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THE LATEST READY FOR DELIVERY Monthly Racing Form paper paperFrom paper 100 From June 125 inclusive inclusiveLeather inclusive Leather = Two = flonths fonts Racing Form paper 200 FourMonths Fourteenths Racing Form leather on order 500 Tne Tine Leather Book is Specially Bound for Hard Use Its Covers are Flexible and the Index printed on Linen Paper and Lettered for Finger Use The Books Index is Plain and Serviceable THE INDEX IS FULL AND COMPLETE TH3 EDITION IS LIMITED THERE ABE BUT FEW OP THE LONGTERM LONGER VOL VTOL UMES FUMES ORDERS PILLED AS RECEIVED WE PAY THE FREIGHT FREIGHTDaily Freighted Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL Form Srteers Steers and Entries expertty expertly indexfr indexer Training News a Specially i dK dKrr Kerr A rr our own rresses cresses rressesBefore cresses Before the Chicado Chicago l aillt atilt 26 FIFTH AVE