Newport Form., Daily Racing Form, 1898-09-13

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NbVVPOBT FOKM FOLK CINCINNATI O September 12 The form of Tuesdays Newport fields is isFirst misfires First Eace Peace Odaliche Oxalic Coreel Creel Spinnaker SpinnakerSecond Spinnakers Second fiaceRotha facecloth Violet Parsons Kins Kilns Ocar Oscar OcarThird Carotid Third Race Guess Me Soucbon Soupcon Mazo Matzo MazoFourth Fourth RaceJ Race H C Bon Jour Elkin Welkin ElkinFifth Delimit Jessie JessieJarboe Jessie Fifth Race Contravene Salvarse Salvers Jarboe Arbores Sixth RaceMaddalo Tom Kingsley Kingly Ma MaAngelina Mangling Angelina

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Local Identifier: drf1898091301_4_1
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