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HAWTHORNE KNTRIES NITRIDES KNTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fair fairFirst airiest First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 8717 SirHobart 107 610 7535 Lady Fitzsimmons 107 625 7894 Hardly 107 645 8779 Cyril 107 670 8401 Peg Parks 107 665 8841 The Professor 107 635 8840 Teulada Tequila 107 625 8779 Agnes C 107 650 8445 Bellamy Belay 107 635 63588412Her 88412Her Favor 107 685 6857548Babieca 7548Babieca no 680 8841 Marcato Mercator no 700 70087793Muskadiue 87793Muskadiue no 685 8509 St Simonian Simon HO 625 S84Q2Moch 110 8617aampden 110 8841 Dousterswivel Dusters 110 8SH Star Crescent 107 Second Race 34 Mile All Ages Allowances 8818 Our Nellie 2 81 8738 Sea Lion 2 SJ 8375Ailyar 2 87 8i63 Verify 3107 8ilG2Traverser 3 110 8843 May W 4 112 83083Hugh Penny 8 112 Third Race1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances826Q2Azucena 826Q2Azucena 3 95 88u7The Devil 3 103 7667 Burlesque II 4 107 8508jCherry Leaf 4 107 88082 What or Lou 4 107 Fourth Kace Ace 1 11 G Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 8176 Dorothy III 5 107 8842 Bridgeion Bridgetown 5 107 8815 Cochise Cochins 5 107 8741 Zolo Zoo 4 107 8820 Queen Safie Safe 4 107 8805 Gold Band 41C9 88202CountFonso 4 109 8717 Jack of Hearts 4 110 8864 Con Reagan 4 110 Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 8778 Boardman Barman 103 8761 Numa Neumann 103 8763 Be True 113 88433Oleska 103 8818 Shinfane Shinbone 103 83182Chancery 103 87633Queen of Song 103 8736 Wilmingtons Wilmington Pet 103 8778 Foxnette Fondest 103 869Q2Capsicum 1C6 8818 Survivor 110 Sixth Race 1110 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 8803 Inconstancy 4 107 8490 Collins 6 107 8716 Teutonna Teutonic 4 107 8805 Double Dummy 4 107 88173Treachory 5 107 8815Pitfall 6 107 805 Alvarado Allargando II 5 109 8764 Celtic Bard 5K9 8764Tranby 5 Ill 8760 Sutton 1