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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt HI 6165 Stella B 4 97 6352 Gallile Goalie 4 97 5788 Dawn 4 97 6332 Elgitha Eolith 4 97 6443 Blitzens Blitzes Sister 4 97 4488 Floridas Florida 4 97 6503 Aunt Mary 4 97 6224 Kruna Kunai 4 97 6627 Hester 5 99 4699 Lorrania Loran 5 99 6139 Miss Rowett Rowe 7 99 6589 Amber Glints 5 99 6163 Hano Hanoi Belle 5 99 6226 Judith C 5 99 6533 Clara Bauer 7 99 Second Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling66553Laureate 66553Laureate 6 Ill 65633Mitchel 4 108 65892Can Galop Gallop 4 105 6562 Parthemax Parthenon 4 104 6703 Anger 4 103 6564 Russelia Russell 4 101 66792Can I See Em 4 99 Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 6226 Blackjack 6 108 600 65063 H elen Ellen H Gardner 5 105 620 62065343Bob 65343Bob Millican Milliamp 6 105 650 6653 Dan Huger 4 104 615 6678 Haco Hancock 4 104 550 6244 Gold Top 4 104 575 6589 Adam Andrew 4 104 615 6516 Minerva 5 103 590 5906560Tutuilla 6560Tutuilla 6 103 630 6679 Organ Pilot 4 101 615 6631 Fingal Final 4 101 585 6534 Confession 4 99 625 625Fourth Fourth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap Handicap66283Forbush 66283Forbush 3 62 700 6702 Lady Britannic 4 75 660 6699 Koscio Osco 5 75 600 6006629Gold 6629Gold Band 4 86 660 6702 Judge Steadman Seaman 6 88 665 66566783David 66783David 6 83 680 680Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 6447 Briarwood 4 107 625 6654 Silver Set 4 100 700 4749 Tava Cava Harris 4 100 630 6306678Juanita 6678Juanita 4 100 670 6678 Belle Bramble 4 100 695 6700 Lady Callahim Callahan 4 100 675 6756538JGuide 6538JGuide Rock 3 91 665 6676 Denial 3 91 650 650Prince Prince Vivian 3 94 86272Nora S 3 89 680 680Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Selling 6704 Valid 105 645 6444 Farondelle Carbondale 104 635 6328 Lord Neville 104 600 6704 Lady of the West 103 660 6700 Imperious 101 670 669 Emprf Temper ss Josephine 99 675 6112 Waukesha 99 575 3822 CJueen Acumen Hortense Shortens 99 550