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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL July 18 Twentieth day Washington Park Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge C H Pettingill Petting Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 230 p m T fc O Q FIRST RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 4yearolds and upward Selling I + 1 O 100 added net value to winner 380 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to I Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A V StrFin Strafing Jockeys wners owners OH L U 7209ROGER B 106 2 31 3 3 22 12 Thorpe F C Moshier Mushier 322 322 6719 NECEDAH NECKED 107 1 = = 1J Hi 12 11 2i Conley Coney B Sellen Ellen 8 15 8 15 7100 DOROTHY III 104 4 21 2 2 3H 3C Barrett Barrette C J Kelly Co 3 3 21 21 88686J04 7078 WHITCOMB WITCO 104 51 4H 41 4 = 4 4 Jenkins H E Rowell Roswell 8868 6J04 DOUBLE DUMMY 106 61 71 6116 61 511 Clerico Cleric F Frisbie Frisbee Co 50 10025 100 6669 SIDONIAN SIDEMAN 107 3 5 51 521 71 6H T Burns Simms Sims Lowry Lowery 5858 6810 CANT DANCE 106 8 8 7 7 55 715 W Martin J G Brown Co 4646 6842TRIMUDA 102 71 6 8 8 8 8 J Woods W H McCorkle Cockle 8 15 8 15 15Time 45Winner Time 25 491 1 15 1 40i 1 45 PleasedOff Pleased Winner Ch g 5 by Sobranje Shoran Pleased Off at first break Start good Won cleverly second and third whipped out Roger B proved the best and was well ridden He is a shifty selling plater platter and runs consistently Nece Niece dah dash ran a good race perhaps the best one she has run this year She has worked fast and it looks as though she should win a race soon Dorothy III is a bad betting tool She looked to have a chance on the far turn but could not respond when called upoc pock Whitcomb Witco has never gone a mile before and judging from this race doesnt doesn't fancy the route Cant Dance seems to bo of no account He was off in a bad place though and Martin never urged him very hard It was a bad lot lotOverweights Overweights Overweighs Necedah Necked 3 pounds Double Dummy 2 SECOND RACE58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 400 added net value to winner 550 15 entrance 75 to second 25 to third Ta 3 Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C B900 FONTAINEBLEU FONTANEL 103 6 511 3 31 11 Clawson Lawson J M Forsythe Forsythia 15 15 10 15 15tir21FKANK tir21FKANK BELL 107 4 11 1 1H 2 Vandusen Bandsmen J W ONeal Neal 5656 65182 6666GAl KATTEN ATTEND ng 1 32 4H 2 32 W Martin T C McDowell 6666 1571642SKVENS GAl NTLET INLET 108 2 2 t 51 51 4 Thorpe BurnsWaterhseS 15 8 15 71642SKVENS 317U 105 7 80 61 6 5 McNicklo Canticle NSHallCo Shallot 2 3 2 31 7U 4 Kl CHON HON 107 S 4 2H 4 61 T Burns E Brown Co 3322 0373 FREAK 100 81 10 10 10 72 Barrett Barrette E S Gardner Sonl5 40 15 40 7204 FRANK IRELAND 110 SH 71 83 81 8 A Clayton E Corrigan 20 20 10 20 6894 PAT CLEBURNE CLAIBORNE 105 9i 6 71 71 91 H Martin John Hall 15 15 15 15 6433 ARTH ART MC KNIGHT108 10 92 9 9110 E RobertsnJohn Robertson Call 50 30050 300 Time 300Time 12 231 35 481 101 WIHDT WRIGHT 101WIHDT B c by Oddfellow Oddball Sister to Peudleton Peculation I PI ri 4 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second third and fourth were driving hard Fon Fong taine tine iuii iii ran an excellent race He seems to be a eood rood colt and is said to have recently worked thrfequarters treasurers in 114 The first five furlongs of it was in 101 Frank Bell had a world of speed Ho perhaps should have won On the stretch turn he seemed to be running easily but bolt l He iott itt considerable ground by this but came fast under punishment Batten got a flying stat but it did him no good Ho had no excuses and ran his race Souchou Slouch was all tanged tangled up at the start So was Sevens McNickle Canticle pulled the latter up when he saw ho had no chance Throw both races out Gauntlet had a rough journey aud Maud did well Frank Ireland seomi semi to be of no present account Pat Cleburne Claiborne did not run his race St raceSt raciest ct che ache I Facade 105 Hardy Pardee Parsee 110 Sea Lion 110 Tulla Tulle Fonso Fonts 100 Prince McClurg McClure 108 108Overweights Overweights Overweighs Frank Ireland 2 pounds THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingPurse Selling Purse 400 net value to winner 380 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 7046 BERNAHDILLO BERNARDINO 104 3 21 3 4 31 1 Thorpe James Coiley Cooley 5544 70ir TEUTON TEUTONIC N A 102 5 5 41 3 1 21 H Martin James Murphy 21 4 21 4 312B11 7161 JOE CLARK 109 2 H IKK VIKKI INK 21 311 T Burns W H May Son 21 31 21 31 2B11 GOOSE LIVER 107 1 4H 5 5 5 48 W Martin J B Respass Trespass 5533 72092BISHOP 553372092BISHOP REED 107 41 3 21 221 4 5 Clawson Lawson J Rodegap Bodega 2323 441Winner Time 2323Time 241 491 1 14i 1 4C 1 441 Winner BOff Off B g 4 by Emperor of Norfolk Jennie B Off at first break to a good start Won in a long hard drive of two third eased a trifle at the end This was the worst form reversal of the meeting Considering Bernardillos Bernardino last race he did not seem to have a possible chance His last out he was beaten off all the way He wore baudagea bandage and no blinkorthat blinker day He was warmed up in bandages loday today but they were re ¬ moved bpfore before the race Coffey had poimission omission to use blinkers Bernardillo Bernardino was heavily played too Thorpe rode a good race but was on the best horse as the race was run He was slmi salami off trying to get through at the half mile ground All the others though pulled wide on the stretch turn aud Maud left room enough for a chariot to drive through Teutonna Teutonic im ¬ proved uldf Gulf nly only also He was very tired and bore in all through the stretch Joe Clark aud Maud Bishop Kned Kneed raced each other to pieces early Both stopped badly on the end the latter almost to a walk walkScratched Scratched George H Kotcham Koch 107 Cyclone II 106 Dunois Dubois 107 T O 1 FOURTH4RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 0 O JL 500 added net value to winner 500 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses Wt St H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 7163 MARY BLACK 93 2 27138AFAMADA 12 15 13 12 j Reiff Riff E Wishard Wished 7101520351520 7138AFAMADA 93 21 23 2 22 Clawson Lawson MdltnJgblth 2 3 21 3 7073LADYELLERSLIE 93 61 61b326 53 310 34 310 McNickle Canticle T Licalzi Laical 8 12 8 12 b326 DAN RICE 98 31 4 5 42 42 T Burns A Baker 6 126 12 708 ST ALFONSES ALFONSO D 98 71 62 5 5 Middleton Middle F M Arthur 60 60 60 60 7140 JOE ULLMAN PULLMAN 104 4 6K 606K 8 71 611 Thorpe E Corrigan 15 30 15 30 4828 TREOPIA TROPICAL 107 7 7tHUo 8 7H 6 6K K 72 Clerico Cleric S L James 60 100 60 100 tHUo tHOu 100tHUo FED G1DD 95 5 K = 3 SSK SASK 100SSK 41 4H s 8 8 Slack R Bradley 60 30060 300 Time 300Time 114 231 46 591 1 12i SongstressP Songsters WiiJuer WWII 12iWiiJuer B f 3 by Islington Wilmington Songstress Songsters P t 8 minutes Start good Won handily second whipped out third eased a trifle at the end Tii Tipi us ruakes rakes another record for Washington Park Mary Black is certainly a speed marvel She took the track early and raced those behind her dizzy going the first fiveeighths firefights All little Keitf Keita ti id to o was to hold her head up and she did the rest Afamada Alameda is a fast trick herself hiwsoi historic took her back sumo on the turn aud Maud when straightened away it looked as though Lady jMori Maori jMorit Moritz t w Uld Auld beat her for the place She had something loft though and came with a rush under the whip Lady Ellorsiie Helotries was outclassed She ran a good race though Dan Rice had bad lu k in the race So did Joe Ullman Pullman who was badly shut off down the back stretch stretchSiTriicbed stretches SiTriicbed Interdicted Tartarian Agrarian 1C6 Bellicoso Bellicose 109 rr f O t FIFTH RACE 1 310 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling fl O Purse 400 net value to winner 390 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third fad Horses Wt St St H Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L CS 7165 FRIAR JOHN 100 21 31 3 31 3 31 1 N Turner H E Leigh 6855 7219 MUSKALONGE MUSKELLUNGE 106 3 9 8U 61 61 51 2H Vandusen Bandsmen F M Arthur 4 10 4 10 6837 TREACHERY KH 9 7 44 5 51 4 36 Barrett Barrette J G Brown Co 10 15 10 15 71372OFFICIAL 1571372OFFICIAL 91 U 1s 1i I 1 H 4H Gray T W Coulter 21 1652 3 7140 P1NAR DEL RIO 86 4 41172 3 75 62 52 W Jones P T Kelly 50 50 30 30 6V6 306V6 MIjTLKTON yi 81 2 2 21 211 2 f 6U Clawson Lawson Wm Boots Son 4 545 7ltii2Yl BA DAM 101 5 5 5 41 42 75 7 T Burns E Brown 322 322 7HH 3227HH MH KASTON ASTON 88 61 8H 9 9 9 810 320 Kitley Kirtle W W Clark 50 60 40 60 69 TUsTO Tustin 101 71 62 6 85 85 9 9 McNicklo Canticle WEApplegate 15 40 15 40 Time 40Time 12i 25 50i 1 151 1 41i 2 00 Winner 00Winner B c 3 by Vagabond Acra Accra AcraGil Argil Gil Gail at lirst list break to a good start It was a terrific drive between the first two Muskalonge Muskellunge was perhaps the best Ho came from far behind in the stretch and would have won in another stride Tbe Tube finish was a very close one So close that only the judges could decide who won Friar J Im yas yaks lucky and well ridden He is a game horse though and stood the drive through the s1 rnch ranch like a gentleman At the jockey board he stumbled and almost fell but for that he would bavo bravo won by a greater margin Considering the bad luck Treachery had sheranasood shorans race Otiicial Optical was rank aud Maud could not be placed consequently he was pumped out by pacemak pacemaker mg IJtiar Sitar del Rio was cut off at every turn Mistloton Mistletoe was raced to pieces with Official Yuba Dam SPcmed Scammed to bo of no account SIXTH RACE1 31 G Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 400 added not value to winner 370 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo 4 re Wt Vt St St V H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 71613FOKTE 91 4i jMi MI M ru o2 51 31 14 Clawson Lawson P Dunne 65 65 9101 7165 ji IJiE Fiji KRATS100 00 3 2 371002Ii 3 4 4 2t 21 Barrett Barrette RobinsonMoore Robinson 5858 71002Ii UrtlNo URL 1J4 94 6 4 471S7tuLiND 4 31 2 1 30 T Burns C A Tilles Tiles 4545 71S7tuLiND ba 4545ba a 3 1H 114 1 12 12 42 41 McNickle Canticle J Huffman 31 8 31 8 irHEKiH firelight HO 86 2i 2 2H2i 2 311 5io 5 j Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 4 646 1 TOM LERT LET 94 12Time 0 66666 J Woods James Murphy 12 12 10 12 Time 24 riO 1 02 1 11 1 10 1 52i 1 581 Forti Fort imo Ov rture turret Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily on the end second and third were driving Forte was the best and showed a touch of quality He is a hard horse to ride but Clawson Lawson handled him like a veteran He waited long and patiently but within striking distance and made his run at the right time Tbis Tbs is a real good colt over a distance of ground George Krats Rats ran a consistent race He looked very dangerous above the eighth pole but could not stall off Fortes rush Don Orsino Orinoco was right there all of the way He is a fair sort of a selling plater platter Found was pumped out the first mile So was Heigh High Ho Both retired together Tom Calvert Culvert ran a bad race He wont do at all Scratched allScratched Collins 106