 6 6 61 510 Hothersall Others Mrs W C Daly Dally 80 10080 100 6658 DEFENDER 108 6 51 53 52 52 61 Hamilton J P Dawes Awes 10 20 10 20 6600 DOGGETT DOGGIE 108 1 50Time 7 7 7 7 7 Doggett Doge R C Doggett Doge 30 60 30 50 Time 24 48 1 14 1 40 1 47 Winner B f 3 by Tenny Teeny Fair Vision VisionStart Visions Start fair Won driving Miss Tenny Teeny likes weigljt weight off and got away badly and was easily the best Sunup was Baited with t6o long and took the long route He ran a grand race and should have woo under tho thou conditions Julius Caesar got bad handling and was shut off at the half He took the long route too and finished strong He is a much improved horse and favors moist going and a route Handball favored in every way ran a poor race He is out of form Her Own ran a good race Defender lacked speed throughout He gotaway getaway badly though Watch him Doggett Doge is of no present account accountScratched accounts Scratched King T 103 Rappahannock 96 FOURTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile 2yearolds Allowances Great Trial Stakes 20000 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Vt St M WjK WK StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Q H L C C6480JEAN 6480JEAN BERAUD BRAD 129 3 li U 1 111 T Sloan Sydney Paget Page 13 25 13 25 66212KINGDON 2566212KINGDON 129 5 5 4 2n 23 R Williams MF Dwyer 6 12 6 12 62762MR PHINIZY HEINZ 122 2 21 21 3 3 Hamilton W Walker 15 30 15 0 65972MILLER 119 1 41 32 42 410 Doggett Doge P J Dwyer 15 30 15 25 6528 GLENHEIM GENE 129 4 3 5 5 5 Simms Sims J E Madden 4 6 81 4 Added starter Time 11 23 48 1 00 1 13 13Winner Winner B c by His Highness Carrie W WStart Start Start fair Won easily Jean Beraud Bead was best although lucky throughout He is a grand colt Kingdon Kingdom is a very good horse although he acted badly at the post and got away last Ho was shut off twice on the elbow and finished like a lion He was easily the second best and with an equal break and jockeys reversed might have pinched or beaten the winner From a time standpoint the race is a bad ona Mona Mr Phinizy Heinz was killed off the first part and appeared to bo badly beaten even for third place in the stretch But he came again This is a good colt He will improve is a stayer slayer and very game Miller ran a good race but is a quitter Glenheim Gene i of no present acronnt Dacron Continued on inct inc Pagej Page FI TH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Sheepshead Shepherd Bay Handicap 1500 Guaranteed I Ind Indo Horses Wt St 14 Yi Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L 652ti2SEMPER EGO 7 6 6 13 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 3 4 58632DOMITOR IH CoIH CIO 22 22 2 OConnor O'Connor C Hughes 10 r 10 6529 TRAGEDIAN 107 3 31 31 41 41 32 Simms Sims J E Sram Scram r 6 ft 6598 GEORGE KEENE 105 3 51 4 T SJoan Joan Fleischmann Freshman Sons2 698 ISIDOR INSIDER 112 2 21 2 3 14 54 Hamilton Marcus Daly Dally 4 64 R 6598 BUELA BELAY 98 5 54 41 1 3 6 Maher Sydcef Psyche P1Ret 8 R 5 5 659SMACEO Murph Murphy Mrs b McClelland Macmillan r 8 10 Winnei Winnie SylphideStart Sulphide B h 5 by Logic La Sylphide Sulphide Start straggling Won handily Semper Simper Ego began slowly was hustled throughout saved ground and was lucky JLbo Labor hot pace in the teeth of a terrific wind storm killed ofl fl ttie tie narfl gnarl makers Ego wants a longer route to be at his best Domitor Dormitory is a much impioved improved hor Thor e He finished in ixtra extra game style Watch him Tragedian 10 a had ride acd aced tookthelongrorto VsUeh Sue him too Be is only a fair horse but has so far not tul truly tilled his 3yearold prom se Geonro Genre Keene was practically left Ho closed grand throughout and ran out near the end nuder nude sure The colt has little class at the best aorl aol is uuviuin Isidor Insider got an atrocious uanrilinc aniline ores was killed ofl fl by pacemakmg peacemaking and is a good horse Bueia Buena will at out do her nex next race unless in firstclass fistulas company She showed a great burst of speed aud Maud was eased at the end Sue too cot a bad ride Maceo Maceio was overweighted overweighed in this company aud Maud was outclassed He rap a M oiVl oil rara rare ScratcbedOrnamont Scratched 129 Lehman 113 Dr Black 98 Caldron 97 SIXTH RACEFull Gracefully Course 500 added 4yearolds and upward Steeplechat Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses 4 6 Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L 65312ROYAL SCARLET 146 4 21 12 H 1 15 English FRTH FRT i tchcock choke T 9T 85 85 6531DECAPOD 139 I 6 510 415 33 u 22 Fmnegau Managua J W C It 6 fi ° fi fi 6531TRILLION 156 2 31 3 21023 33u Callahan W C Hayes 2 9595 64832BABY BILL 135 6 5 6 6 420 40 Wynn J Kin 5 To s 2936 HURRY UP 135 5 4 44 510 5 5 Bracken J E Madden 0 0 20 6170 RED PAT 165 3 14 34 31 Fell ChristophrJ Christopher P Dawes Awes 4 4 4 I Disqualified for foul Time 5 31 Winner 31Winner Ch g 5 by Duke of Magenta Picture PictureStart Pictures Start good Won easily Scarlet favored by the weights was in wonderful form today He is at his best Decapod Decapods aided by light weight and tha than fast pace after waiting came strong at the end He was only the third best He swerved at the last jump impeding Trillion and was justly disqualified Trillion with top weight ran an extra good race He was carried alone too fast and stopped at the end He is also at his best Baby Bill not of much account Pat was short Watch him though He ran well until he fell icllUt clutch

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Local Identifier: drf1898062601_1_5
Library of Congress Record: