Washington Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-26


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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHICAGO II i uiie quiet 35 First iay ay Club Summer Meeting Weather clear crack heavy Presiding Judge C H Pettingill Petting Starter Richard Dvyer Dyer i I Racing starts at 2 0 p m O f7 FIRST RACE TlViile Levities Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Jnd Nd Horses Wt St i 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6o792MV Y 112 3 11 11 1H 1 1 T Burns J W SchoirSon Chiron 4 5 4 5 35 7 10 hiaTU hiatus w r Tv 97 2 2 21 25 23 25 Clawson Lawson T F Sellers 852 8595 NNY NY 8595NNY 110 5i 6 6 52 55 3 W Martin P Dunne 8 12 8 10 10it it Lujiii 113 6 51 M 3 3H 4 H Brown W B Sink Jr 10 15 10 15 59b62fciiJcrf HO 90 I 31 344 4 51 ° H Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 15 20 15 20 RKuMriTONE Kurdistan 20RKuMriTONE 96 41 4H 6 6 6 L Smith C J Kelly 20 30 20 30 30Time Time 14 39 51 1 0is 1 10i 1 44i TVinne Tine AlgaPost Jalaps Br c 4 by Hindoo Indoor Alga Post S minutes Start good vou vu eased up second well in baud third and fourth driving hard Wacy Wacky w s fai fail the best of the field He was at home iu the going and showed that his rereut regret efot effort by The Devil was a scratch Ha is a horse of some class The Devil ran his race He i i good selling plater platter David Teuny Teeny needed this race Tab him from now on He likes a fast ti icii iii and barrui Barrie Macy Marcy outclassed the others Brotrstono Royston will not do at all Heigli Hegel Ho had ear jpnod pinfold jpnodSf ponds Sf raiclipd radicalized Lucid 97 Oflrveigts Flyweights Brotristone Birthstone 4 pounds iji Fiji SECOND RACK 34 Mile Purse X 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Hrses Horses Wt 3t to K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6048 B HADAD HEADBAND 101 li 3M 3 1i 12 Clawson Lawson W A McGuigan Michigan 3 4 3 3 517 TRAVERSER TRAVERSE 116 3 K 2 24 2 22 H Shields BraUieyGraham 4 5 1 71045 6233 WHircbilB WHlFCOilB Whir 109 5 42 4 41 31 Caywood Cawed H E Kowoll Lowell 8 10 8 8 YUh4 DAM 101 4 4u 5151 52 41 H Martin Ed Brown 3 4 3 4 6301 MAKY MAY BLACK 96 7 61 61 61 52 J Keiif Leif E Wishard Wished 4646 3161 161 H HOFTRASTAMARE98 OPTRA PTA STAMARE98 6 111 65 McNickol Conic W E Applcgate Applecart 15 30 15 30 5043 f CLARET CUP 96 2 12 It 3 7 Chouanlt Courant Qus Quos Straus 8 10 8 10 117Wiaiir Time 10Time 24t 49 1031 117 Wiaiir WWII AlgaPost Jalaps B c 3 by Hindoo Indoor Alga Post i minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving hard third with something left at thr thru OIK OK Han Ha ad sot the best of the start He did not need it though to Win The early pace was terrific and Clawson Lawson on tlie lie winner cleverly evaded it He was on the best horse the way ti icn icon was rra ra Traverser Traverse did liis leis best as ha is He is cot game and would not lespoud espouse to Siiioixo punishment in the strwlci starlit Evidently his hard winters campaign rtas rats duiled dulled the colt d 1 ho wij wi r i = a gord gored colt especially in oft going He is a full brother to Macy Marcy too Tab 01 comb closely Wrou Rout Cayvuod Caved av that hs was beaten bf gave the colt au easy race Yuji Fuji rn woil oil retortmended retorted ran a iair lair race Oiarot Oviparity Cup had a lot of speed but went ail to piecr pier i uifc uric snetefc netted 125O Ta iiPti iritic Uroii Uri fore ru St Caliatine Palatine 106 Algol 125 O Bights P Pin in pouuds pounds QC1 lC i 13 rIiles riles 3ralds O 3raldsO XJ Oft Thw Thaw Airorican Agrarian Derby SlOOOO Added Id Corses Corpses vV jt S h m Ik StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O B L C 6536 P1NK COAT i 7 8 5f 2 K 2 22 1 W Martin WufordBucknerS 433 68676r7iTSARKY niVVAKHENTON univalent i23 1U 82 6U 51 54 33 2 Cnywood W L Oliver 6867 6r7iTSARKY 113 8 5H 4 6 ± 42 42 32 Knapp Stanton Tucker P 3 2 3 68512 HilHKUL Shiloh 122 3 4 R 11 12 14 IH 42 FLittlefleldA Flittered H D H Morris 1 051 1110 tij49PiN J E 12i 5 2 2 42 3 ± 5 55 Clawson Lawson G W Belknap Belinda 10 12 10 12 65172 15erAiSSK MljjlAN 122 6K 71 7 710 712 710 61 H Martin T H Ryan 8 15 8 15 erAiSSK erases 10EVA NOflKBRN Norfolk 322 2 3 3j 3 65 62 712 Thorpe W A McGuigan Michigan 8 10 8 10 40Adden EVA HiCf Chic 117 IKK VIKKI IKK VIKKI a 8888 T Bums Foster Bros Brows 20 50 20 40 2JYVij Adden Aden starter Time 25 51 1 04i 1 191 1 45i 1 58J 2 13i 2 2J YVij VI BrnudPit Abrupt 15 c by Leonat Leona us Alice Brnud Brand Pit riiiuutos Starfcgopd Starched Won in a hard drive Isabey Isabel had something Joft Oft at the end Aiairio Daiquiri lode iuk uk C8t skilfully skillfully Caywocd Cawed handled Warrenton Warren perfectly Warreuion Ware was per ¬ haps the bsst best colt lio Clio vould could have wou would in another stride Pink Coat was tiring badly at the one i ity city vHds vHs out he was clear of t lie field It was a pretty piece of riding on Martins part Ha rode t riiic finish from the jockfy jockey board to the wjio wino Np complaint can be made of Cay woods i ie He hai Thai some bad Juck Jack in the race and it counted jot at the end Mirthful is not a good colt He faded away to nothing at the end The track was in his favor and he had no ex ¬ cuses causes isahey fishery was a good horse Knapp saw he was beaten at the sixteenih sixteenth polo and eased him up PjLgrue Plague ren Oren a disappointing race He seems to lack speed Midian Indian is in the eame beamed boat So are jokeSoiaVched Bacnockburn Bannock and Eva Rico The lattors clatters race was a joke SoiaVched Solaced Ed Farrsll Farrell 122 Traverser Traverse 125 ii ± ii FOURTH RACE 1 116 IVliles Ivies Parse 700 3yearbldsand upward Soiling O H L C 6578HUQH PENNY 106 11 IH li 12 15 110 Caywood Cawed F W Doss 85 2 85 95 6063 BRAW LAD 103 5 22 2 21 2 2 H Martin E Wishard Wished 10 12 10 12 6121 ALVARADO ALFREDO II 101 4 41 4 4 3 3f Clawson Lawson W B Sink 8 12 8 10 w81MORTE FONSE FONTS 104 2 63 5 53 58 45 Ruttor Ruttier L H Ezoll Mezzo 10 12 10 12 5183 CHAHLY CHALKY CHRISTY 106 5 ± 3 ± 313 42 5 T Buries J W Schorr Scorer Son 5 756 6 159 PAUL KAUVAR KAVA 109 T 7 ji 66 62566 Crovvhurst Stanton Tucker 6 867 6344FORTE 107 3 115Time 5 7 7 7 7 W Martin P Dunne 2 2 2 115 Time 25 i 50t 1 16J 1 43t 1 50 Winner 50Winner WardPost Warps B g 8 by Luke Blackburn Maud Ward Post 16 minutes Start good Won easily hard drive for the place All Caywood Cawed had to do was to sit still on Penny He got nervous though on the turn and urged the horse Braw Lad ran a good race Ho stood a long drive in the stretch Tab this fellow He has speed and cour court ¬ age Alvarado Allargando II acted badly at the post and was the cause of the delay Morte Mote Fouse Fuse was run ¬ ning Ming fast at the finish He is in good form Charley Christy ran below the notch He needs a fast tracik track to do his best Crowburst Crowbars was too light to properly rido rio Paul Kauvar Kava He needs strong handling1 Forte ran a bad race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Bellicoso Bellicose 101 Cherry Leaf 100 Indra Indrawn 110 Overweights Overweighs 110Overweights Hugh Penny 2 pounds 6691 FIFTH ACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Wt 8t 4 Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 115 2 5x 6 51 1 H Williams W H May Son 8 10 8 10 6611 3066112JOSEPHINE QUEEN OF SONG 115 5 3 3 2 2a N Turner W J Smith Co 20 30 20 30 66112JOSEPHINE B 115 3 4 2 3 3 Clawson Lawson T E Barrett Barrette 10 10 8 8 Ii340 ONOM ONO AST EAST US 118 It 2 42 4 t 44 w Martin W H Laudeman Laundryman 95 2 95 115 6518 30SOUCHON MAZIE MAZE O 115 6 62 51 6 55 Caywood Cawed W L Oliver 15 30 15 30 SOUCHON SOUPCON 108 8 It 12 H 6 Thorpe Ea Brown Co 8 8 6 7 66382PRCESS MURPHY 108 4 8 9 8 710 Rutter Ruttier L H Ezell Bezel 30 40 30 40 5706 GREATLAND GREENLAND 118 9 9 83 73 8 J Perkias Perkins Gus Straus 1 1 451 6643 ROSA VAN N AH 108 7 71 7 9 9 H Martin H Heinsobn Henson 20 30 20 30 Time 30Time 24i 37 50 57i HoodooPost Hoodoo Winner 57iWinner B f by Albert Hoodoo Post 8 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of three Jinks ran a game race She was under punishment the entire length of the sretch stretch The filly stood the punishment like a good one Tab her She is a real clever filly Queen of Song ran a greatly improved race She was well played too at a liberal price Josephine B had bad luck in the race She was bump d into and jostled a lot at the start but fmishea mishear very strong Her race is better than the figures show Onomastus Conformists was not equal to the occasion Watch Souchon Soupcon She had a world of speed but could not carry it to the end Rosavannahis a bad actor and is inclined to bolt Great land chanceScratched chances was away badly and never had a chance Scratched Toluca Toucan i5 Survivor 111 W Overton Overtone 123 Revanna Ravenna 118

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898062601/drf1898062601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1898062601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800