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MORRISPARK MORRIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear trackgood track trackgoodFirst First Race G 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horse color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 8583 Trianon Transom 4 112 645 May Bevins Beings 3 112 89123Julius Caesfir Caesar 3 110 To HaydenEdwards Hayden and Fro b c 3 by Hayden Edwards Come and Go 110 89122Brass 3 110 2281 Stain 3 107 8695 Emma Nora 3 107 8588 Fairy Dale 3 107 7566 Genaro Gear 3 107 8912 Delicate 3 107 8912 FJoraline Formalize 3 107 8912 Sifileur Spiffier 3 107 Second Race 78 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt H HS89Q2Autumn S89Q2Autumn 120 89143King Barleycorn 119 8888 MacLeod Maceio of Dare Ill 8914 Acushla Cumshaw 108 8587 La Penitente Penitent 107 8720 Tendressa Endures 101 818 Dr Parker 100 8743 Domineer 100 88472Exception 98 87423Tyrba 97 8888 Dr Fitzsimmons 97 8847 Passaic 96 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances The Silverbrook Silverrod Stakes 1000 Added Added8913Cormorant 8913Cormorant 105 888831mitation 105 88 3Satin Slipper 104 8791 Toluca Toucan 101 8163 Cathedral 100 8720 Belle of Troy 99 88232Diminutive 97 8913 Turveydrop Purveyed 92 Fourtli Fourthly Race The Withers Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Dixiana Dioxin Stakes 1000 Added 8339 Briar Sweet 119 88243Bendoran 118 8850Bangle 118 8824Banastar 115 8826 Glonoine Leonine 112 88892Handpress 109 8848Swiftmas 109 8916Handsel 109 88922dcotch Plaid 102 Fifth Race 1 18 Allies Allies3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap8825White 8825White Frost 4 126 fc2393Peep oDay today 5 125 8850Bangle 3 113 8825 Sir Walter 8 Ill 8795 Candleblack Candlewick 3 109 89153 Warrenton Warren 3 109 87142jCandolaria 4 108 8526 Twinkler Winkler 3 102 86752Central Trust 3 102 8916 Mazarin Mandarin 5 100 8762fCharina 4 98 8889 Bluea Blue way 3 97 E S Gardner Son entry entrytA entry tA Covington Coving entry Sixth Race The Withers Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 8916 Mazarin Mandarin 5 112 88923Estaca 4 Ill 88462 Headlight 5 110 8826 Glonoine Leonine 3 105 8846 Myth 4 105 8916 Double Quick 5 105 8122 Gala Day 3 105 8850 BanquoII Bangui 4 105 8826 RinaldoII Renaldo 3 103 87923Qxnard 3 103 8916 Rossifer Rosier 4 102 88463Hanlon 5 102 88922Scotch Plaid 3 100 8889Blueaway 3 98 8916 Long Acre 3 98 88873Lady Disdain 3 97 8846 Uncle Louis 3 93