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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON CHARTERING BRIGHTON BEACH N Y July 18 Eleventh day Brighton Beach Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 p m rj fc d 1 FIRST KACE ACE 1 Mile 600 added 3yearoias and upward belling Horses Wt St 54 Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7023 flNGE flange 114 4 41 24 24 214 14 Hamilton J Adams 6645 71682ULONOINE 112 o 2H 5 63 3 2t OLeary O'Leary J Hynes Haynes Co 24 4 2 4 1823 JUNO 111 2 114 IH It 23 3 Doggett Doge G Winslow 24 1352 135 7154 THE GOVERNOR 109 3 34 3 6i 7 41 Littiefield Citified J Littlefield Littered Jr 8 20 8 15 7171 ELLA DALY DAY 97 6 54 64 54 44 5 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 15 40 10 20 7199 BANQUO BANQUET II 115 1 7 7 7 8 f4 Jones P J Miles 24 3 2 3 7004 OCTAVE 97 7 8 8 8 64 73 Dupee Dupe Good Hope Stablel2 20 10 15 71273CALCULATION 104 8 6 4n 4 54 8 ODonnell O'Donnell R Fosbender Obscener 12 0 8 15 Time 15Time 26504 116 l12i l12iWinner Winner Br h 8 by Falconer Tincture TinctureStart Tinctures Start good Won driving Tinge was host today and his present form is very good Glonoine Leonine is a rater He came fast at the end and ran an exceptionally good race Is in bad hands Juno was probably short She ran finely but stopped as usual Tho Theo Governor wants a slow track He is of the improving kind and will do to watch Ella Daly Dally is of no account Banquo Banquet II wus us badly shut off on the first turn and sulked afterwards bearing out on both turns Octavo is of no present account Calculation is good only in mud and in short races racesScratched backscratcher Scratched Debrido Deride 111 Endeavor 109 Forgot 109 Mr Kalteubach 102 7223 SECOND RACE 58 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H Vi M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L 7083EFFER VESUENT ESCULENT 109 3 12 13 13 13 Simms Sims C Littlefleld Littered Jr 65 65 35 710 6794LA 7106794LA 46457116TUT CHEVIOT 105 5 7 61 44 24 Dupee Dupe Bromley Brome Co 4645 7116TUT TUT TUTU 105 2 24 24 2 31 OLeary O'Leary J S Wadsworth Adsorb 10 50 10 40 407080MA1DOFHARLEM105 7080MA1DOFHARLEM105 1 31444 34 4 Bergen T L Watts 4 10 4 10 7129 LEPIDA LAPIDARY 105 7 64 7 5 53 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 12 8 12 71502MIRIAM CLAIRE 107 4 52 31 614 65 Doggett Doge R Doggett Doge 4 10 4 8 7198 HELEN THOMAS 105 6 4n 51 7 7 Thompson J E Madden 10 20 8 20 Time 20Time 12 24 36 1 02i 02iWinner Winner B f by Islington Wilmington Mollie MollieStart Mollies Start straggling Won easily Effervescent got a flying start She was perfectly bandied and lucky La Cheviot got off badly She closed a tremendous gap and was possibly the best She is a very tine looker Tut Tutu Tut Tutu ran a fine race and showed great speed Maid of Harlem got an atrocious ride Lepida Lapidary off badly closed strong showing improvement Miriam Claire did not run her race Helen Thomas had no chance with her jockey Is only ordinary anyway Scratched anywayScratched Tendresse Tennessee 105 Lady Dora 105 Incandescent 105 Sky Scraper 105 Diminu Dimming ¬ tive tie 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Effervescent 4 pounds Miriam Claire 2 7224 THIRD RACE 58 Mile 500 added 3yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H V4 Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 108 4 24 1 12 13 Simms Sims M L Hay man 85 85 65 66 100 3 44 33 22 2H Dupee Dupe Burton Co 10 20 10 15 105 9 77 62 33 Littlefield Littered MrsCLittlefield Jr3 535 7166 MRS TRMBRIDGEIOO 7 3H 42 Jj3 41 OConnor O'Connor W C Dalj Dahl 10 25 10 20 7170 NEWTOWN NEWTON BELLE102 2 8 51 54 51 Garngan Gangland B Weil Wail 20 100 20 50 70912SCULPTOR 107 5 54 64 7 63 Hamilton Thomas Green 3534 WAUWEGO WAUKEGAN 3534WAUWEGO 105 8 9 8 8 71 Doggett Doge Turney Tourney Bros Brows 10 12 10 10 1054983DEAL 54983DEAL 105 6 61 9 9 86 Coylie Collie F T Miller 15 30 15 25 6219 YODAN ORDAIN 105 11 10 10 10 91 ODonnell O'Donnell Oneck Neck Stable 20 50 20 40 SUSPECT 9712 11 11 11 10 McCue McClure John F Barrett Barrette 10 50 10 25 7113 ORTHOS WORTHIES 102 1 2 44 11 Thompson MooreHonackerG 15 6 12 GEORGE CON WAY 105 10 12 12 12 12 OLeary O'Leary J J McCormick 15 60 15 50 Time 50Time 12i 24 364 1 024 Winner Ch c 3 by Magnetizer Princess PrincessStart Princesses Start good Won driving High Priest was best handled and lucky He swerved badly at the head of the stretch but finished strong Fairy Dale might have won with a decent ride Julius Caesar wants a longer route Ho got away badly and is always a slow beginner He closed a big gap Sculptor got away badly He has speed but is only ordinary The others are a poor lot Scratched Brass 105 Falsehood 105 Dancer 102 Bundy Bund 102 Overweights Overweighs High Priest 3 pounds Newtown Newton Belle 2 Sculptor 5 Deal 5 7225 T O O C FOURTH RACE 1 110 Miles J800 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St X ft M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 6974PEEP ODAY DAY 126 4 23 2 2 IB IH Taral Aral J H McCormick 2 4 2 34 3471532BANNOCK 71532BANNOCK 112 2 5 6 44 32 22 Simms Sims G E Smith 3333 6451 DR CATLETT CATTLE 122 3 61 3H 324 21 36 Murphy Turney Tourney Bros Brows 24 3 2 2 7169 LADY MARIAN 93 5 13 12 14 4 44 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 15 10 15 6732 LINSTOCK FLINTLOCK 104 6 7 7 6 54 5 Dupee Dupe W E ApplegateJr Appealer 6 30 6 25 7169 PREMIER 100 1 3 44 7 64 61 Bergen J A McLaughlin 10 60 10 50 5070263TRIPPING 70263TRIPPING 110 7 44 5 5 7 7 Maher W B JenningsCo3 535 535Time Time 24 49 1 01J 1 14 1 4U 1 48 48Winner Winner B h 5 by Ayrshire Yorkshire Sundown SundownStare Sundown Stare good Won driving Peep oDay today was perfectly handled and lucky Is very good Ban ¬ nock got a tough looking ride closed very fast at the end and was best at the weights Dr Catlett Cattle is still not quite good He stopped the last sixteenth but is improving Ltdy Ltd Marian ran surprisingly well She set a very fast pace and is about due Linstock Flintlock wants light weight and especially capable handling He is improving Tripping is not good enough at such weights She was eased up at the end 7226 FIFTH RACE58 Mile 800 added 2yearolds Handicap lad Horses Wt St M Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6877 WHIPLASH 122 3 1 m 13 H Doggett Doge J W Colt 451 451 7152 MARK MILES 102 2 22 21 4 21 24 Maher J C Fitzsimmons 10 20 10 12 127201JACK 7201JACK POINT 117 4 41 550 3 36 Simms Sims A White 2 24 2 115 1157U2 7U2 CAOUTCHOUC COAUTHOR 119 5 51544 53544 Littlefield Littered A H D H Morris4 44 4 4 7152 AL REEVES 93 1 33 3U 41 550 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 30 100 30 100 100TASKMASTER TASKMASTER 110 6 6666 Lamley Langley R Carruthers Corrupters 50 200 50 150 150Time Time 124 24 364 504 1 02i 02iWinner WhipcordStart Whipcords Winner B f by Ben Strome Stone Whipcord Start fair Won easily Whiplash outclassed her field and is one of the best fillies here She was galloping throughout Mark Miles ran exceptionally well for him He was favored in weight and will do to watch among maidens Jack Point is very good He closed an immense gap from the half and wants a route Caoutchouc Coauthor appears to bo off and quit badly Is fast but was badly placed Al Reeves with his pull in the weights ran well for him Taskmaster is very green and high He is a grand looker lookerScratched lookers Scratched Rusher 126 Muggins Muggings 112 Mail Bag 111 7227 s SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6919 LATSON LARSON 94 5 6H 54 46 4G 12 Maher L O Appleby Apple 6644 66447G953FREE 7G953FREE LANCE 106 1 12 IH U4 11 21 Doggett Doge W J Roche Broche 6 20 6 20 2070952KOMURASAKI 70952KOMURASAKI 89 2 44 44 34 34 34 Dupee Dupe J S Wadsworth Adsorb 4848 48487081JDECANTER 7081JDECANTER 104 4 24 2 21 24 4io OLeary O'Leary FR T Hitchcockl Hitchcock 751 65 657151MURILLO 7151MURILLO 104 3 3 64 7 54 5 Hamilton J G Follansbee Flans 4 10 4 8 87119OUR 7119OUR JOHNNY 106 6 53 34 61 6 64 Simms Sims W Cheritan Christian 3635 36357154CHARENTUS 7154CHARENTUS 113 7 7 7 51 7 7 OConnor O'Connor O L Richards 10 40 10 30 30Time 48Winner Time 24 49J 1 014 1 14t 1 41i 1 48 SpaldieStart Paddies Winner B c 3 by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Spaldie Sadie Start good Won driving Latson Larson was nicely handled The distance and light weight suited him He closed fast at the end Free Lance was a good horse today He is very good in mud Tho Theo same applies to Komurasaki Kimura Decanter had no chance with the boy riding him Is very good Murillo Merrill wants mud only Our Johnny was short He showed plenty of speed Charentus Carets was finelyScratched overweighted overweighed and outclassed but ran finely Scratched Burlesque II 116 Nosey 94 Aurum 94 Fenetta Vendetta 89