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HAWTHORNE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdco Deco 8839 Hindoos Indoors Dream 103 620 62089053Sidtilla 89053Sidtilla 103 640 8530 Leandra Alexandra 103 620 8905 Princess Murphy 103 610 8736 Judge Wo fford ford 103 615 8839 CelestedOr Celeste 103 585 58587782Nellie 87782Nellie Fonso Fonts 103 635 8690 Etta P 103 620 8839 Ramlet Armlet 103 645 8839 Bolerie Bolero 103 6CO 6651 Our Clara 105 615 8885 Boardman Barman 106 625 8632 Nilmah Anima 106 635 8905 Merops Metros 106 620 8778 Calchas Caliches 110 650 8603 Kingrica Ingrid 110 575 8905 Teutons Stetsons 110 625 625Rosebeau Rosebeau Rosebay b f by Flambeau Fairy Rostf Roost 115 Nailer Mailer br c by Belvidere Belvedere Miss Nailer Mailer 118 Arado Paradox ch g by Bob Miles Lela Leila 118 Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdco Deco Hdco8840Julia 8840Julia Hazel 104 635 8841 Penso Peso Roso Rosa 104 650 86932Marzella klarzella lamella 104 88652Daisy aisy daisy F 104 8805 Barataria Barratries 104 8908 Locust j9cust Blossom 104 89083King Cing Acing Bermuda 104 104inar 8716 Pinar Pindaric inar binary del Rio Rio8881Hardly 104 8881Hardly Hardly K4 88ilHeigh Heigh High Ho 101 8782 Afamada ifamada Alameda famed 104 8779 Branch 104 8696 Hiah link Hah Jinks 107 8934 Inuendo nuendo Innuendo nuked 107 8102 Wilson Vilson 107 86933Qood Jood Jody Friend 113 113Third Third Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 89072Qcorge Lee 3 90 8949 Plantain a 93 89482Paul Griggs Rigs 4 97 40583Milwaukee 4 100 8952 Basquil Basque 4 ICO CO 88833Azucena 4 100 89073Found 3 102 8581Buckvidere 4 108 l8907Mistral II 4 108 8803 Cherry Leaf 4 112 Fourth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling8934Hampden 8934Hampden 3 102 88862Treachery 5 104 8812 David Tenny Teeny 4 107 85SlBuckyidere 4 107 7667 Burlesque II 4 107 Fifth Race 78 Mile All Ages Allowances 8906 Ostra Rostra 2 9 7382 Facade 2 9 984393Doremus 84393Doremus 2 9 8763 Approval 2 9 8929 Neome Nome 3 1C 1C8930Verify 8930Verify 3 10 108iOl 8iOl Depending 3 11 8445 Hoihersall Holies 3 11 1187123Friskal 87123Friskal 4 11 8930 Nicholas 5 11 118909Lord 8909Lord Zeni Zen 4 11 11Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling 8929 Chauncey Chancery Fisher 10 8841 Tom Toher Other 10 8907 Graziella Grazie 10 8580 Livadia Livonia 10 8779 Cyril 10 8881 Lady Fitzsimmons 1C 8779 Black Fonso Fonts 10 8840 Teulada Tequila 1C 8881 Star and Crescent 1C 8811 Empress Josephine 1C 1C88403Naunie 88403Naunie Davis 10 1089313Her 89313Her Favor 1C 8529 Crowley 1C 8108 Official 1C 1CM293Prestar M293Prestar 10 8929 Moch Mooch 1C 8765 Papa Harry 1C